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A proof for the statement: The 3-Dimensional matching problem is NP-Complete

The 3-Dimensional Matching Problem is relatively well known in the fields of discrete mathematics and computer science. The problem consists of determining whether a tripartite $3$-hypergraph with ...
lafinur's user avatar
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Bipartite Matching With Distant Constraints

I am investigating the complexity of the following problem. Let a complete bipartite graph $G = (V \cup V', E: V \times V')$ with |V| < |V'|, where the nodes have weights $w: V \cup V' \to \mathbb{...
Dom's user avatar
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Why would solving #MATCHING(bipartite) problem efficiently solve #MATCHING efficiently?

Im gathering information about the matching counting problem for a graph $G$ (#MATCHING($G$)). I found that for the specific case of $G$ being a bipartite graph then the problem has a simple (not ...
Mikel Solaguren's user avatar
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Multiset Matching

Suppose we have two multisets of positive integers, $A$ and $B$, where the sum of the elements (counted with multiplicity) of the two multisets is the same. Starting from $A$, we would like to arrive ...
SpringLandMid's user avatar
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What is the order of a sum of arbitrary positive integers?

I am preparing a presentation about a version of Edmond's Blossom Algorithm as it has been described by William Pulleyblank. The algorithm finds a maximum weight b-matching for a graph $G = (V, E)$ ...
ilja's user avatar
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Variant of Assignment Problem with multiple group constraints

I have a bipartite graph $G = (G_1 \cup G_2, E)$ where we suppose $|G_1| \le |G_2|$. Each vertex $V \in G_1$ represents a worker. A worker $V$ has two associated values: a workgroup index $g(V) \in \...
Gounzy's user avatar
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Matching students to courses (easy), but with course-capacities (hard).

I have written a program that matches students to courses, with the following conditions. A student chooses 12 course-types (biology, art, math, sport, ...). A course of a type can exist more than ...
BenBar's user avatar
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Complexity of finding a matching with color constraints in an edge-colored graph with only 2 colors.

Problem The problem I am considering is the following: Given: A (multi-)graph $G = (V, E)$ in which each edge is colored either red or blue, and two integers $r$ and $b$. Determine: Whether a perfect ...
RubenVerhaegh's user avatar
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A hat allocation problem

This is an abstraction of a problem that has come up in my research. Imagine we have $N$ wizards and $N$ hats. The hats have $C$ different colours. There are $n_1>0$ hats with the first colour, $...
Alec Barns-Graham's user avatar
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Clique cover problem with general clique weights

I consider a graph $G(V,E)$ and each clique has a general weight. The problem is to find a clique cover that maximizes the sum of the weights of the cliques. That is, I want to select a set of cliques ...
BBist's user avatar
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Can you win the monochromatic urn game?

In the (monochromatic) urn depletion game, you are given $n$ vases, each containing some number of balls $a_1,\ldots, a_n \geq 0$. You win the game if you can remove all of the balls from the vases; ...
user326210's user avatar
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Cycle plus triangles graph of even order

A cycle plus triangles graph is a 4-regular graph $G$ with a Hamiltonian circuit $C$ and such that the chords of $C$ induce a set of disjoint triangles (3-circuits). Our interest is in these graphs ...
EGME's user avatar
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Maximum "$2$-to-$1$" matching in a bipartite graph

Suppose that we are given a bipartite graph $G$ with bipartition $V(G) = A \mathbin{\dot{\cup}} B$. A $2$-to-$1$ matching in $G$ is a subgraph $M$ such that: For all vertices $v \in A$, $\deg_{M} v$ ...
Misha Lavrov's user avatar
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The determinant and perfect matching.

I have seen the theorem several times that the determinant of the adjacency matrix of a bipartite graph $G$ is not equal to 0 if and only if $G$ has a perfect matching. We can also write this as $$ ...
Ralff's user avatar
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Counting all Perfect Matchings in arbitrary graph

Counting the number of perfect matchings in a bipartite graph is known to be difficult, actually #P complete (see a nice math.SE question+answer here). I was wondering what is known for other graphs? ...
Mario Krenn's user avatar