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Computing the homotopy limit of a constant diagram.

Let $X$ be a nice space, and view it as an $\infty$-groupoid via its singular simplicial set. Consider the constant functor $\mathbb{S}$ valued functor to Spectra, mapping all simplices to the sphere ...
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Sheaves valued in a $k$-category

Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a $k$-category which we regard as an $\infty$-category whose objects all happens to be $k$-truncated. A sheaf $F$ valued in $\mathcal{C}$, in the $\infty$-categorical sense, is a ...
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The boundary of an open set as the homotopy limit of the open set minus compact subsets.

Let $M$ be a manifold and $U \subseteq M$ be a relative compact open set of $M$. I run into an equivalence $$\partial U \cong \operatorname{holim}_{K \subseteq U} U \setminus K $$ where the inverse ...
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Limits in the localization of a category of fibrant objects

Suppose we have category $\mathcal{C}$ which has the structure of a category of fibrant objects, and suppose we have a functor $F:I\to \mathcal{C}$ with a limit $\lim F$ in $\mathcal{C}$. If we have ...
EBP's user avatar
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Possible adjoint to Yoneda embedding and Repeated Yoneda embedding?

While thinking about Yoneda embedding, I came up with following two questions (I should apologies, if those are too vague): Does the Yoneda embedding $y :\mathcal{C}\to\mathbf{Set}^{\mathcal{C}^{\...
Bumblebee's user avatar
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Homotopy coherence

$\require{AMScd}$ I am trying to get an understanding of the meaning of homotopy coherence - in order to understand homotopy limits and colimits - in the category $\mathbf{Top}$. Often when I see this ...
Matt's user avatar
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coequalizer of simplicial sets

This is the statement whose first line of proof I am confused. This is on page 10, of Goerss, Jardine's Simplicial Homotopy Theory. (i) How does one prove the "presentation" of $\partial \Delta^n$? ...
Bryan Shih's user avatar
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VAR, Algebra and local presentability

Here1, on the page 282, I would like to understand why precisely Examples of $k$-ary operations are all $k-\mathrm{lim}$, BUT $k-\textrm{colim}$ must be filtered. Where have we used that $k$ is ...
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The one-arrow category as a weighted limit in Cat

Many categories can be defined as weighted limits or colimits in the 2-category of categories Cat. For example the category 1 (one object with its identity) is the terminal object of Cat, the category ...
Bob's user avatar
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Examples of (co)complete 2-categories that aren't (co)complete as a 1-category

Title says it all. Are there examples of 2-categories that are (co)complete (with 2-(co)limits) such that their underlying 1-categories aren't (co)complete as a 1-category?
user84563's user avatar
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Weighted limits in the $Cat$-category of categories

What is a weighted limit in the $Cat$-category of categories, functors and natural transformations? I can find the general definition of a weighted limit for enriched categories in Kelly's book or ...
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How to define a weighted cone?

Let $F : I \to C$ be a diagram in $C$, and $N$ an object of $C$. A cone from $N$ to $F$ is a family of morphism $P_X : N \to F(X)$ such that for every morphism $f : i1 \to i2$ in $I$, $F(f) \circ P_X =...
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Construction of 2-limits in 2-categories

Limits in a category can be built as a combination of the basic limits that are products and equalizers. Is there a similar construction for 2-limits in a 2-category? If yes, is it from products and ...
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Why is the category of n-categries cocomplete?

I am studying a variant of the notion of (strict) n-categories, and I would like to show that this makes a cocomplete category. For that I planned on adapting the proof of the cocompleteness of n-...
Maxime Lucas's user avatar
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Why are split coequalizers "contractible"?

In the book Toposes, Triples and Theories by Barr and Wells, the authors define a contractible coequalizer (elsewhere known as a split coequalizer) to be a commutative diagram: $A \rightrightarrows_{d^...
Phil Tosteson's user avatar