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Show that the set of all partitions of a set S with the relation refinement is a lattice.

This one may be one duplicate of QA_1, but its example $\{\{a,d\},\{b,c\}\}\wedge\{\{a\},\{b,c,d\}\}$ seems to not meet the definition in the book because $(\{a,d\} \not\subseteq \{a\}) \wedge (\{a,d\}...
An5Drama's user avatar
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Dedekind MacNeille completion. Definition of supremum as $\left(\bigcup M\right)^{ul}$. Counterexample for definition as $\bigcup M$?

I didn't found a mathematical text for Dedekind MacNeille completion , so I "defined" supremum in the completion the following way: $$\sup M := \left(\bigcup M\right)^{ul},$$ where M is a ...
georgy_dunaev's user avatar
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Algebraic closure for partial functions

Here's a definition (taken from here, p.9): The $\leq$ relation is a partial order relation that stands for 'part of'. E.g. $x\leq x\oplus y$. In another source, the same author illustrates this ...
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Symmetric relations form a CABA

Fix a set X and consider the collection of all symetric relations on it. I also assume that the empty relation is by definiyion symmetric. Well, it is true that the above collection forms a complete ...
TheWanderer's user avatar
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L is a complete lattice, prove that there exists $x \in L$, which is a fixed point of $f$ and is the smallest $y$ that $f(y) \le y$.

I have such task: Let $(L, \le)$ be a complete lattice and $f: L \to L$ a monotonic function. Proof that there exists $x \in L$ which is a fixed point of $f$ and is the smallest $y$ that $f(y) \le y$. ...
Karol's user avatar
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Isomorphism of a closure system and a topped complete lattice

It is in general true that if a closure system $\mathcal{F}$ on a given ground set $\Omega$ is order isomorphic to a complete lattice $\mathcal{G}$ on $P(\Omega)$ having $P(\Omega)$ as its top element,...
TheWanderer's user avatar
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Join of two preorders and of two equivalence relations

I'm sorry for the silly doubt. What is the join of two preorders? And of two equivalence relations? The meet is given by intersections. But in general the union of two preorders (resp. equivalence ...
TheWanderer's user avatar
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Order relation on the union of two ordered sets.

The following exercise comes from the book Introduction to lattice and order, Second edition. David and Priestley. Let $P$ and $Q$ two ordered sets, such that $P\cap Q\ne \emptyset$. Give formal ...
Ixion's user avatar
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When does downward closure commute with supremum?

Let $A$ be a suplattices, and suppose we have a family $\{a_i\}_{i\in I}\subseteq A.$ Is $\bigcup_{i\in I}(\operatorname{\downarrow}a_i) = \operatorname{\downarrow} \sup_{i\in I}(a_i)$ in general? ...
Bumblebee's user avatar
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What does being smaller that to a join means in a distributive lattice?

This is a follow up question to my previous question with more restrictions. It was answered negatively for arbitrary lattices, but mentioned that the result holds "only" in distributive ...
Bumblebee's user avatar
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What does being smaller that to a join means in a lattice?

This sounds like a very naïve question, but I couldn't find a correct argument to prove/disprove it rigorously. Suppose we have a a subset $A$ of a lattice (or any join-semilattice), and some $x\le\...
Bumblebee's user avatar
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About two definitions of a complete lattice. ("Introduction to Set Theory and Topology" by Kazuo Matsuzaka)

I am reading "Introduction to Set Theory and Toplogy" by Kazuo Matsuzaka (in Japanese). In this book, the definition of a complete lattice is the following: Let $M$ be a partially ordered ...
tchappy ha's user avatar
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Proving both defining properties of a distibutive lattice are equivalent

In class, we've defined distributive lattice to be a lattice L which verifies the following properties: $$(1) \space \space a \wedge (b \vee c) = (a \wedge b) \vee ( a \wedge c)$$ $$(2) \space \space ...
sma's user avatar
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Is it possible to intersect two lattices and that their intersection is not a lattice?

Draw the line diagram of two lattices whose intersection is not a lattice. I have tried to do it with division, with containment relation, and yet I still cannot solve this exercise, I appreciate any ...
Andre785858's user avatar
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What does a "well ordering on $\Bbb R$" mean? [duplicate]

A well order is a poset such that every non empty subset of this set has a least element. Does "well ordering on $\Bbb R$" mean that every non empty subset of $\Bbb R$ (which is a poset) has ...
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