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Generating function of partitions of $n$ in $k$ prime parts.

I have been looking for the function that generates the partitions of $n$ into $k$ parts of prime numbers (let's call it $Pi_k(n)$). For example: $Pi_3(9)=2$, since $9=5+2+2$ and $9=3+3+3$. I know ...
2 votes
1 answer

MacMahon partition function and prime detection (ref arXiv:2405.06451)

In the recent paper arXiv:2405.06451 the authors provide infinitely many characterizations of the primes using MacMahon partition functions: for $a>0$ the functions $M_a(n):=\sum\limits_{0<s_1&...
2 votes
1 answer

Does the partition function $p(n)$ generate infinite number of primes

Wikipedia says As of June 2022, the largest known prime number among the values of $p(n)$ is $p(1289844341)$, with $40,000$ decimal digits citing [1]. Is it known whether the partition function ...
1 vote
1 answer

Number of ways to write a positive integer as the sum of two coprime composites

I've recently learnt that every integer $n>210$ can be written as the sum of two coprime composites. Similar to the totient function, is there any known function that works out the number of ways ...
2 votes
1 answer

Sum of Prime Factorizations and Primes

If I partition an integer and get the prime factorization of each partition, is there a way to tell if my original integer was a prime? For example, given the factorization of my partitions $$71 = (56)...
2 votes
0 answers

Express number of partitions into prime numbers using partitions into natural numbers.

Let $P(n)$ is number of partitions of $n$ into natural numbers. $R(n)$ is number of partitions of $n$ into prime numbers. Is there any expression that relates $P(n)$ , and $R(n)$? I look for ...
7 votes
1 answer

A surprising property of partitions into primes

I was studying some properties of partitions into primes and came across a surprising property. But before I talk about them, I am giving a definition. Definition. A $k$-tuple $\lambda=(\lambda_1,\...
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0 answers

Summation of a prime and a prime power

Is there an even number $n \in \mathbb{N}$ and two different primes $p,q<n$ which are not divisors of $n$, as well as $a,b \in \mathbb{N}$ with $a,b>1$, such that $$ n=q+p^{a}=p+q^{b} $$ ? I ...
6 votes
2 answers

$p\equiv 1\pmod 4\Rightarrow p=a^2+b^2$ and $p\equiv 1\pmod 8\Rightarrow p=a^2+2b^2$, what about for $p\equiv 1\pmod {2^n}$ in general

Primes $p$ with $p\equiv 1\pmod 4$ can be written as $p=a^2+b^2$ for some integers $a,b$. For $p\equiv 1\pmod 8$ we have $p=a^2+2b^2$. Can primes that satisfy $p\equiv 1\pmod{2^n}$ for $n>3$ be ...
7 votes
1 answer

Finding $z=x+y$ such that $x^2 + y^2$ is prime

For which integers $z$ can one write $z=x+y$ such that $x^2+y^2$ is prime? It feels like it should be possible for all odd $z>1$, and I have tried to adapt Euler's proof of Girard/Fermat's ...
18 votes
6 answers

Prime Partition

A prime partition of a number is a set of primes that sum to the number. For instance, {2 3 7} is a prime partition of $12$ because $2 + 3 + 7 = 12$. In fact, there ...
6 votes
0 answers

Almost a prime number recurrence relation

For the number of partitions of n into prime parts $a(n)$ it holds $$a(n)=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{k=1}^n q(k)a(n-k)\tag 1$$ where $q(n)$ the sum of all different prime factors of $n$. Due to https://oeis....
0 votes
1 answer

Question about the partitions of a natural number

There is a function that counts the number of partitions of with $n$ digits? I am aware of the partition function studied by Ramanujan, but what I want is a subset of the partitions that are counted ...
1 vote
1 answer

Elementary proof of: Any integer is a sum of distinct numbers in {1,2,3,5,7,11,13,17,...}

Let $\mathbb P^1=\{1\}\cup\mathbb P$, the set of positive non composites. I have reason to believe that it is proved that all numbers greater than $6$ is a sum of distinct primes, and hence all $n\in\...
0 votes
0 answers

The number of $n\in\mathbb{N}$ with $p(n)$ is prime

Let $p(n)$ denote the number of integer partitions of $n$ for $n\in\mathbb{N}$. Is it possible to list the cases where $p(n)$ is prime? Are such natural numbers finite (if so how to compute a bound) ...

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