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Proving that this relation implies another relation on the Coxeter group [4,3,3,4].

I have a group with five generators $\sigma_i$, and the following relations: \begin{split} \sigma_i^2 = \varepsilon \\ |i-j| \neq 1 \implies (\sigma_i\sigma_j)^2 = \varepsilon \\ (\sigma_0\sigma_1)^4 =...
Sriotchilism O'Zaic's user avatar
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Why isn't a coxeter group a HNN-extension?

A doctorate told me to think about why there is no mapping from coxeter groups to $\mathbb{Z}$. This makes sense since HNN-extensions are of the form $$A\star_{\{(\varphi_1 , C,\varphi_2 )\}}=\langle ...
shekh's user avatar
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Number of fixed points of generators of reflections (Coxeter) group

Say I have a group with presentation like $$\langle s,t,u \mid s^2,t^2,u^2,(st)^2,(su)^3,(ut)^4\rangle,$$ faithful on set $S$ with exactly one orbit ($|S|$ is known). How could I determine $|\text{Fix}...
Mathematical Lie's user avatar
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Let $w_0$ be the element of longest length in a Coxeter group. Show that $l(w_0w)=l(ww_0)=l(w_0)-l(w)$? Find $w_0$ explicitly in $S_n$.

Let $w_0$ be the unique longest element in $W=S_n$. Let us show that $$l(ww_0)=l(w_0)-l(w)$$ for any $w \in W$. We proceed by induction on $l(w)$. First, let $S$ be the generating set for $W$. In ...
Manj's user avatar
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Coxeter graph of the group $\mathbb{Z}_2 \times \mathbb{Z}_2 \times \dots \times \mathbb{Z}_2$

I am reading the first chapter of Combinatorics of Coxeter Groups by A.Björner and F.Brenti. In the first example they say that the graph with $n$ isolated vertices (no edges) is the Coxeter graph of ...
amator2357's user avatar
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Coxeter presentation of Hyperoctahedral group $(\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z})^n \rtimes S_n$.

I know that the hyperoctahedral group $(\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z})^n \rtimes S_n$ has the presentation $$\langle s_{\text{1}},\ldots,s_n\mid s_{\text{1}}^{\text{2}}=s_i^2=1, (s_1s_2)^4=(s_is_{i+1})^3=(...
budi's user avatar
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About the order of Coxeter groups

I have a question about Coxeter groups with $3$ generators: Suppose, as a group, $G$ is generated by $a,b$ and $c$, with the relations $a^2 =b^2 =c^2 =1$, $(ab)^m = (bc)^n = (ca)^p =1$ where $2 \...
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