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Questions tagged [gronwall-type-inequality]

Questions on inequalities similar to the classical Gronwall's lemma. Typically, a function's derivative is bounded by (some variation of) itself. This may also be given in the corresponding integral version instead. From there an estimate for the original function can be derived.

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The uniqueness of the damped Sine-Gordon.

The damped Sine-Gordon equation given : \begin{equation} \partial_{tt} u + \alpha \partial_t u - \Delta u + \beta \sin(u) = 0 \end{equation} for an unknown $u : D \times [0, \infty) \rightarrow \...
Lilili123's user avatar
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Variant of Gronwall’s inequality

Gronwall inequality typically is used to bound a function $u(t)$ if it satisfies $u(t)\leq \alpha(t)+ \int_{0}^{t}\beta(s) u(s)ds $ with the condition that $\beta$ is non-negative. I want to use these ...
Tiramisu's user avatar
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Uniqueness and continuous dependence on the data of Heat equation.

Let two smooth $v_1$ and $v_2$ both satisfy the system $$\partial_t{v}-\Delta v=f \quad \text{in} \quad U \times (0,\infty), $$ $$v = g \quad \text{on} \quad \partial U \times (0,\infty),$$ for some ...
dtttruc's user avatar
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Gronwall inequality for backward (linear) differential equation

In the differential form of the Gronwall's Lemma, we have the following: $$ \frac{d}{dt} \phi(t) \leq \psi(t) \phi(t), $$ for all $t\geq t_0$. Then, we get $$ \phi(t) \leq \phi(t_0) exp\left(\int_{t_0}...
hanava331's user avatar
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About Gronwall's inequality

I knew the following Gronwall's inequality (Integral form) If $\alpha$ is non-negative and $H(t)$ satisfies the integral inequality \begin{align*} H(t) \leq c+ \int_0^t \alpha(s) H(s)ds \quad \text{(c:...
bluejyellow's user avatar
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Using Gronwall to prove bi-Lipschitz

I am working through a proof which, for fixed $x \in \mathbb{R}^k$ considers an initial value problem of the form: $$\frac{d}{d t}u_t(x)=v_t(u_t(x)), \quad u_t(0)=x$$ where $u_t:\mathbb{R}^k \...
JDoe2's user avatar
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Gronwall's Inequality Application

Let say we have $$ \frac{\partial |F|}{\partial t} \le K |F| + K \alpha^{2},\:\:\:\:\: t \in [t_{n}, t_{n+1}]$$ with $F(x, t_{n})=0$ and $t_{n+1}-t_{n}=\triangle t$. The above is the same thing as $$ \...
Redsbefall's user avatar
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Gronwall lemma with highly oscillatory kernel

As a toy model for a larger problem, I want to show that if $A,B\geq 0$ and $u(t)$ satisfies $$|u(t)|\leq A+\left|\int_0^t B\cos(s^2)u(s)ds\right|$$ then $u$ satisfies a bound like $$|u(t)|\leq AC$$ ...
kieransquared's user avatar
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A possible upper bound for a function that satisfies a singular integral inequality

I am currently working on an analysis problem in fractional calculus and after some work I have encountered the following inequality: $$ |v(s)|~\leq \epsilon+\beta \int_{0}^{1}|s-x|^{\alpha-1}\left( |...
Taki Zeg's user avatar
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Generalized Gronwall Inequality covering many different applications

Recently, I needed some generalized version of Gronwall's Lemma, which I couldn't find in a quick search. However, I discovered that MSE is full of questions differing only in details on this very ...
junjios's user avatar
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"Nonlinear" Gronwall-type inequality

Let $u: (0,\infty) \times \mathbb R \to \mathbb R$. Suppose that $\int_{\mathbb R} u(t,x) dx \ge 0$ (but not necessarily $u >0$). Let $A:(0,\infty) \to \mathbb R$ with $A \ge 0$. Let $\alpha \ge 0$...
Dal's user avatar
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Gronwall inequality

This question concerns a proof of a theorem involving Gronwall type inequality. We have the following: The question is: how did we apply Gronwall type inequality to get estimate (3.6)?
Masr's user avatar
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Dynamical systems proof that $ f(t)$ is less than or equal to $g(t)$

Suppose that $f'(t) \le F(f(t),t)$ where $F$ is continuously differentiable. If $g(t)$ is a solution to the equation $g'(t) = F(g(t),t)$ and $g(a) = f(a)$, then prove that $f(t) \le g(t)$ for all $t \...
Alex's user avatar
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Where can I find this Gronwall's inequality proof?

I'm looking for a proof of the following result: Let I denote an interval of the real line of the form $[a,b]$ with $ a<b $. Let $\beta$ and $u$ be real-valued continuous functions defined on I. ...
Stonelord's user avatar
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Nonlinear Gronwall inequality

Suppose a (continuous, non-negative) function $f$ satisfies $$ f'(t) \leq f(t)^2 $$ for $t \in [0,1]$. Set $$ g(t) = \exp\left(-\frac{1}{f(t)}\right). $$ Then $$ g'(t) = \frac{f'(t)}{f(t)^2} g(t) \...
onamoonlessnight's user avatar

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