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19 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Under what conditions is $\lim_{x\to a}\left|\varphi\circ f(x)-\tau \circ g(x)\right|=0$ true?

This question is inspired from another much easier problem I was trying to solve which I tried to generalize. The question is essentially as follows (assuming all the limits exist) If $a\in \mathbb R\...
Sayan Dutta's user avatar
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Discontinuous function of two variables

Let \begin{equation} f: \mathbb{R}^{2} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} \end{equation} be a function of two real variables given by \begin{equation} f(x,y) = \begin{cases} \frac{x}{y} & \text{...
user927859's user avatar
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What is the precise definition of infinite limit at infinity of a function?

I saw the following definition on youtube. Let $f$ be a function defined on some interval $(a, +\infty)$ $\lim\limits_{x \to +\infty} f(x)= +\infty$ (1) means $\forall N > 0$ $\exists M > 0$ ...
Jerry's user avatar
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Finding functions using cosine

Assume that the sine and cosine functions are continuous at the point 0. (a) Find functions $a(x), b(h), c(x), d(h)$ such that $b(h)$ and $d(h)$ are continuous at $h = 0$ and $b(0) = d(0) = 0$, such ...
Conor's user avatar
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Showing that Derivative is Linear

Question is: In $$f(a+h) - f(a) = h f'(a + \frac h 2), \qquad a, h \in \mathbb R$$ show $f'$ is line. I have no problems with the first part. I'm however having trouble with taking the derivative ...
kemb's user avatar
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Generalize Squeeze Theorem

Theorem. Let $I$ be an interval having the point $a$ as a limit point. Let $g$, $f_1$, $f_2$ ,..., $f_n$ and $h$ be functions defined on $I$, except possibly at $a$ itself. Given that for every $x$ in ...
atifcppprogrammer's user avatar
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Open question about limits of functions

I came across something today that to my surprise I had never seen before. Basically I had a sequence of continuous functions $f_i \rightarrow f$, all from $[0,1]$ to $\mathbb{R}$ and a convergent ...
djoef's user avatar
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Finding a closed mathematical form for a parametrized function series

I am dealing with the following parametrized function series defined by $$ F(x) := \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} 2\left( \varphi_n(x)-(n+1)(n+2)x^2 \psi_n(x) \right)x^{n+1} \, , $$ where $x \in [0,1)$. The ...
Siegfriedenberghofen's user avatar
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Uniqueness of limiting functions

Let $\{f_n\},\ f_n:[a,b]\mapsto\mathbb{R}$. Suppose that the limiting function, $f(x)$, of the sequence satisfies $$ \lim\limits_{n\rightarrow\infty}\int_a^b|f_n(x)-f(x)|^2dx = 0. $$ Is this limiting ...
user341562's user avatar
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Integration of characteristic function with varying boundaries

I'm a bit puzzled about integrals with indicator/characteristic functions in them. How do I start computing the following integrals? $$ A\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}f(x)\chi_{[-a+x,a+x]}dx $$ and $$ A\int_{...
Tim's user avatar
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Limit vs interior definition of continuity

Suppose I have two topological spaces $X$ and $Y$ whose topologies are defined by interior operators $\text{int}_X$ and $\text{int}_Y$ respectively, as well as a function $f$ with domain $I$ (for ...
zer0divisionerror's user avatar
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About the definition of the limit of a function ("Mathematical Analysis 2nd Edition" by Tom M. Apostol)

4.5 LIMIT OF A FUNCTION In this section we consider two metric spaces $(S, d_S)$ and $(T, d_T)$, where $d_S$ and $d_T$ denote the respective metrics. Let $A$ be a subset of $S$ and let $f:A\to T$ be a ...
tchappy ha's user avatar
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Jump Continuity of the function $f(x) = \frac{ax+b}{cx+d}$

With trying with examples, I found that the function $$f(x) = \frac{ax+b}{cx+d}$$ has a jump continuity when $a\cdot \frac{-d}{c} + b = 0$ at point $(-d/c, \frac{a+b}{c+d})$ However, I could not find ...
CryForGG's user avatar
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Is my answer to this limit correct?

Define a function $ z(x, y) = \frac{11x^3+5y^3}{x^2+y^2} $. Using the continuous extension, what is the value of the following limit: $$ \lim_{(\Delta x, \Delta y) \rightarrow (0, 0)\\ \text{along the ...
Anushree Mahapatra's user avatar
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Continuous extension of $f(x,y)=\left(\frac{1+y+x^2}{y}\right)^y$

The function $f(x,y)=\left(\frac{1+y+x^2}{y}\right)^y$ is not defined for $y=0$, so to extend $f$ continuously I want to define $f(x,0)$ as : $$f(x,0)=\lim _{y \rightarrow 0} \left(\frac{1+y+x^2}{y}\...
Luigi Traino's user avatar

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