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How to permute the rows and cols of a matrix to maximize the set of pivots?

Given an $m\times n$ matrix $A$, how can I find permutations $\sigma,\tau$, such that for the matrix $B=A[\sigma,\tau]$ with shuffled columns and rows, the number of nonzero entries that have zeros ...
Leo's user avatar
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Algorithm to calculate a maximal string from a matrix.

I have stumbled upon an interesting question whilst working on my thesis. You are given a matrix of pairwise distinct integers $A=(a_{i,j})$ with $1\leq i\leq k$ and $1\leq j \leq r$ and a tuple $(b_1,...
Wannes De Maeyer's user avatar
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Algorithm for finding maximal "reduction" of an integer matrix

Given a $m\times n$ matrix of non-negative integers. A "reduction" of this matrix can be done on one row/column of this matrix, by subtracting the minimum of the row/column from all other ...
Stone Echo's user avatar
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Find exactly k columns in binary matrix such that the sum of those columns is the 1-vector

Suppose I have an $M\times N$ binary matrix where $N$ can be large (say $N\approx10^6$). I want to find exactly $k$ columns ($k$ is relatively small, say $k<10$) such that the sum of those $k$ ...
cambridgecircus's user avatar
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Finding an algorithm to fill in a matrix subject to conditions

I have a combinatorics problem and I am asking for a solution or a reference in order to solve it. Since the problem is rather long, I will translate it mathematically. Suppose I have a $n \times m$ ...
Leafar's user avatar
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Smallest positive integer $M$ in a matrix with given pattern

A square matrix $A$ of $N*N$ contains $-1,1$ only. I can swap any two elements in the array as many times a I want. What is the minimum positive integer $M$ such that $A[i][j]=1$ for all pairs of $(i,...
Sam_Buck's user avatar
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Properties of a Matrices whose columns and rows all add to the same value.

Given a matrix A =(aij) that sum of the entries on any row of A is equal to δ and the sum of the entries on any column of A is equal to δ. I was wondering if B=(bij) also has these properties, such ...
HugHes's user avatar
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Method for optimal de-composition of rank-deficient integer matrices

I'm working with (integer) matrices of reduced rank and try to find a method to decompose the "redundant" columns by some base. For instance the following matrix $A_5$ ...
Gottfried Helms's user avatar
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Isomorphism of Non-Symmetric Matrices

$A, B$ are non-symmetric matrices of dimension $m \times n$ where $m=n$ or $m \neq n$. Example: An example of $6 \times 3$ non-symmetric matrix is $$ \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & ...
Michael's user avatar
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Revealed preference rank rule: variation on horse race problem

Suppose there are x number of objects to be ranked. Then there are x[(x-1)/2] possible comparisons of these objects. Only subsets of x can be evaluated for comparisons and there is always one most and ...
user3290799's user avatar
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How to distribute 5-digit numbers in 5x5 matrices

I have 98000 5-digit numbers, from 00001 to 98000. I need to distribute these 98000 numbers in 14000 5x5 matrices. A matrix cell must contain only a digit from 0 to 9. Each matrix must receive 7 ...
wind39's user avatar
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Summing the product of combinations of matrix elements

I have a situation where I have an $NxN$ matrix $A$ where each element $a_{i,j}\in\mathbb{R}_{\leq 0}$. I would like to consider the set of all collections of elements such that each collection of $N$ ...
foob's user avatar
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number of ways to fill a 2D grid

We have a 2D grid with n rows and m columns, we can fill it with numbers between 1 and k (both inclusive). Only condition is that for each r such that 1<=r<=k ,no two rows must have exactly the ...
user103260's user avatar
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Does a matrix represent a bijection

We have a square binary matrix that represents a connection from rows to columns. Is there a way to tell if a bijection exists (other than checking for all possible bijections and iterating through ...
William Entriken's user avatar
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Translating matrix fibonacci into c++ (how can we determine if a number is fibonacci?)

Is it possible to determine if a number is a fibonacci number in less than N time (where N is the Nth fibonacci number) using the matrix method? I'm trying to exclude external libraries like cmath or ...
Bob John's user avatar
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