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No two adjacent bulbs on

The problem is to count number of configuration of $9$ bulbs on a $3\times 3$ grid, where no two bulbs that are adjacent are switched on. I solved this problem in a very ad-hoc kind of manner, the ...
Harsh's user avatar
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Solving formulas for Coupon Collector's problem variant

I considered a modified version of the Coupon Collector's problem where there are $m$ transparent balls, $k$ different colors and $c$ balls of each color for a total of $n=ck+m$ balls in the urn. I ...
user3084125's user avatar
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How to prove whether this grid puzzle is unsolvable/solvable?

[Disclaimer: I have researched a bit before this post and I have found no other questions that address my problem specifically, hence this post] So I have been made a puzzle concept in a python ...
Ateeq's user avatar
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Light and bulb problem from an old maths contest

In a room there is a series of bulbs on a wall and corresponding switches on the opposite wall. If you put on the $n$ -th switch the $n$ -th bulb will light up. There is a group of men who are ...
Sillyasker's user avatar
39 votes
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Is it possible to assemble copies of this shape into a cube?

A couple of friends of mine were discussing a problem concerning this shape: Is it possible to assemble enough of these to form a cube? I have discovered a lot of impossible positions but was not ...
Mr Yve's user avatar
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Compute the number of ways to reach a point without overshooting puzzle

I am trying to solve the following puzzle: An ant is trying to get from the origin (0, 0) to X = (13, 4) without overshooting, but he can only move up or right. He always alternates his step sizes ...
Peanutlex's user avatar
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How many ways can I pick a size $3$ set from $\{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7\}$ such that at least one is odd?

I am trying to solve the following puzzle: I have nine cards, where six of them are labelled $1$ through $6$ and the remaining three are indistinguishable and labelled with 7. Calculate the number ...
Peanutlex's user avatar
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k-cycles and permutation of remaining elements in the 100 prisoner problem formula

The original problem can be found here, 100 prisoners problem , where $n=100$ and $n/2 \lt k \le n$. Letting $L(n,k)$ equal the number of permutation on $n$ distinct objects with greatest cycle length ...
mszlazak's user avatar
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How many locks and keys: combinatorics problem [duplicate]

A village keep all their most precious belongings in a vault. The vault has a certain number of locks, each lock with an individual and specific key. The people in the village want to make sure that ...
Katinka Lima's user avatar
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Puzzle of an ant rearranging stacks of seeds in a line [duplicate]

Interesting puzzle that I haven't been able to solve or find a solution to. An ant rearranges a line of stacks of seeds as follows: With each iteration, the ant goes to each stack in order and grabs ...
Eran723's user avatar
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Infected Dinner Brainteaser

I came across this brainteaser online that I found quite confusing: There are $1000$ people having dinner at a grand hall. One of them is known to be sick, while the other $999$ are healthy. Each ...
Identicon's user avatar
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Maximum tiling by Y Hexomino

"Y Hexomino" has a shape as shown in the picture. What is the maximum number of Y Hexomino that can be placed on a $13\times 13$ chessboard, where each Hexomino does not overlap? From the ...
rack's user avatar
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The toys problem: Probability of getting two matching good item and a different third Item

I've encountered an intriguing probability problem. I just registered to ask this, so this will be my first post. Disclaimer: I met this problem in a real setting that's it too convoluted to explain (...
Nicolas's user avatar
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Placing the $21$ two-digit primes into a grid, such that primes in adjacent squares have either the same tens digit or ones digit

This is USAMTS round 3, problem 1 of the 2020-2021 Academic Year. Place the 21 2-digit prime numbers in the white squares of the grid on the right so that each two-digit prime is used exactly once. ...
user3379's user avatar
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Minimum swaps to put an array into desired order, where some elements are identical/repeated

Inspired by a word game Waffle, see footnotes if interested. The abstracted problem: You're given an input array of letters, some of which might be identical (i.e. repeated), e.g. ...
antkam's user avatar
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