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Need help in determining where this pascal's triangle-like sequence comes from.

I have a very interesting problem in that a program that I am running has generated a sequence of numbers that act like the pascal's triangle but have somehow built more structure into it. I have been ...
zcaudate's user avatar
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Number of integers containing every digit atleast once [duplicate]

I have to find out number of integers that have every digit $(0-9)$ in it where integer starting with zero doesn't count i.e leading zero shouldn't be there. So this makes the length of an integer $ \...
S.H.'s user avatar
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How many combinations of $3$ natural numbers are there that add up to $30$?

How many combinations of $3$ natural numbers are there that add up to $30$? The answer is $75$ but I need the approach. Although I know that we can use $_{(n-1)}C_{(r-1)}$ i.e. $_{29}C_2 = 406$ but ...
Walter White's user avatar
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Select k no.s from 1 to N with replacement to have a set with at least one co-prime pair

Given $1$ to $N$ numbers. You have to make array of $k$ no.s using those no.s, where repetition of same no. is also allowed, such that at least one pair in that chosen array is co-prime. Find no. of ...
user123's user avatar
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Count arrays with each array elements pairwise coprime

Given two integers $N$ and $M$ , How to find out number of arrays A of size N, such that : Each of the element in array, $1 ≤ A[i] ≤ M$ For each pair i, j ($1 ≤ i < j ≤ N$) $GCD(A[i], A[j]) = 1$...
mat7's user avatar
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In determining probability using 2 dice rolls why are permutations (x,x) not counted twice?

So I've been working in probability regarding dice rolls. I came across this problem: If you roll 2 dice, what is the probability the first die is a 6 given that you rolled an 8? This is clearly a ...
Gooby's user avatar
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Six Unique numbers which generate unique sum during addition

I have six numbers which are like points that satisfy certain condition. If the condition is satisfied that point will be given or else $0$ will be assigned as points. I am Storing the points in ...
user1093513's user avatar
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How many ways to line up n objects with distinct heights

Over winter break, I have been working on a few programming questions and I came across this one, which has me a bit stumped: As you ponder sneaky strategies for assisting with the great rabbit ...
Luke LaFountaine's user avatar