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Count arrays with each array elements pairwise coprime

Given two integers $N$ and $M$ , How to find out number of arrays A of size N, such that : Each of the element in array, $1 ≤ A[i] ≤ M$ For each pair i, j ($1 ≤ i < j ≤ N$) $GCD(A[i], A[j]) = 1$...
mat7's user avatar
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number of possible subsets formed with odd count of odd numbers = $2^{n_{odd}-1} \cdot 2^{ n_{even}}$

Let $n_{odd}$ represents the number of odd numbers in the set $S$ and $n_{even}$ denote the number of even numbers. The total number of possible subsets formed with odd count of odd numbers $=2^{n_{...
satyajeet jha's user avatar
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Counting the number of permutations of $(1,\ldots,i,\ldots,j,\ldots,m)$, where $i < j$ and number of inversions is $k$.

How can I prove the following: $d^{ij}(m,k) > d^{ji}(m,k)$ for all $k < \frac{1}{2}\binom{m}{2},$ where $d^{ij}(m,k)$ denotes the number of permutations of $(1,\ldots,i,\ldots,j,\ldots,m)$ ...
sankha's user avatar
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How many ways to line up n objects with distinct heights

Over winter break, I have been working on a few programming questions and I came across this one, which has me a bit stumped: As you ponder sneaky strategies for assisting with the great rabbit ...
Luke LaFountaine's user avatar
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Can't get a correct signature of Entringer number

I am stuck with understanding Entringer numbers which: E(n,k) are the number of permutations of {1,2,...,n+1}, starting with k+1, which, after initially falling, alternately fall then rise. ...
Salvador Dali's user avatar
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Positioning a number into ordered summands

I have a question that "In how many ways can we position $6$ into ordered summands. As for example we can write $3$ as $(1,1,1),(1,2), (2,1)$ i.e $3$ ways. Is there any formula or any trick besides ...
Pratyush's user avatar
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How many numbers of length N(N is the number of digits) are possible

Given $N \le 10^9$, determine how many numbers of length $N$ are possible with the following constraint: the adjacent digits of the number should have an absolute difference of $1$. For eg, for $N = ...
Laura Smith's user avatar
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Count good sets with given conditions

We need to find the numbers of good sets in a sequence. The good set is: A good set is a sequence of $P$ positive integers which satisfies the following 2 condition : If an integer $L$ appears in a ...
user3786422's user avatar
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Count permutations with given cost and divisbilty

I am given $N$ . We need to count such permutations of $N$ numbers with each element between $0$ to $9$ which satisfy following conditions : Cost of permutation is less than or equal to given $M$. ...
user3786422's user avatar
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Number of $n$-permutations for which ${\tau}^k = id$

I am curious about the formula(any closed form) for the number of $n$-permutations $\tau$ such that ${\tau}^{n-1} = id$. How about for the case ${\tau}^n = id$ ?
hkju's user avatar
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Select k no.s from 1 to N with replacement to have a set with at least one co-prime pair

Given $1$ to $N$ numbers. You have to make array of $k$ no.s using those no.s, where repetition of same no. is also allowed, such that at least one pair in that chosen array is co-prime. Find no. of ...
user123's user avatar
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Numbers which are writable as a sum of permutation pairs

We say that $N$ is writable as a sum of permutation pair $\{a,b\}$ if $a+b=N$, $a\neq b$ and $a$ and $b$ are permutations of each other (e.g. $321 = 156 + 165 = 147 + 174 = ... $). Looking at 3-digit ...
R B's user avatar
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Count ways to sit men women in row of size K

Suppose we are given N men and M women.They are to sit in a row of size K such that no two women sit next to each other.What are the number of ways. Like if suppose their are 3 men and 2 women and ...
user3923257's user avatar
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Expected Value of this function

Let’s consider a random permutation p1, p2, …, pN of numbers 1, 2, …, N and Function F is calculated as F=(X[2]+…+X[N-1])^K, where ...
user3001932's user avatar
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What is the maximum number of iterations before a sequence is repeated

$A = \{a,b,c,d,e\}$ $B = \{f,g,h\}$ $C = \{i,j\}$ $D = \{0,1,2,3,4,5,6\}$ Suppose a four-tuple is constructed by extracting one element from each set at each successive iteration. The stipulation ...
user1038665's user avatar
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