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After $2013$ such transformations, how many number $2013$ are there on the line if the given numbers are $1$ and $1000$?

Several natural numbers are given on a line, we perform a transformation as follow:for every pair of consecutive integers on the line, write sum of those two numbers in the middle of them. After $2013$...
Sunaina Pati's user avatar
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Find the smallest natural n with the property [closed]

Find the smallest natural $n$ with the property that it enters any $n$ distinct numbers from the set $\{1, 2, 3,\dots , 999\}$ we can find four distinct numbers $a, b, c, d$ such that $a + 2b + 3c = d$...
Cavalo's user avatar
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Limit in Olympiad discursive question

Let $M,k$ be two positive integers. Define $X_{M,k}$ as the set of the numbers $p_1^{\alpha_1}\cdot p_2^{\alpha_2} \cdots p_r^{\alpha_r}$ where $p_i$ are prime numbers such that $M \leq p_1 < p_2 &...
Bruno Reis's user avatar
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Prove that the number of beautiful positive integers in the set $\{ 2^{20},\; 2^{20}+1,\; 2^{20}+2, \; ..., \; 2^{21}-1 \}$ is divisible by 17

Definition. Let a positive integer $n$ be written in binary numeral system. We shall say that a some digit of the $n$ is interesting if this digit is not equal to the adjacent digit to the right of it ...
Witold's user avatar
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Prove that the overlap of some two of these surfaces has an area greater than or equal to $\frac{1}{9}$.

The union of nine planar surfaces, each of area equal to 1, has a total area equal to 5. Prove that the overlap of some two of these surfaces has an area greater than or equal to $\frac{1}{9}$. It is ...
Alexander's user avatar
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3 answers

number of ways to choose subsets from 11 boys and 12 girls where number of girls in the subset is one more than boys

Disclaimer: This is from AIME 2020 that has ended yesterday. A club has 11 boys, 12 girls. We need to choose a subset of kids from them,...
Vlad Zkov's user avatar
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14 votes
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How many numbers can we select from $\{1,2,...2016\}$ such that sum of any four of them cannot be divided by $11$

How many numbers can we select from $\{1,2, \ldots, 2016\}$ such that sum of any four of them cannot be divided by $11$ It's not hard to come up with some combinations, but the question is how to ...
Vlad Zkov's user avatar
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Combinatorics with Bashy

We call a set of positive integer good, if the greatest common divisor of all of the elements in this set is $1$. $a_n$ is the number of good subsets of $\{1,2,...,n\}$. Find all integer $n \ge 2019$, ...
Lambert macuse's user avatar
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Square Chessboard Problem [duplicate]

Show that there is a $6$ x $4$ board whose squares are all black or white, where no rectangle has the four vertex squares of the same color. Also show that on each $7$ x $4$ board whose squares are ...
trombho's user avatar
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Number Theory Problem: Zonal Informatics Olympiad Help?!

In Gutenberg’s printing press, each line of text is assembled by placing individual metal letters in a rack, applying ink to the letters and then pressing them onto paper. Gutenberg needs to print N ...
PseudoCodeNerd's user avatar
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Existence of a subset such the product of its elements is a perfect square

Suppose $S \subset \{1,2,3,\ldots, 200\}$ such $|S|=50 $. Prove there exist a non empty subset of $S$ such that the product of its elements is a perfect square. I have a solution, but I want to know ...
Wiliam Mikayla's user avatar
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How many pairs of natural numbers can be formed whose LCM will be $49000$?

I'm stuck on this question. First, I factorize $49000$. $49000 = 2^3 \cdot 5^3 \cdot 7^2$ I've just assumed the two numbers : $$P=(2^a \cdot 5^b \cdot 7^c) \text{ and } Q=(2^x \cdot 5^y \cdot 7^z)...
Mohammad Mizanur Rahaman's user avatar
7 votes
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On existence of positive integer solution of $\binom{x+y}{2}=ax+by$

How can I prove this? Prove that for any two positive integers $a,b$ there are two positive integers $x,y$ satisfying the following equation: $$\binom{x+y}{2}=ax+by$$ My idea was that $\binom{x+...
Yeah's user avatar
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Good books to learn olympiad geometry,number theory, combinatorics and more

I want to start learning olympiad mathematics more seriously, and I would like to have advice on some good books or pdfs to learn with. I have background but not a big background. For example I know ...
Omer's user avatar
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Game: two stacks of coins and reducing by divisor of number of coins on the stack

Player $A$ and $B$ play a game: There are two stacks of coins, first stack has $a=12$ coins, second - has $b=8$ coins. Each player choose a stack and remove $d$ coins, if choose first stack $d|a$, ...
jpatrick's user avatar
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