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What is the number of full binary trees of height less than $h$

Given a integer $h$ What is $N(h)$ the number of full binary trees of height less than $h$? For example $N(0)=1,N(1)=2,N(2)=5, N(3)=21$(As pointed by TravisJ in his partial answer) I can't find ...
Elaqqad's user avatar
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what' is the number of full subtrees of a full binary tree?

I'm looking for the number of full sub-trees of a binary tree; all possible tress of height less than $4$ are: Now my question is: What is $N(h)$ the maximum number of full sub-trees of a full ...
Elaqqad's user avatar
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2 votes
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For each edge in a tree, counting paths passing through this edge

I have a tree and for its each edge, I want to know the numbers paths passing through this edge. For example: a tree with vertex-set = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] and edge-set = [(1,2), (2,3), (2,4), (4,5), (...
Sushil Verma's user avatar
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How to prove that number of unlabelled binary trees $n$ nodes is given by Catalan number

Suppose i have 1 nodes hence total number of binary trees is 1.Suppose i have 2 nodes then total number of binary trees is 2.Then suppose i have 3 nodes then total number of binary trees is 5. How to ...
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(Upper bound on) Tree width of an $n \times n$ grid graph

Given any $n \geq 1$ consider the $n \times n$ grid graph. For example, for $n = 3$, this looks like: $$\begin{matrix}1&-&2&-&3\\|&&|&&|\\4&-&5&-&6\\|&...
GrammarYoda's user avatar
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Minimum Steiner Arborescenes approximation: intuitions?

Given a (positively) weighted directed graph G, a set of query nodes T and a root r, finding the minimum steiner arborescence containing the query nodes and rooted at r is an NP-hard problem However, ...
fawadria's user avatar
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Need combinatorial formula

Let we have a forest $F_n(P)$ with $n$ nodes defined by set $P$ of all pairs $\{\text{father}, \text{son}\}$. For instance $P=\{\{1, 2\}, \{3, 4 \}, \{1, 3 \}\}$ defines a forest $F_5(P).$ Let $...
Leox's user avatar
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No of labeled trees with n nodes such that certain pairs of labels are not adjacent.

What is the number of trees possible with $n$ nodes where the $i$th and $(i+1)$th node are not adjacent to each other for $i \in \left[0,n-1\right)$ and $$i/2 = (i+1)/2.$$ (integer division) (nodes ...
infinitum's user avatar
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Find a maximum vertex-disjoint path cover in a tree.

Let $T = (V, E)$ be a undirected tree on $n$ vertices with an arbitrary root. Let the nodes be given weights, by some pre-determined function $W : V(T) \rightarrow \{1, \dots, 10^9\}$. Furthermore, ...
Aalekh Patel's user avatar
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Determine Huffman Tree Depth Using any combinactory ways?

I see this link for determining depth (height) of Huffman tree, but not useful for me. My Question is: Knowing the frequencies of each symbol, is it possible to determine the maximum height or ...
Michle Sipser's user avatar
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Yet another curious convolution

Some time ago, I found the following algorithmic problema: Count the number of distinct unrooted, unordered, labeled trees of $n$ nodes where each node has at most $k$ neighbors. Given that the ...
chubakueno's user avatar
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Number of leaves in a tree that represents a kind of permutations

Consider the following rooted tree, each of whose vertices (except for the root) is labeled with an integer $\in\{1,\dots,n\}$: let $s(v)$ be the sequence consists of the labels on the path from the ...
Pteromys's user avatar
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Determining all possible values of $n$ in terms of $x$ of the following tree.

Let $T$ be a maximal heap tree. Let $T$ hold the integers $1$ to $n$ as its nodes without duplicates. Let $x$ be a child of the root. What are the possible values that $n$ could take, in terms of $x$? ...
user7828's user avatar
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Sum of roots of binary search trees of height $\le H$ with $N$ nodes

Consider all Binary Search Trees of height $\le H$ that can be created using the first $N$ natural numbers. Find the sum of the roots of those Binary Search Trees. For example, for $N$ = 3, $H$ = 3: ...
rayu's user avatar
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Greedy Algorithm on Knockout Tournaments: Proof of Correctness

You are given a function $\operatorname{rk}:\{1\dots 2^k\}\rightarrow \mathbb{N^+}$ representing the ranks of the players $1\dots2^k$ in a participating in a tournament. The tournament evolves in a ...
Guanaco96's user avatar

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