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Is there a measure that produces given values (probabilities or cardinals) for sets $A_1,\dots, A_n$ and all their intersections $A_i\cap A_j, ... $?

Assume that values (e.g., probabilities or cardinals) of a measure on a finite set $\Omega$ are given for sets $A_1,\dots, A_n$ and all of their intersections $A_i, A_i\cap A_j, A_i\cap A_j\cap A_k, ....
Amir's user avatar
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Proof for Particular Fair Shuffle Algorithm

I ran multiple simulations of the following function, and it seems to be fair shuffling, given that all permutations were roughly equal, but I don't understand why it works. It's just inserting at ...
Mashiron's user avatar
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Coin weighting with constraints

Consider the following $(d,k,n)$-coin weighting (with spring scale): You possess an electronic scale, $n$ coins, and $d$ of them are magnetic. Moreover, you always need to weight at least $k$ coins at ...
Frobin's user avatar
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A shuffling algorithm that limits the number of consecutive repetitions?

This question comes from Stack Overflow. I feel that we need more of a mathematical breakthrough, so I forward the question here. I also found a similar problem that seems to be a special case of this ...
埃博拉酱's user avatar
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Expected Length of Maximum Decreasing Subsequences in Random Sequences

Given $ n $ distinct numbers that are randomly shuffled to form a sequence $ A = [a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n] $, we select the largest number $ x_1 $ from the sequence. Subsequently, we pick the largest ...
maplemaple's user avatar
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When can a deck be shuffled by shuffling fixed subdecks?

Suppose I want to shuffle a deck of $n$ cards, but I have a problem -- for some reason, I am only able to shuffle at most $n-1$ cards at a time at some fixed indices. For example, if $n=5$, I could ...
soktinpk's user avatar
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Given $M$ biased coins, what's the probability of drawing $K$ heads? Can we compute it efficiently? [duplicate]

We have $M$ coins, with biases $p_1,\dots,p_M$. I draw all of them and count the total number of heads. What's the probability of observing $K$ heads? I realize the solution can be formally written as ...
a06e's user avatar
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Dividing distinguishable cards into distinguishable hands where some hands cannot contain some cards

I am making a computer program to play cards, for this algorithm to work I need to deal cards out randomly. However, I know that some people cannot have some cards due to the rules of the card game. ...
jorisperrenet's user avatar
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Can we find a proper $\phi$ so that maps each interval to its center?

For a compact interval $[0,1]$, we divide it into $N^{1/3}$ subintervals with length $N^{-1/3}$. Define a map $\phi: [0,1]\mapsto [0,1]$ maps each subintervals to its center. For example, let $X\sim ...
Hermi's user avatar
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What is the name of this variant of n choose k but with multiple subsets to pick?

$n$ choose $k$ can be seen as permuting a binary string with $k$ of the digits set to $1$, and $n - k$ of them to $0$. For example if the string is length $n=6$ and $k=3$, one permutation would be: $$...
Quantum Guy 123's user avatar
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Probability of getting 2 Consecutive heads in N throws.

We have to Find a Probability of Getting ${2}$ consecutive Heads in ${N}$ throws Given that $N^{th}$ throw will always be Head. For Example:- N = 3, Possible Conditions = HHH, HTH, THH, TTH = 4 ...
netqst's user avatar
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Random seat assignments probability/algorithms question

Suppose there are $M$ seats and $N \leq M/2$ people for those seats. The seats are assigned as follows: Each person generates uniformly a random permutation of the $M$ seats. When it is their turn ...
Malia's user avatar
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Approximate estimation of number of occurrences using hash functions

Let $h: U \to \{0, \dots, M-1\}$ be a universal hash function. Let $C$ be a counter of size $M$, initially $C[i] = 0$ for $i \in \{0, \dots, M-1\}$ Define $\operatorname{update}(x): C[h(x)] = C[h(x)] +...
Ilya's user avatar
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How to construct a set system with given set and pairwise intersection sizes

Consider a finite set $X$ and some subsets $X_i \subset X$, $i = 1,\dots,n$, with $\bigcup_i X_i = X$, of which one only knows the sizes $|X_i|$ and $|X_i \cap X_j|$. How do I systematically ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
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Positive bit count of the $S(n):=\sum_{i=1}^{n} 2^{(i-1)}$ always $n$?

From a discussion on a stack about the programing, I got the following mathematical Conjectures: Conjectures: Let n,m be positive integer, $S(n)$ and $CountPosbit(m)$ be as follows. $S(n):=\sum_{i=1}...
Blue Various's user avatar
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Closed form for Chu–Vandermonde identity-like summations

I have been trying to analyze a randomized algorithm I cooked up and have found the need to compute some moments of a random variable modeling an aspect of the algorithm but I am unsure if there is a ...
spektr's user avatar
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General equation for the number of combinations that connect upper part and lower part of grid

Given a square grid with either open or closed cells where open allows a path to be created across the cell. What would be the general equation that describes how many combinations create a path from ...
Lewis Trem's user avatar
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Efficiently modify the combined probability of many independent events when variable values change

Question: Let $C_1$ and $C_2$ be two events that are independent and not mutually exclusive that occur with different probabilities $p_1$ and $p_2$. For these two events, I understand that: $$ P(C_1 \...
flow's user avatar
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Expected size of a set with iterative probabilistic growth

We exhaustively compare every item in set $A$ to the items in set $B$, where $A\cap B=\emptyset$, to look for matches. We repeat this across iterations, where at every iteration, $|A|=n\gt 0$. At ...
WD40andTape's user avatar
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Does "expected entropy" make sense?

This question is inspired by Determining information in minimum trials (combinatorics problem). Here is the problem statement with some modifications A student has to pass an exam, with $k$ ...
nalzok's user avatar
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Greedy Algorithm on Knockout Tournaments: Proof of Correctness

You are given a function $\operatorname{rk}:\{1\dots 2^k\}\rightarrow \mathbb{N^+}$ representing the ranks of the players $1\dots2^k$ in a participating in a tournament. The tournament evolves in a ...
Guanaco96's user avatar
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Binary search on positive integer valued random variable

Let $X$ be a random variable taking values in $\{1,2,3,...\}$ and $\mathbb{E}(X)<+\infty$. $A$ has a realization of $X$. $B$ wants to guess what value does $A$ have and $B$ knows the distribution ...
neverevernever's user avatar
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Choosing my most preferred card from a set of n cards.

I have $n$ cards, however, I like only 1 card the most out of all the $n$ cards and that card is my favourite. I consider the cards one by one, giving each an integer score, where the higher the score ...
johanso's user avatar
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Minimum 1-D finite pavement to fit in varying-length K bricks

Suppose you have a set of $k$ bricks, each of varying sizes. we want to fit all these brings one by one on a straight pavement of length $N$. we know the sizes of each brick but we do not know a) ...
Samba Njie Jr.'s user avatar
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What does the 8 stand for in the Cantor pairing function?

What does the "8" stand for in the Cantor pairing function (which assigns a natural number to each pair of natural numbers)? Can I change it, or is it constant? The other function for getting the ...
king amada's user avatar
7 votes
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Turning a Biased Coin into an Unbiased one Deterministically

Non-deterministic Exact Algorithm There is a simple algorithm to turn a biased coin into a fair one: Flip the coin twice. Identify HT with H and TH with T. Discard cases HH and TT. This algorithm ...
ATOMP's user avatar
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Probabilistic selection of fruits against adversarial seller

Suppose a seller has $n$ fruits and you would like to buy $n/3$ of them. Now you know that $k$ of those fruits are rotten inside (but you do not know which $k$ are rotten while buying, but the seller ...
BharatRam's user avatar
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Beggar-my-neighbour possible games [closed]

How many Beggar-my-neighbour possible games are there? There are 5 types of card: a, b, c, d, e. In a bundle of 52 cards there are 4 cards of type a, 4 of type b, 4 of type c, 4 of type d and 36 of ...
Stypox's user avatar
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What is probability that a line joining two randomly selected coordinates from set form an angle $45°$ with one of axes?

What is probability that a line joining two randomly selected coordinates from a set form an angle $45°$ with one of the axes? For example, if we have set of coordinates $$\{(1, 2), (1, 3), (3, 3), ...
Snip3r's user avatar
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Calculating a random "blob" in a 10 x 10 grid

The problem: You have a 10 x 10 grid where each cell can be either occupied (1) or unoccupied (0). All occupied cells in the grid are part of a single "blob": a single shape defined by a set of ...
Nathan Wailes's user avatar
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Expected value of circles in case of Christmas gifting in a class

Let's suppose there is a class of n children, where everyone gives a present to somebody, and it is possible to give a gift to yourself. During the event, the first child stands up, and passes his or ...
TamasKotan's user avatar
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Expected cost of algorithm based on hypergeometrical distribution

I am having an algorithm which cost I want to determine, but I am having trouble to do so. In order to do so, I tried to break it down to a well known scenario, to be able to communicate the issue: ...
Make42's user avatar
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Determine Huffman Tree Depth Using any combinactory ways?

I see this link for determining depth (height) of Huffman tree, but not useful for me. My Question is: Knowing the frequencies of each symbol, is it possible to determine the maximum height or ...
Michle Sipser's user avatar
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How to generate all possible SEC matrices for $n$-bit

I want to know if there is an algorithm with which man can generate all possible forms of single error correction matrices for n bits of data, both linear and non-linear. For example all possible $32$-...
M.H.moshrefpour 's user avatar
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Minesweeper probability

I ran into the situation pictured in the minesweeper game below. Note that the picture is only a small section of the entire board. Note: The bottom right $1$ is the bottom right corner tile of the ...
viss3240's user avatar
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Minimum movements to arrange fruits in boxes

I have $3$ boxes - $B_1, B_2, B_3$. Each box initially contains a mixture of $3$ different kind of fruits say - Apple, Orange, Mango. Our goal is to arrange the fruits in the boxes in such a manner ...
coderx's user avatar
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Expected value when die is rolled $N$ times

Suppose we have a die with $K$ faces with numbers from 1 to $K$ written on it, and integers $L$ and $F$ ($0 < L \leq K$). We roll it $N$ times. Let $a_i$ be the number of times (out of the $N$ ...
mat7's user avatar
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Analysis of sorting Algorithm with probably wrong comparator?

It is an interesting question from an Interview, I failed it. An array has $n$ different elements $[A_1 , A_2, ..., A_n]$ (random order). We have a comparator $C$, but it has a probability $p$ to ...
GeekCat's user avatar
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Randomized algorithm for coloring with monochromatic copies

Consider the complete graph $K_n$. Give a randomized algorithm for finding a coloring by two colors with at most $\binom{n}{4}2^{-5}$ monochromatic copies of $K_4$ that runs in expected time ...
simmons's user avatar
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Probability of 1 at both end of string

Given a string S having N characters long and consists of only 1s and 0s. Now given an integer K, let us pick two indexes i and j at random between 1 and N, both inclusive. What's the probability ...
user157452's user avatar
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Game of cards and GCD

Alice and Bob play the game. The rules are as follows: Initially, there are n cards on the table, each card has a positive integer written on it. At the beginning Alice writes down the number 0 on ...
User's user avatar
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Expected Value of this function

Let’s consider a random permutation p1, p2, …, pN of numbers 1, 2, …, N and Function F is calculated as F=(X[2]+…+X[N-1])^K, where ...
user3001932's user avatar
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Puzzle about voting

I came across about this puzzle which I'm not sure how to go about. Suppose there are $L$ leaders and $F$ followers, with $1 < L<<F$. A leader makes a binary decision, $0$ or $1$ with same ...
zzzbbx's user avatar
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probability of sum of a given set of whole numbers being greater than a certain number

There are total of n balls in k boxes. Box one contains n1 balls, box 2 contains n2 balls and so on. The probability of picking balls from boxes is p1,p2,...,pk. We can pick either all the balls in a ...
user2179293's user avatar
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Bounding the power of expected value of functions of a random variable.

I am interested in a problem and I do not know where to start looking for possible similar setting. If anyone has a direction to suggest, it would be greatly appreciated. Consider a (finite) set $\...
Alex Frechette's user avatar
9 votes
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How can I (algorithmically) count the number of ways n m-sided dice can add up to a given number?

I am trying to identify the general case algorithm for counting the different ways dice can add to a given number. For instance, there are six ways to roll a seven with two 6-dice. I've spent quite ...
dimo414's user avatar
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