
From a discussion on a stack about the programing, I got the following mathematical Conjectures:


Let n,m be positive integer, $S(n)$ and $CountPosbit(m)$ be as follows.

  • $S(n):=\sum_{i=1}^{n} 2^{(i-1)}$
  • $CountPosbit(m):=$Number of positive bits when m is converted to binary.

Then, the following holds;

  • (1)$CountPosbit(S(n))=n$ for all positive integer, $n$,
  • (2)For all positive integer, $m$, following holds;
    $CountPosbit(m)=n$$m \ge S(n)$

The following example is to clarify the definition of the $CountPosbit (m)$;

  • If $m=10$ in the decimal notation, then
    the binary notation of m is 1010 therefore,
  • If $m=15$ in the decimal notation. then
    the binary notation of m is 1111 therefore,

For the more detail of the definition of $CountPosbit$ function, refer to the Excel VBA function in Box2 below.

My questions are as follows:

My questions:

  • (Q1)Are the above conjectures (1) and (2) correct?
  • (Q2)If these are correct, please prove them.

The results of trying with the Excel VBA functions of Box 1 and 2 below are as follows. As far as I tried, no counterexample was found. The worksheet can be downloaded from here.

enter image description here

Box1: Excel VBA function for calculating S (n)

Function S_n(n)
S_n = 0
For i = 1 To n
 S_n = S_n + (2 ^ (i-1))
Next i

End Function

Box2: Excel VBA function for CountPosbit(m)

Function CountPosbit(m)
'Substituting a decimal number, this function counts the number of positive bits when the decimal number is converted to a binary number.

tmp = Convert10to2(m)
tot = Len(tmp)
cnt = 0

For i = 1 To tot
If Mid(tmp, tot - i + 1, 1) = 1 Then cnt = cnt + 1
Next i

CountPosbit = cnt
End Function

Function Convert10to2(Value) As String
'This function is for converting decimal numbers to binary numbers.
'This function was quoted from the following website.

    Dim lngBit As Long
    Dim strData As String
    Do Until (Value < 2 ^ lngBit)
        If (Value And 2 ^ lngBit) <> 0 Then
            strData = "1" & strData
            strData = "0" & strData
        End If
        lngBit = lngBit + 1
    Convert10to2 = strData
End Function
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Do you know what is the binary form of $2^i$? $\endgroup$
    – user
    Commented Mar 14, 2021 at 16:25

1 Answer 1


Yes. $S(n)$ is the sum of a geometric progression. $$S(n)=2^n-1$$ The binary representation of $S(n)$ is $n$ $1$-bits, since the binary representation of $2^n$ is a $1$ followed by $n$ $0$'s, and subtracting $1$ gives $n$ $1$-bits by the usual algorithm.

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks for the solution. Dis you use the summation formula of the equal ratio sequence, am I right? I have a more generalized prediction for this. I have formulated it here and would like to hear about it as well. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 15, 2021 at 0:47

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