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Change making problem - Pearson algorithm to check the optimality of greedy solution

This is a question regarding the common version of the Change making problem, which is: "how can a given amount of money be made with the least number of coins of given denominations (we have ...
Entman's user avatar
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General interval scheduling

We shall start with below problem. Problem: Given a list of classes for student to subscribe for a week: Math: Monday 1pm-3pm; Wednesday 4pm-6pm (That means Math class learn from 1pm to 3pm on Monday ...
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Proof of greedy algorithm.

Given n numbers find the way to assign them to blocks of 3 (and possible one block of 1 or 2 if n is not divisible by 3) so that sum of smallest elements from each full block is maximal. ie. numbers ...
cptYossarian's user avatar
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Sorting an array using reverse

I ran into an Olympiad question recently, and one challenging question surprised me: We have an array $A$ with $n$ elements. $\operatorname{Rev}(i, j)$ for $1 \leq i < j \leq n$ reverses subarray $...
Betty Andersson's user avatar
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a semi-hard problem on combinatory

I ran into a nice interview question. the problem is as follows: We have array of $n$ integers. for $1 \leq i \leq j \leq n$. we want to set $c_{ij}$= Sum of all values in the range $i$ to $j$ of ...
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Optimal planning for mail box servicing and processing (for a message queue online consumer scheduling)

Consider I have $n$ mail boxes $\{m_1, m_2, \dots, m_n \}$. Messages come to each box at different rate/sec e.g., mail box $n$ has an arrival rate of messages equal say 5 per second. In general, let ...
Mazen Ezzeddine's user avatar
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parenthesis of expression in such a way value not changed

one example: How many ways we can do possible value-preserving parenthesis the following expression in such a way that value not changed after parenthesis with one constraint that parenthesis among ...
Emma Nic.'s user avatar
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What's the number of decibinary numbers that evaluate to given decimal number?

Let's define a decibinary number system, where each bit (or digit) can range from $0$ to $9$, but it's place value corresponds to the one in the binary system. For example: $$(2020)_{decibinary} = 2 \...
Tomasz Bartkowiak's user avatar
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Minimize the sum of components of a hypercube under a system of $0,1$ equations.

Let $x_1, \dots, x_5, y_1, \dots, y_4$ be a total of nine variables taking values merely in $\{0, 1\} \subset \Bbb{Z}$. Therefore a solution is a point on a hypercube. These are the constraint ...
SeekingAMathGeekGirlfriend's user avatar
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How many essentially different strings are there of length $\leq n$ and over an alphabet of size $|\Sigma| = m$?

For example, $aaaaaabb \simeq ccccccdd$ essentially, because a smallest grammar algorithm would perform the exact same steps to reduce one as the other. So how can I phrase this in terms of formal ...
SeekingAMathGeekGirlfriend's user avatar
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Building a sequence that approximates given sequences

Suppose that we are given three sequences $a1,a2$ and $a3$ each describing a total ordering on $N$ 'entities'. For example, $$\langle a1\rangle=1<9<8<2<3<\cdots<N $$ means that ...
Vinayak Suresh's user avatar
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Rearranging a given sequence to satisfy order constraints on certain members

Suppose that we are given a sequences of $2N$ 'entities' (not numbers) with some total ordering defined among these entities. An example could be $$\langle a\rangle=1<4<8<2<3<\cdots<...
Vinayak Suresh's user avatar
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How to generate all graphs on $n$ vertices including a given subgraph?

I'm working on a graph theory problem and as an intermediate step I need to draw all the simple graphs on $n$ vertices including a given subgraph, is there an algorithm to make sure I can generate all ...
phpass's user avatar
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Clearing all levels with minimum coins [closed]

Thor is playing a game where there are N levels and M types of available weapons. The levels are numbered from 0 to N-1 and the weapons are numbered from 0 to M-1 . He can clear these levels in any ...
Ravi Manna's user avatar
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Question in proving a recurrence relation for Catalan numbers [closed]

How to prove the recurrence relation for Catalan numbers, stating $$C_{n}=\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}C_{i}C_{n-1-i}$$ where we define $C_{0}$ as $1$?
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