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Questions tagged [applications]

The [application] tag is meant for questions about applications of mathematical concepts and theorems to a more practical use (e.g. real world usage, less-abstract mathematics, etc.)

15 votes
3 answers

Applications of the Hahn-Banach Theorems

Question: What are some interesting or useful applications of the Hahn-Banach theorem(s)? Motivation: Most of the time, I dislike most of Analysis. During a final examination, a question sparked my ...
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18 votes
7 answers

Applications of ultrafilters

I'm looking for some interesting applications of ultrafilters and also everything of interest involving ultrafilters. Do you know some applications or interesting things involving ultrafilters? I'm ...
Jacob Fox's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Are there any practical applications of the directrix of a parabola?

I know of many applications for the focus of a parabola (satellite dish, whispering gallery, etc.), but haven't been able to find any for the directrix. An internet search has come up empty. I have ...
Jack's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

Applications of Gröbner bases

I would like to present an application of Gröbner bases. The audience is a class of first year graduate students who are taking first year algebra. Does anyone have suggestions on a specific ...
Mykie's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Applications of circumcircles?

Are there examples where the circumcircle of a triangle is useful in everyday life (not unrealistic or far-fetched ones)? Are there other interesting applications (physics, technology, mathematics)?
student's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Why are partial orderings important?

I was reviewing my old Discrete Mathematics notes, and I came across a section describing how Partial Orderings are identified. I understand this, but I can't seem to recall/find information on why ...
Matthew's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Applied Math: Finding Roots

I am taking a Numerical Computation class, and we are currently learning about Newton's Method for finding the roots of a system of non-linear equations. I have no problems understanding how the ...
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2 votes
0 answers

What is this method called of calculating corrections for calculated values from measured values?

I am dealing with a piece of software which calculates temperatures, and corrects these based on measurements (which may be in error) as follows:- The difference between the corresponding calculated ...
Brian Hooper's user avatar
38 votes
8 answers

Applications of the wreath product?

We recently went through the wreath product in my group theory class, but the definition still seems a bit unmotivated to me. The two reasons I can see for it are 1) it allows us to construct new ...
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1 vote
2 answers

Using Black-Scholes Equation to "buy" stocks

From what I understand, Black-Scholes equation in finance is used to price options which are a contract between a potential buyer and a seller. Can I use this mathematical framework to "buy" a stock? ...
BBSysDyn's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Both solutions to a quadratic make sense -- looking for applications

I'm looking for reasonably real, non-abstract applications modeled by quadratic equations where both solutions make sense. I'd like them to be accessible to high school algebra students. One I come ...
2 votes
1 answer

Find a price vector p for various prices of industries.

( Leontief input-output model ) Suppose that three industries are interrelated so that their outputs are used as inputs by themselves, according to the $3 \times 3$ consumption matrix A = [$a_{jk}$...
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9 votes
1 answer

Any resource of the applications of the theory of class fields

We all agree that the theory of class fields plays an eminent role in modern number theory. Nevertheless, what was our main concern is that how to solve various Diophantine equations to which the ...
awllower's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Are there any sets other than the usual in which we can apply Sturm's axioms?

As we all know, Sturm's axioms have completely solved the problem for finding the number of roots in an arbitrary interval $[a,b]$, using the derivative and forms a Sturm set. Now my question ...
awllower's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

recommend paper on application of group theory

Application field can vary from biology\biochemistry, to computer science\coding theory, the more unexpected a connection to a field, the better. And paper preferably should be not very large one. ...
Alexander's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Best Practices for Learning Mathematics (especially in the classroom)

What study practices have led you to the best success in learning mathematics (or applied math, or theoretical CS) in the classroom (undergraduate/lower graduate level), especially in courses that ...
Elliot JJ's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Usage of Negative bases

With positional notation, is there any practical usage for negative bases? I recently learned that numbers can be represented in positional notation using a negative base, but I don't see any real ...
Channel72's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Which features would be interesting for a mathematician in a fractal program?

Many years ago I wrote this fractal generator: It was shareware but then I put it as open source. It's written in Delphi, a language that I don't use anymore. So I'm ...
Uberto's user avatar
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27 votes
4 answers

Why does dust gather in corners?

I've noticed when sweeping the floor that dust gathers particularly in the corners. I assume there is a fluid mechanics reason for this. Does anyone know what it is? Edit: No, really, this is a ...
isomorphismes's user avatar
21 votes
4 answers

Applications for Homology

The Question: Are there any ways that "applied" mathematicians can use Homology theory? Have you seen any good applications of it to the "real world" either directly or indirectly? Why do I care? ...
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1 vote
1 answer

Risk process in Insurance

Let $R(t) = u + ct - \sum_{k=1}^{X(t)}Z_{k}, t\geq 0 $, be a risk process, where $u> 0$ is the initial capital of the insurance company and $c> 0$ is a premium rate. We know that the number of ...
MacMath2010's user avatar
53 votes
7 answers

Uses of quadratic reciprocity theorem

I want to motivate the quadratic reciprocity theorem, which at first glance does not look too important to justify it being one of Gauss' favorites. So far I can think of two uses that are basic ...
Gadi A's user avatar
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20 votes
7 answers

Applications of the Mean Value Theorem

What are some interesting applications of the Mean Value Theorem for derivatives? Both the 'extended' or 'non-extended' versions as seen here are of interest. So far I've seen some trivial ...
Cam's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Probability concerning unfair dice with N sides

Fair warning: I am not a math expert (that's why I'm here). I would like to be able to calculate the probability of rolling a certain side on a die with n sides where any number of those sides has an ...
Buns of Aluminum's user avatar
24 votes
1 answer

StarCraft II: Ladder math

At the Blizzcon 2010, StarCraft II multiplayer panel, this stuff was supposed to explain the ladder matchmaking system. I look at this and go eh? what!? Is any of this real? or are they just messing ...
John Leidegren's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

Understanding Black-Scholes

Assume I have only basic math knowledge, what specific areas of math would I need to learn in order to understand the following webpage: Black-Scholes Many thanks.
SuperBrook's user avatar
12 votes
7 answers

Applications of Probability Theory in pure mathematics

My (maybe wrong) impression is that while probability is widely used in science (for example, in statistical mechanics), it is rarely seen in pure mathematics. Which leads me to the question - Are ...
15 votes
2 answers

Elementary proof of the Prime Number Theorem - Need?

Although I am very much new to "Analytic Number Theory", there are some non mathematical questions which puzzle me. First of all, why was G.H.Hardy so keen to have an elementary proof of the Prime ...
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19 votes
12 answers

Applications of algebraic topology

What are some nice applications of algebraic topology that can be presented to beginning students? To give examples of what I have in mind: Brouwer's fixed point theorem, Borsuk-Ulam theorem, Hairy ...
12 votes
3 answers

How do you estimate the flow rate of one fluid into another like the Deep Horizon Oil leak?

How have experts estimated the amount of oil that was shooting out of that pipe in the Gulf? I bet there's some neat math or physics involved here, and some interesting assumptions considering how ...
Michael Haren's user avatar
49 votes
11 answers

Why does Benford's Law (or Zipf's Law) hold?

Both Benford's Law (if you take a list of values, the distribution of the most significant digit is rougly proportional to the logarithm of the digit) and Zipf's Law (given a corpus of natural ...
mau's user avatar
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22 votes
6 answers

Real world uses of homotopy theory

I covered homotopy theory in a recent maths course. However I was never presented with any reasons as to why (or even if) it is useful. Is there any good examples of its use outside academia?
user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Validating a mathematical model (Lagrange formulation and geometry)

I am working on computing phase diagrams for alloys. These are blueprints for a material that show what phase, or combination of phases, a material will exist in for a range of concentrations and ...
Tom Stephens's user avatar
26 votes
18 answers

Applications of the Fibonacci sequence

The Fibonacci sequence is very well known, and is often explained with a story about how many rabbits there are after $n$ generations if they each produce a new pair every generation. Is there any ...
5 votes
2 answers

Simple lowpass frequency response

Okay, so hopefully this isn't too hard or off-topic. Let's say I have a very simple lowpass filter (something that smooths out a signal), and the filter object has a position variable and a cutoff ...
Campadrenalin's user avatar
49 votes
10 answers

Real world uses of hyperbolic trigonometric functions

I covered hyperbolic trigonometric functions in a recent maths course. However I was never presented with any reasons as to why (or even if) they are useful. Is there any good examples of their uses ...
Jacob's user avatar
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42 votes
8 answers

Real world uses of Quaternions?

I've recently started reading about Quaternions, and I keep reading that for example they're used in computer graphics and mechanics calculations to calculate movement and rotation, but without real ...
Paul B's user avatar
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45 votes
10 answers

Real life usage of Benford's Law

I recently discovered Benford's Law. I find it very fascinating. I'm wondering what are some of the real life uses of Benford's law. Specific examples would be great.
Jin's user avatar
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