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Count permutations with given longest increasing subsequence

Problem: Given $n \in \mathbb{Z}_+$ and a set $A \subset \{ 1,\ldots,n \}$ sorted in ascending order, find the number of permutations $\sigma \in S_n$ such that $A$ is a longest increasing subsequence ...
Benjamin Wang's user avatar
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Indexing function for placements of identical balls into distinct boxes.

I am trying to find out if there is a mathematical function which can take n objects and place them in m boxes in a way that is indexed? For example if I had 3 balls and I wanted them in 4 boxes, the ...
Jason M Gray's user avatar
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Counting Paths in the XY Plane (Discrete math) [duplicate]

I need help with the following mathematical task: A particle moves in the xy-plane according to the following rules: U: (m, n) → (m+1, n+1) L: (m, n) → (m+1, n-1) where m and n are integers. I need ...
Bryan C's user avatar
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When can a deck be shuffled by shuffling fixed subdecks?

Suppose I want to shuffle a deck of $n$ cards, but I have a problem -- for some reason, I am only able to shuffle at most $n-1$ cards at a time at some fixed indices. For example, if $n=5$, I could ...
soktinpk's user avatar
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Effectively solve optimization problem in this system?

The system : Given $2$ sets $I,J$ such that $I\cap J = \emptyset , \#I = \#J$ a time-dependent function $c : \mathbb{R}_{\ge 0} \times I \times J \to \mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}$ . Consider a system that ...
C.C.'s user avatar
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Is there a formula to find a permutation from a given rank?

Observing, for example, a set of permutations from 4 choose 2: [1, 2] [1, 3] [1, 4] [2, 3] [2, 4] [3, 4] Does such a formula exist to go from a permutation's rank to the values of it's permutation (...
Adam's user avatar
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Get all the methods to break 100% into certain number of parts?

Being straight about the question, for a program I'm writing, I need to divide 100% into 5 parts. In my program, percentages incremented/decremented by 10%. So I can express my requirement in the ...
cipherdragon's user avatar
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What is the name of this variant of n choose k but with multiple subsets to pick?

$n$ choose $k$ can be seen as permuting a binary string with $k$ of the digits set to $1$, and $n - k$ of them to $0$. For example if the string is length $n=6$ and $k=3$, one permutation would be: $$...
Quantum Guy 123's user avatar
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An efficient algorithm to generate a set of tuples satisfying a given upper bound for a distance between two arbitrary elements

Let $T_i^n$ denote a particular tuple of $n$ natural numbers (here $i < n!$ and we assume that the tuple contains all elements of the set $\{0, 1, \ldots, n-2, n-1\}$, i.e. there are no duplicates)....
lyrically wicked's user avatar
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Number of permutations following given order

I have $n$ numbers and ordered sets $s_i$ of some of these numbers, I need to calculate the number of all the possible permutations of the $n$ numbers respecting the orders in the sets $s_i$. I found ...
Farah Mind's user avatar
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Is there a general term formula for 3 queens problem?

The specific question description is: Put 3 queens on a chessboard of M columns and N rows, how to determine the number of ways that no two of them are in attacking positions? Note that M is not ...
Freya's user avatar
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Algorithms to check Pattern Avoidance Permutations

My question is the following: Given two permutations $\pi \in S_{n}$ and $\mu \in S_{k}$, decide whether $\pi$ is $\mu$-avoiding or not. I think the formal definition is quite hard to write in the ...
Ywestes's user avatar
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How do I find unique rearrangements when given items & the item distributions?

I'm not sure what this type of question is called, but this what I'm trying to solve: I own 3 hats 1 hat is red 2 hats are blue 4 shirts 1 shirt is red 1 shirt is blue 2 shirts are green 5 pairs ...
anboio's user avatar
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select sequence without "ABCD"

There are an infinite number of coupons bearing one of the letters A,B,C,D. Find the number of ways for selecting $10$ of these coupons so that there shouldn't be sequence of "ABCD", which ...
Rajakr's user avatar
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Rephrase a simple mathy logic problem (yielding solution of an ordered procedure), and its generalized counterpart, into a solvable algorithm.

I'm given a selection of logic puzzles about different entities crossing a river safely (either from the same side to the same other side, or switching sides; utilizing the same boat, with certain ...
whattheodds's user avatar

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