
I'm trying to understand if this is true and how to prove it, "If $T$ is a bounded, time invariant operator on $L_p(\mathbb{R})$, then $T$ is a convolution operator.''

Here's an attempt at a proof that seems to work.

Assume ( T ) is time-invariant, i.e., for any shift ( a>0 ), ( T(S_a f) = S_a (T f) ). Let $\phi_n$ be an approximation to the identity (see previous lemma), with the added condition that $\|\phi_n\|_p = 1$, e.g., $\phi_n = n^{1/p}$ on $[\pm 1/(2n)]$. Since $T$ is bounded (continuous), we see that for any $f\in L_p, \|T(f*\phi_n) - T(f)\|_p \to 0.$

Next, since $\|T \phi_n\|\leq \|T\|$, we can apply Banach-Alaoglu Theorem, and find a subsequence $n_k$ such that $T\phi_{n_k}$ converges weakly to a function $h\in L_p$. That is, for all $g\in L_q$ with $q$ conjugate exponent to $p$, we have $\langle h, g\rangle = \lim_k \langle T\phi_{n_k}, g\rangle = \lim_k \langle \phi_{n_k}, T^* g \rangle = \overline{T^*g} (0) $ if $T^*g$ is continuous at $t = 0$. Finally, \begin{align*} T(f*\phi_n)(t) &= T \int_\tau \phi_n(t-\tau)f(\tau)d\tau \\ &= \int_\tau f(\tau) T (\phi_n(t-\tau)) d\tau \text{ --- by linearity}\\ &= \int_\tau f(\tau) TS_\tau(\phi_n(t))d\tau \\ & = \int_\tau f(\tau) S_\tau T(\phi_n(t))d\tau \text{ --- by time invariance}\\ & = f*(T\phi_n) \end{align*} Letting $n\to \infty$ we have $Tf(t) = f*h$.

So if this proof is true, then we proved there is some $h\in L_p$ with $\|h\|_p = \|T\phi_n\|_p \leq \|T\|$ and such that $\langle h, g\rangle = \bar{g}(0)$ for continuous functions $g$. I don't think such a function $h$ can exist. If so it would be the Dirac $\delta$, right? If so, what is wrong with this proof?

Is it true that $T$ bounded, linear, time invariant means it is a limit of convolutions?


1 Answer 1


The problem is that (as you noted by the conclusion!) your approximation of the identity is not such. The usual argument with mollifiers requires the function $\phi$ to be in $L^1$. And in $L^1$ the argument cannot possibly work because there is no Banach-Alaoglu; or there is, in a sense, but you get a measure and not necessarily a function $h$.

When $p>1$, you don't get a mollifier. Mollifiers for $p>1$ are unbounded.

Also, the first step in your argument is valid, but possibly not by the reason you state (linearity); it is a lot more than that. In general, you cannot treat the functions inside the integral as functions where you can apply your operator. Let us make a simple counterexample. Let $Tf=1_{[1,2]}\,f$. Put $h=1_{[0,1]}$, and $$\tag1 g(t)=(h*f)(t)=\int_{-\infty}^\infty h(t-\tau)\,f(\tau)\,d\tau=\int_{t-1}^tf. $$ Then $(Tg)(1)=\int_0^1f$. But $Th=1_{\{1\}}$, and so $Th*f=0$ for all $t$.

Here is another example. Let $(Tf)(t)=f(t^2)$ and put $g=h*k$. Then $$ (Tg)(t)=g(t^2)=\int_{-\infty}^\infty h(t^2-s)\,k(s)\,ds, $$ while $$ (Th)*k(t)=\int_{-\infty}^\infty h((t-s)^2)\,k(s)\,ds. $$

Having said all the above, the first step in your argument is valid; and that's because $T$ is not only linear and bounded, but translation invariant for all translations. What happens is this. You want $Tg$, where $g=h*k$. We have \begin{align} (h*k)(t)&=\int_{-\infty}^\infty h(t-s)\,k(s)\,ds =\lim_N\int_{-N}^Nh(t-s)\,k(s)\,ds\\[0.2cm] &=\lim_N\lim_M\sum_{j=1}^M h(t-s_j)k(s_j)\Delta_j\\[0.2cm] &=\lim_N\lim_M\sum_{j=1}^M h_j(t)k(s_j)\Delta_j, \end{align} where $h_j=S_{s_j}h$. Now the Riemann sum is written as a linear combination of the functions $h_j$, and the linearity and continuity of $T$ give us $$ (T(h*k))(t)=\lim_N\lim_M\sum_{j=1}^M (Th_j)(t)k(s_j)\Delta_j. $$ And because $TS_{s_j}=S_{s_j}T$, we have that $(Th_j)(t)=(Th)(t-s_j)$. Then \begin{align} (T(h*k))(t)&=\lim_N\lim_M\sum_{j=1}^M (Th)(t-s_j)k(s_j)\Delta_j\\[0.2cm] &=\int_{-\infty}^\infty (Th)(t-s)\,k(s)\,ds \end{align}

Finally, the article by Lars Hörmander: Estimates for translation invariant operators in Lp spaces, Acta Math.104 (1960), 93–140 (link here if you have access) states that translation invariant operators in $L^p(\mathbb R^n)$ are given by convolution against a distribution. Another link to the Hörmander paper

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Could you give the full reference to the article. The link points to something inaccessible to non-AMS members. $\endgroup$
    – KBS
    Commented Jun 19 at 8:48
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The article is Hörmander, Lars. Estimates for translation invariant operators in Lp spaces. Acta Math.104(1960), 93–140. $\endgroup$
    – MaoWao
    Commented Jun 19 at 10:31
  • $\begingroup$ So the problem here is that if $p>1$, then even for $g\in L_q$ and continuous at $t = 0$, we cannot conclude that $\langle \phi_n, g\langle = \int_[\pm 1/2n] n^{1/p} g = g(0)$, because $\int \phi_n = n^{1/p - 1}\neq 1$. Moreover, if $n=1$, then the dual space is the set of bounded Borel measures, so we don't get a function with which to convolve. Q: I think my proof that $T(f*\phi) = f*(T\phi)$ has correctly and exactly where linearity is needed and where time invariance is needed (I agree we need both), but your response indicates that that portion of the proof is incorrect? $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 19 at 13:50
  • $\begingroup$ So to correct this proof, would this work: 1. consider $T$ restricted to $L_1\cap L_p$, a dense subset, 2. use the argument above to show that $Tf = f*d\mu$ for a finite Borel measure $\mu$, 3. use continuity to extend to $L_p$. Conclusion, $T$ is bounded, linear, and time invariant $\implies \exists$ finite Borel measure $\mu$ such that $T(f)(t) = \int f(t-\tau)d\mu(\tau)$. ? $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 19 at 14:10
  • $\begingroup$ As explained in my answer, you use the time invariance in your second equal sign, where you wrote "linearity". I still don't think your argument works for $p>1$, because you don't get bounded mollifiers for the $p$-norm, so there is never a convergent sequence to start with. At least not via an Alaoglu argument. Hörmander's paper, which I haven't read, seems to imply that you can get $T\phi_n$ to somehow converge to a distribution. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 19 at 15:09

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