
I am aware that other questions are quite similar to this; however, it seems like the other questions regarding the same statement are looking at proofs that seem somewhat different from the one I am interested in, so here goes:

On page $29$ in Kunen's "Set Theory Introduction to Independence Proofs", he wants to prove that for infinite cardinals $\kappa$, we have $\kappa \otimes \kappa = \kappa$.

I'll provide the proof in full (paraphrased):

We prove this by transfinite induction on $\kappa$. Assume this holds for smaller cardinals. Then for $\alpha < \kappa$, we have \begin{align*} \alpha \otimes \alpha &= |\alpha \times \alpha|\\ &= |\alpha| \otimes |\alpha|\\ &< \kappa \end{align*} (applying lemma 10.10 when $\alpha$ is finite, which says that for $m,n \in \omega: m \otimes n < \omega$). Define a well-ordering $\triangleleft$ on $\kappa \times \kappa$ by $$ \langle \alpha,\beta \rangle \ \triangleleft \ \langle \gamma,\delta \rangle \iff \text{max}(\alpha,\beta) < \text{max}(\gamma,\delta) \lor \left[\text{max}(\alpha,\beta) = \text{max}(\gamma,\delta) \land \langle \alpha,\beta \rangle \ \text{precedes} \ \langle \gamma,\delta \rangle \ \text{lexicographically}\right]. $$ Each $\langle \alpha,\beta \rangle \in \kappa \times \kappa$ has no more than $|(\text{max}(\alpha,\beta)+1) \times (\text{max}(\alpha,\beta)+1)| < \kappa$ predecessors in $\triangleleft$, so $\text{type}(\kappa \times \kappa, \triangleleft) \leq \kappa$, whence $|\kappa \times \kappa| \leq \kappa$. Since clearly $|\kappa \times \kappa| \geq |\kappa| = \kappa$, we have $$ |\kappa \times \kappa| = |\kappa| = \kappa.$$

Now, I am having a really hard time trying to understand even the structure of this proof. For example, as a friend pointed out, why is he taking account of finite cardinals $\alpha$ in the proof? Is it because the induction is really on showing that for all $\alpha < \kappa$ we have $|\alpha \times \alpha| \leq \kappa$, and the induction is not on the property $\kappa \otimes \kappa = \kappa$. The first induction makes sense since if he was really doing induction on $\kappa \otimes \kappa = \kappa$ for infinite cardinals, the base case would be $\omega$ (and we could disregard finite $\alpha$). I have looked at this proof for quite a while but I am still having trouble understanding the logical structure of the proof.

I would appreciate anyone who could elucidate this clearly for me.


1 Answer 1


Among other reasons, he's accounting for finite cardinals in order to apply the proof to $\aleph_0 \otimes \aleph_0$.

The structure of the proof is just that for any $\alpha \lt \kappa$, we know by the induction hypothesis that $\vert \alpha \times \alpha \vert \lt \kappa$. Using this knowledge, we create a well ordering of $\kappa \times \kappa$ such that any ordered pair $(\alpha, \beta) \in \kappa \times \kappa$ has fewer than $\kappa$ predecessors. That well order tells us that $\vert \kappa \times \kappa \vert \leq \kappa$.

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks for your input, hmm, can you please expand a little on the point $\aleph_{0} \otimes \aleph_0$? I suppose you mean that we need to show that it holds for the base case $\aleph_0 = \omega$. But why is this needed, do we not know that $\omega \otimes \omega = |\omega+\omega| = |\omega| = \omega < \kappa$ assuming $\omega < \kappa$. Or oh, perhaps you mean in the case that $\kappa = \omega$. Right. I would be really happy if you can elucidate why $(\alpha,\beta) \in \kappa \times \kappa$ having fewer than $\kappa$ predecessors implies $|\kappa \times \kappa| \leq \kappa$. $\endgroup$
    – Ben123
    Commented Jun 18 at 0:19
  • $\begingroup$ If all initial segments of a well ordering have order type strictly less than $\kappa$, then the entire well ordering must have order type no greater than $\kappa$. If the well ordering had order type $\kappa + 1$ (or anything greater), then it would have an initial segment with order type $\kappa$. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 18 at 0:21
  • $\begingroup$ Don’t you want to use the inductive assumption on $\text{max}(\alpha,\beta) + 1$? That does not work if you only do transfinite induction over cardinals. So I assume that the induction is over all ordinals $\alpha < \kappa$. Otherwise I don’t see how we know that $|(\text{max}(\alpha,\beta) + 1) \times (\text{max}(\alpha,\beta) + 1)| < \kappa$. That is, we know that $\text{max}(\alpha,\beta) + 1$ is not a limit ordinal. In fact, it is a successor-ordinal. So we need to do the induction over ordinals less than $\kappa$, I think. $\endgroup$
    – Ben123
    Commented Jun 18 at 2:08
  • $\begingroup$ @Ben123 If you already know that $\alpha \otimes \alpha =\vert \alpha \times \alpha \vert = \vert \alpha \vert \otimes \vert \alpha \vert$, then you have what you need. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 18 at 14:26
  • $\begingroup$ I don't agree that we know this for $\alpha$ that are ordinals unless we do the induction over all ordinals less than $\kappa$. If you restrict the induction to cardinals, then how exactly do you know that $|(\text{max}(\alpha,\beta) +1) \times (\text{max}(\alpha,\beta)+1)| < \kappa$? Nothing hinders $\alpha > \beta > \omega$ and the $\alpha$ is an infinite ordinal, so that $\alpha+1$ is an infinite successor-ordinal, so not a cardinal. And then we can't use the inductive assumption. Why am I wrong? Or is there some other property you can use in these cases? $\endgroup$
    – Ben123
    Commented Jun 18 at 14:49

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