
I want to see how one can stumble upon the following using complex numbers

$\cos{A} + \cos{B} = 2\cos{\frac{A+B}{2}}\cos\frac{A-B}{2}$

I know getting to angle sum formulas like $\cos{(A+B)}$ and $\sin{(A+B)}$ is easy. Just sub in $(A+B)$ as the angle in Euler's formula.

I know the $\cos{A} + \cos{B}$ formula can be derived by letting $A+B=C$, $A-B=D$, bringing the question into a $\cos{(C+D)} + \cos{(C-D)}$ format and then cancelling out a few terms, you get the formula.

But is there an elegant way to reach it? Using exponential rules and Euler's formula in a very elegant way... I mean something that doesn't require the thought, "Oh let me write it as a sum and difference". Something more straightforward... something that would be a very natural thing to do. For someone who doesn't know the answer in the first place.

EDIT: I'm not talking about a way up the answer to the question. Just a naive travel to the answer itself as if it is unknown. So I'm NOT looking for a way that starts with defining 2cos((A+B)/2)cos((A-B)/2) and works its way up. Rather, the other way around.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ If you have the occasion to edit, could you please re-tag "complex-geometry" (which this is not ;) to "geometry"? $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 25 at 13:19

1 Answer 1


Generalizing the usual trick to find the modulus and argument of $e^{ia}+1$, let us divide $e^{iA}+e^{iB}$ by $e^{i\frac{A+B}2}$. The quotient is $e^{i\frac{2A-(A+B)}2}+e^{i\frac{2B-(A+B)}2}$. Then, taking the real and imaginary parts of $$e^{iA}+e^{iB}=e^{i\frac{A+B}2}\left(e^{i\frac{A-B}2}+e^{i\frac{B-A}2}\right)=2e^{i\frac{A+B}2}\cos\frac{A-B}2$$ we get simultaneously $$\begin{cases}\cos A+\cos B&=2\cos\frac{A+B}2\cos\frac{A-B}2,\\ \sin A+\sin B&=2\sin\frac{A+B}2\cos\frac{A-B}2. \end{cases}$$

  • $\begingroup$ Oh well, that's working from the answer up to the question... I'm sorry I didn't clarify it in the first place... I'm looking for a naive approach for someone who doesn't know the answer in the first place... How would we reach the answer? $\endgroup$
    – Maddy
    Commented Apr 24 at 7:21
  • $\begingroup$ Does my updated answer still not suit you? $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 24 at 7:53
  • $\begingroup$ Oh yeah! This works! A little clarity on the step... perhaps how it's just A = 2A/2 = (2A + B - B)/2 would be nice! Although this is kinda tough to come up with on your own if you don't have a hint of what the answer might look like, this is sure really elegant! Thank you! $\endgroup$
    – Maddy
    Commented Apr 24 at 8:32

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