
We would like to minimize the quantity


under the constraint $\vec{w}^T\Gamma^T\Gamma\vec{w}\leq C$ where $\Gamma$ is a matrix, $C$ is a positive constant.

Let $\vec{w}_{reg}$ be the solution to the above problem, further suppose $\vec{w}_{lin}$, the linear regression solution satisfies $\vec{w}^T\Gamma^T\Gamma\vec{w}\leq C$.

What is the relationship between $\vec{w}_{reg}$ and $\vec{w}_{lin}$?


I am not sure how to approach this. My idea is that the constraint can be rewritten as $(\Gamma\vec{w})^T\Gamma\vec{w}\leq C$. And since $\vec{w}_{lin}$ satisfies it, and linear regression has a unique solution. If I could show $\Gamma \vec{w}_{lin}$ minimizes our quantity, then we have $\vec{w}_{reg}=\Gamma \vec{w}_{lin}$. However, I'm unsure how to begin.

Any pointers?



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