
Let $E : y^2 = x^3 + Ax + B$ be an elliptic curve over a field $k$ with characteristic not $2$ or $3$ (not necessarily algebraically closed), and let $x = x_0$ be a line that intersects $E$ in $(x_0, \pm y_0) \in E(k)$.

According to Lemma 10 of this paper, this is expressed algebraically as the following equation of ideals over $k[X, Y]$: $$ (X - x_0, Y - y_0) (X - x_0, Y + y_0) \equiv (X - x_0) \pmod{(Y^2 - (X^3 + AX + B))}, $$ or more directly $$ (X - x_0, Y - y_0) (X - x_0, Y + y_0) = (X - x_0, Y^2 - (X^3 + AX + B)). $$

The paper gives a purely algebraic proof of this statement, although I can't help but think there must be a way to derive this algebro-geometrically.

I'd imagine it'd go something like: $$ V((X - x_0, Y - y_0) (X - x_0, Y + y_0)) = \\{ (x_0, \pm y_0) \\} = V(X - x_0, Y^2 - (X^3 + AX + B)) $$ We'd like to conclude that $$ (X - x_0, Y - y_0) (X - x_0, Y + y_0) = (X - x_0, Y^2 - (X^3 + AX + B)). $$

I know that $V(I) = V(J)$ doesn't imply $I = J$ in general; the most common condition is that $I$ and $J$ are radical ideals, and $k$ has to be algebraically closed, and then we can use the Nullstellensatz directly.

It seems doable to show that $(X - x_0, Y - y_0) (X - x_0, Y + y_0)$ is radical, via $$ \sqrt{I J} = \sqrt{I \cap J} = \sqrt{I} \cap \sqrt{J} $$ but it seems less obvious that $(X - x_0, Y^2 - (X^3 + AX + B))$ is radical. (Edit: It now seems doable by showing that $k[X, Y]/(X - x_0, Y^2 - (X^3 + AX + B))$ is reduced.)

Also, even if we assume that $k$ is algebraically closed and use the Nullstellensatz, maybe we can extend this to non-algebraically closed subfields of $k$ given some conditions, e.g. if the points of intersection are in the subfield. (Edit: this answer seems to be what I need.)

Am I on the right track?

  • $\begingroup$ The ideal $(X - x_0, Y - y_0)$ is well-defined only over the residue field $k(y_0)$ or its extensions. And if you want these ideals to be radical then $\text{char}(k)\neq2$. You may presumably take $(x_0,y_0)$ to be a $k$-rational point and $k$ is not of char 2. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 27, 2023 at 8:33
  • $\begingroup$ Anyway $(X - x_0, Y^2 - (X^3 + AX + B))=I$ is radical. To see this let $(X - x_0, Y - y_0)=M,(X - x_0, Y + y_0)=N$, they are maximal ideals in $k[x,y]$. Since $MN\subset I$, That means $M,N$ show up in some primary decomposition of $I$. Hence the prime divisors of $I$ contain $M,N$ and if there's another one $p=\sqrt{Q}$, then $MN\subset I\subset MNQ$. It follows $I=MN$. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 27, 2023 at 8:34
  • $\begingroup$ If $y_0\notin k $ then $M'=(X-x_0, y^2-y_0^2)$ is a maximal ideal and $(X - x_0, Y^2 - (X^3 + AX + B))=M'$ is also radical. But now $(X - x_0, Y - y_0) (X - x_0, Y + y_0)$ isn't an ideal. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 27, 2023 at 8:40
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks for your reply! I'll didn't think of using primary decomposition, I'll try that. I don't follow some of what you said though. I'm assuming $x_0, y_0 \in k$; in that case surely $(X - x_0, Y - y_0)$ is well-defined as an ideal of $k[X, Y]$? $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 27, 2023 at 8:52
  • $\begingroup$ @FredAkalin - when asking questions about online papers - define things properly and explain the notation. Then you may get more response. $\endgroup$
    – hm2020
    Commented Jan 23 at 9:48

2 Answers 2


Yes, all of this is fine. If two ideals have the same zero set, then their radicals are equal, so if both ideals are radical, they are the same. It's not difficult to see that both of your ideals are radical by showing that the quotients by them are reduced:

  • For the case of $I=(x-x_0,y-y_0)(x-x_0,y+y_0)$, the ideals $(x-x_0,y-y_0)$ and $(x-x_0,y+y_0)$ are comaximal, as $(y+y_0)-(y-y_0)=2y_0$, which is a unit as $2\neq 0$ and $y_0\neq 0$ by the assumption that the line intersects the elliptic curve in two points. Therefore $k[x,y]/I\cong k[x,y]/(x-x_0,y-y_0) \times k[x,y]/(x-x_0,y+y_0)\cong k\times k$ which is reduced.
  • For the case of $J=(x-x_0,y^2-(x^3+Ax+B))$, we have $k[x,y]/J\cong k[y]/(y^2-(x_0^3+Ax_0+B))$, and $x_0^3+Ax_0+B$ is a nonzero square by the assumption that the line intersects the elliptic curve in two $k$-rational points. So $k[x,y]/J\cong k[y]/(y^2-c^2)$ for some $c\neq 0$, and as we're not in characteristic two, $y^2-c^2=(y-c)(y+c)$, and again $k[y]/(y-c)(y+c)\cong k\times k$ by the Chinese remainder theorem.

This will work correctly when $k$ is not algebraically closed assuming you can fix the nullstellensatz to remove the "algebraically closed" assumption. The right way of doing this is by using schemes, which add enough extra info that you can make that upgrade. (Another way to do this is that you see sometimes in print is to work with things defined over $k$ but look at their zero sets over $\overline{k}$.)


Comment: "@FredAkalin - Let us assume $y_0≠0$ and let $I:=(x−x_0,y−y_0),J:=(x−x_0,y+y_0)$ and $N:=(x−x_0)$. Let $A:=k[x,y]/(y^2−x^3−Ax−B)$. You are trying to prove there is an equality of ideals $IJ=N$ in $A$. The ring $A/N≅k[y]/(y^2−f(x_0))$, and this ring is a field if $f(x_0)$ is not a square in $k$. The ideals $I,J$ are coprime maximal ideals,hence the ring $A/IJ≅A/I⊕A/J≅k⊕k$ which is never a field. Hence it seems the claimed equality is not correct.

Response: If $(x_0,y_0)∈E(k)$ doesn't it follow that $f(x_0)$ is a square in $k$, i.e. $y^2_0=f(x_0)$? I suppose I wasn't clear about that -- edited to clarify.

Answer: You must be careful when working with maximal ideals in the ring $A$.

Let $I:=(x−x_0,y−y_0),J:=(x−x_0,y+y_0)$ and $N:=(x−x_0)$ with $(x_0,y_0) \in E(k)$ be $k$-rational points. Since $I$ and $J$ are coprime maximal ideals (if $char(k) \neq 2$) it follows $A/IJ \cong k \oplus k$ and this ring has no nilpotents. Let us consider $A/N$. We get the following

$$A/(x-x_0) \cong k[y]/(y^2-f(x_0))$$

and we have the following equality of ideals in $k[y]$:



$$A/(x-x_0) \cong k[y]/(y^2-f(x_0)) \cong k[y]/(y-y_0)(y+y_0) \cong k \oplus k$$

if $y_0 \neq 0$. This is because $(x_0,y_0)\in E(k)$ and hence $y_0^2=f(x_0)$.

You get an exact sequence

$$0 \rightarrow N \rightarrow A \stackrel{\rho}\rightarrow k \oplus k \rightarrow 0$$

And the map $\rho$ sends the ideal $IJ$ to the following ideal:

$$\rho(IJ)= (x_0-x_0, y-y_0)(x_0-x_0, y+y_0) =(y-y_0)(y+y_0)=0 $$

Hence there is an iduced map $A/IJ \cong k \oplus k \rightarrow A/N \cong k \oplus k$ which is an isomorphism.

If $y_0=0$ it follows $IJ:=(x-x_0, y)^2 \neq (x-x_0):=N,$

hence the ideals are not equal. Hence the following holds in general (over any field of $char(k) \neq 2$).

Summing up: 1. If $(x_0,y_0) \in E(k)$ and if $y_0^2 \neq 0$ it follows there is an equality of ideals $IJ =N$ in $A$.

  1. If $y_0=0, f(x_0)=0$ it follows $IJ \neq N$.

Note: There is a "maximal spectrum" defined for an affine (or quasi projective ) algebraic variety over a non algebraically closed field. This may have some interest:

Grothendieck point of view of algebraic geometry

Im unsure what is your background, but the notion "algebraic variety" as defined in Hartshornes book "Algebraic geometry" chapter I, needs the base field to be algebraically closed. Over a non algebraically closed field $k$ there is no 1-1 correspondence between maximal ideals in $A$ and points $(x_0,y_0) \in k^2$ with $y^2_0=f(x_0)$.

The above link defines a "max spectrum" for your ring $A$ when $k$ is non algebraically closed. Using this the construction in the link you may speak of lines, tangents etc.

  • $\begingroup$ Hmm, I'm not sure I follow the $y_0 = 0$ case. I agree that $A/N$ has nilpotent elements, but since $y_0 = 0$, $I = J$, and so $I$ and $J$ are not comaximal anymore, and thus we can't conclude that $A/IJ = A/I^2$ is congruent to $k \oplus k$, and thus doesn't have nilpotent elements. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 28 at 13:09
  • $\begingroup$ Also note that Lemma 10 of the linked paper provides a formally-checked proof using straightforward ideal properties of a generalization of the statement which doesn't rely on $y_0$ being non-zero, so unless I missed something in my simplification (which is not unlikely), or this paper is wrong, I'm a bit skeptical that the statement is false. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 28 at 13:11
  • $\begingroup$ @FredAkalin - the point I'm trying to make is: It does not make any sense to speak of "lines", "tangents" and other "geometric properties" in the above case if you use the language in HH, CHI and when $k$ is not algebraically closed. The language in HH CHI needs $k$ to be algebraically closed. In the above case you need another construction - the link gives such a construction. $\endgroup$
    – hm2020
    Commented Jan 28 at 13:13
  • $\begingroup$ We may be talking past each other, but my issue is with the claim that "If $y_0=0,f(x_0)=0$ it follows $IJ≠N$". I agree with the general point that working with non-algebraically-closed needs special tools, or passing to the algebraic closure. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 28 at 13:16
  • $\begingroup$ @FredAkalin - If $y_0=0$ it follows $IJ:=(x-x_0,y)^2 \neq (x-x_0):=N$ hence the two ideals are not equal. The linked paper speaks of "elliptic curves" and an "elementary formula" for the group law on such a curve. If the authors do not work over an algebraically closed field, they cannot use the theory in HH CHI. They need something else. $\endgroup$
    – hm2020
    Commented Jan 28 at 13:34

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