
This question comes from the formula $$x^n - a^n = (x-a)(x^{n-1}a^0 + x^{n-2}a^1 + .... + x^1a^{n-2} + x^0a^{n-1})$$

which can be verified by summing the second factor as a geometric series. My question is, how do you express the second factor as a geometric series in closed form? If the $x$ factors were instead the constant $1$, we might have

$$s_n =1\cdot a^0 + 1 \cdot a^1 +.... +1\cdot a^{n-1}=\frac{1\cdot (1-a^n)}{1-a}$$

but that's as far as I've gotten.


2 Answers 2


Observe that the series has common ratio $r = \frac{a}{x}$. Hence: \begin{align*} (x-a)(x^{n-1}a^0 + x^{n-2}a^1 + \ldots + x^1a^{n-2} + x^0a^{n-1}) &= (x-a) \cdot \dfrac{x^{n-1}(1-(\frac{a}{x})^n)}{1-\frac{a}{x}} \\ &= (x-a) \cdot \dfrac{x}{x} \cdot \dfrac{x^{n-1}(1-\frac{a^n}{x^n})}{1-\frac{a}{x}} \\ &= (x-a) \cdot \dfrac{x^{n}(1-\frac{a^n}{x^n})}{x-a} \\ &= x^n - a^n \end{align*}





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