
I have a function : $$f(x) = e^{3x}+4e^{2x}-3e^x=0$$ I have to show that there is exactly one real root.

My effort

$f$ is continuous on $\mathbb{R}$

$f(-1) = e^{-3}+4e^{-2}-3e^{-1} \approx =-0.512$

$f(0) = e^{0}+4e^{0}-3e^{0}=2$

So by the Intermediate Value Theorem, we know that there must be a number $c \in [−1, 0]$, where $f(c) = 0.$

So I call $c$ my solution to the original equation and suppose there exists another one; I call this one $d$. Then either $d > c$ or $d < c$. Then $f(x)$ is a continuous function on $[c,d]$ and differentiable on $(c,d)$ (it is differentiable everywhere, actually). By Rolle’s Theorem, there then must exist a point $r \in (c,d)$, where $f′(r) = 0$.

Doing so $$f'(x) = \mathrm{e}^x\cdot\left(3\mathrm{e}^{2x}+8\mathrm{e}^x-3\right)$$

substituting $u = e^x$ I take : $$ u(3u^2+8u-3)$$ that have two roots $u=1/3$ and $u=-3$ substituting back now I take $x= \log(1/3)$ and $x=-\log(3)$.I have two roots not one.

Am I correct ?

  • 4
    $\begingroup$ It would be easier to substitute $u=e^x$ in $f(x)$ and then solve a quadratic equation. $\endgroup$
    – Martin R
    Commented Dec 23, 2022 at 21:57
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Not quite. Note that $e^x = -3$ does not imply $x = -\log(3)$. There is no real $x$ such that $e^x = -3$, since $e^x > 0$ for all $x$. (Also, note that $-\log(3)$ and $\log(1/3)$ are the same, so you weren't entirely incorrect there!) $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 23, 2022 at 21:58
  • $\begingroup$ @MartinR am I correct though? $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 23, 2022 at 21:58
  • $\begingroup$ $f'$ has one root, but that alone does not prove or disprove that $f$ has exactly one root. $\endgroup$
    – Martin R
    Commented Dec 23, 2022 at 22:02
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Theo, by substiting $u = e^x$ and changing domain from $\mathbb{R}$ to $\mathbb{R}_{>0}$ we get an equivalent problem. $\endgroup$
    – Mihail
    Commented Dec 23, 2022 at 22:10

3 Answers 3


As suggested by MartinR in the comments, there is actually no need to use real analysis for this question. If we substitute $t=e^x>0$, we have to show that the equation $$t^3+4t^2-3t=0$$ has exactly one positive root. But this easily factors as $t(t^2+4t-3)=0$, so we are left with the equation $t^2+4t-3=0$, whose roots are $$t_{1, 2}=-2\pm \sqrt{7}.$$ Since $t_1=-2-\sqrt{7}<0$, only $t_2=\sqrt{7}-2$ works for us and the desired conclusion follows (note that we can actually find explicitly the unique real root of your equation).

  • $\begingroup$ I had just finished writing the same and this answer pops up! Beat me to it. This is the way to go, @Homer Jay Simpson. $\endgroup$
    – lafinur
    Commented Dec 23, 2022 at 22:12
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ No need to calculate the roots explicitly as $t^2+4t-3$ has exactly two roots of different sign, due to Vieta. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 25, 2022 at 16:37
  • $\begingroup$ @MichaelHoppe I agree with you, but I thought that it would be instructive for OP to see that he may actually find the root explicitly in this case. $\endgroup$
    – Alexdanut
    Commented Dec 25, 2022 at 16:42

For a differentiable function $f$, the existence of a point $r$ where $f'(r)=0$ is a necessary condition for the function to have two roots (points $x$ where $f(x)=0$).

This even if the function has at least one root. As an easy example, take $f(x)=x^3-3x+3$. This has a root by the intermediate value theorem, and two points where the derivative vanishes, namely $-1$ and $1$. Since $f(-1)=5$ and $f(1)=1$, we can conclude that the function has only one root.

Your calculations are not wrong, but you make the wrong deduction from the gathered data.

You have $f'(x)=e^x(3e^{2x}+8e^x-3)$ and the derivative vanishes where $e^x=1/3$, so for $x=-\log3$. You can check that this is a point of minimum and $$ f(-\log3)=\frac{1}{27}+\frac{4}{9}-1=-\frac{14}{27}<0 $$ We also have

  • $f(0)>0$,
  • $\lim\limits_{x\to-\infty}f(x)=0$,
  • $\lim\limits_{x\to\infty}f(x)=\infty$.

Thus a second root requires two points where the derivative vanishes.

Of course this can be avoided by observing that $$ f(x)=e^x(e^{2x}+4e^x-3)=e^x(e^x-2+\sqrt{7})(e^x-2-\sqrt{7}) $$ and the first two factors are positive. But I guess that the purpose of the exercise was to use calculus and not algebra.


The question is also equivalent to asking for the number of (real) intersections of the curve for $ \ g(x) \ = \ e^{3x} + 4e^{2x} \ = \ e^{2x}·(e^x + 4 ) \ $ with the curve for $ \ h(x) \ = \ 3e^x \ \ . \ $ We observe that $ \ g(0) \ = \ 1 + 4 \ > \ h(0) \ = \ 3 \ \ $ and that $ \ h(-1) \ = \ 3·e^{-1} \ = \ \frac{3e}{e^2} \ > \ \frac{8}{e^2} \ > \ \frac{e^{-1} \ + \ 4}{e^2} \ = \ g(-1) \ \ . \ $ Both $ \ g(x) \ $ and $ \ h(x) \ $ are continuous "everywhere", so the Intermediate Value Theorem guarantees that there is a value $ \ -1 \ < \ c \ < \ 0 \ $ for which $ \ g(c) \ = \ h(c) \ : \ $ there is certainly at least one real intersection of the curves.

We can show readily enough that for $ \ x \ \ge \ 0 \ \ , \ e^x \ > \ 3 \ \Rightarrow \ g(x) \ > \ e^{2x} \ = \ e^x·e^x \ > \ 3e^{ x} \ = \ h(x) \ \ . \ $ For $ \ x \ \le \ -1 \ \ , \ $ we can make an argument similar to the one in the first paragraph to show that $ \ h(-|x|) \ = \ 3·e^{-|x|} \ > \ \frac{e^{-|x|} \ + \ 4}{e^{2|x|}} \ = \ g(-|x|) \ \ . \ $

As for the first derivatives $ \ g'(x) \ = \ e^{2x}·(3e^x + 8) \ $ and $ \ h'(x) \ = \ 3e^x \ = \ h(x) \ \ , \ $ we find that $ g'(-|x|) \ = \ \frac{3e^{-|x|} \ + \ 8}{e^{2·|x|}} \ > \ 3·e^{-|x|} \ = \ h'(-|x|) \ \ $ for $ \ x \ < \ 0 \ \ . \ $ So $ \ g(x) \ $ "grows faster" than $ \ h(x) \ \ $ everywhere, telling us that the intersection at $ \ x \ = \ c \ $ is the only one there is for these curves (and why you don't obtain a second zero of $ \ f'(x) \ $ in order to apply Rolle's Theorem). [ Alexdanut and egreg have shown the location of the sole intersection to be $ \ c \ = \ \ln \ (\sqrt7 - 2) \ \approx \ -0.437 \ \ . \ ] $


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