
I am studying about Cardinal Utility in Economics (or more generally, how to quantify pleasure and pain!)

Intuitively, I assign a positive number to pleasurable experiences, and a negative number to painful experiences:

  • pleasurable experience $\rightarrow$ positive number
  • painful experience $\rightarrow$ negative number
  • greater the magnitude of the number $\rightarrow$ more intense is the pleasure or pain

But... is there anyway to transform this scale into the positive real numbers?

  • more painful the experience $\rightarrow$ closer to zero
  • more pleasurable the experience $\rightarrow$ larger positive number

That way, I won't need to worry about sign!

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Sure. Define $f:\mathbb{R} \to (0,\infty)$ by taking all negative numbers to $\frac{1}{1+|x|}$, $0$ to $1$, and positive numbers to $x+1$. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 25, 2021 at 6:16

1 Answer 1


The answer mentioned by Good Morning Captain is great! If $U_\text{old}$ was my old utility scale, whose range is the real numbers $\mathbb{R}$, then Captain's transformation:

$$U_\text{new} = f(U_\text{old}) = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{1+|U_\text{old}|} &\text{for } U_\text{old} \leq 0\\ U_\text{old}+1 &\text{for } U_\text{old} > 0 \end{cases}$$

maps negative values of $U_\text{old}$ onto the unit interval $[0,1]$, while mapping the positive values onto $\mathbb{R}^+$.

An even simpler solution would be to just use the exponential transformation:

$$U_\text{new} = \exp(U_\text{old})$$

In both the cases (Captain's function and Exponential function):

  • painful experiences $\rightarrow$ negative values in the $U_\text{old}$-scale $\rightarrow$ values in the range $[0,1)$ in the $U_\text{new}$-scale. More negative the experience, more close is the scale to 0.
  • neutral experiences $\rightarrow$ 0 in the $U_\text{old}$-scale $\rightarrow$ 1 in the $U_\text{new}$-scale
  • pleasurable experiences $\rightarrow$ positive values in the $U_\text{old}$-scale $\rightarrow$ values in the range $(1,+\infty)$ in the $U_\text{new}$-scale

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