
This is an Exam question.

Which of the Following is TRUE about formulae in Conjunctive Normal form?

-For any formula, there is a truth assignment for which at least half the clauses evaluate true.

-For any formula, there is a truth assignment for a which all the clauses evaluate to true.

-There is a formula such that for each truth assignment at most one fourth of the clauses evaluate to true.


The answer given is : "For any formula, there is a truth assignment for which at least half the clauses evaluate true."

To which I doubt too much!

This problem is asked earlier on this site itself but the accepted answer is somehow not at all satisfying to me.(may be I am a dumba**)

So here is what I interpreted step by step:

  1. Interpretation of CNF form: E=(a+b+c)(a+b'+c)(a+b'+c')

(E is the expression/formula) In short product of sum's of literals.

  1. Interpretation of term 'clauses': Here in the above case there are 3 clauses. And In the total expression I am having 3 literals a, b, c.

  2. Interpretation of the problem : Now First choice says: "For any formula, there is a truth assignment for which at least half the clauses evaluate true."

Means (what i understood): We are simply asked to find for E = 1 how many clauses should evaluate to true? (As soon as I saw this question.. my first answer that popped In my head is: 100%..to which I agree still now) Why / How 100% ? My answer would be : "how on Earth would some one multiply 0's and get 1?!". What I feel those all clauses must evalute to true!!


π = X * Y *Z (π is simply notation where the product is stored..!) This is a product of 3 bits. With 3 bits I can have 8 possibles combinations for these.. 000,001,010,011,100,101,110,111 Now only 111 is the case when π would be 1(which is very obvious..even for a school kid )

Why? Bcoz x=y=z=1 so π=1 * 1 * 1 = 1

And in all 7 other options cases the product would be obviously zero.

That means for product of 3 term to be 'not zero' all three have to be 1 only!! (Yes ofcourse right..or am i wrong here too!!?)

This is the basis for my ans being 100%

So, I think all the clauses must evalute to true, unless that happens, E can't be 1, it would be 0 only..(?)

Plz explain the option, and also comment on my interpretation ..whether that is correct in any sort?

Any help would be much regarded!


1 Answer 1


As regards your attempt to interpret the problem, for your example $$E=(a+b+c)(a+b'+c)(a+b'+c')$$ there are $3$ clauses, namely $$a+b+c,\;\;a+b'+c,\;\;a+b'+c'$$ But the claim is not about assignments that make $E$ true.

Rather, the claim is that there is some assignment of truth values to the variables that makes at least half of the $3$ clauses true.

For this particular example, using $a=1$ and any truth values for $b,c$ makes all $3$ clauses true.

If instead we take the example $$E=(a)(a')(a')$$ the truth value $a=0$ makes $2$ of the $3$ clauses true, but no truth value for $a$ makes all $3$ clauses true.

Let's consider the actual claim . . .


If $P$ is a $\text{CNF}$ expression of the form $P=P_1\land \cdots \land P_k$ with variables in $\{X_1,...,X_n\}$, there is some truth assignment to the variables $X_1,...,X_n$ such that at least half of $P_1,...,P_k$ evaluate to true.


Choose any truth assignment for the variables.

If at least half of $P_1,...,P_k$ evaluate to true, we're done.

If not, more than half of $P_1,...,P_k$ must evaluate to false, hence by negating the chosen truth value assignments for the variables, those of $P_1,...,P_k$ which evaluated to false will evaluate to true, so again we're done.

  • $\begingroup$ Your proof is excellent got my concepts cleared..@quasi Thank You! $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 11:11
  • $\begingroup$ bcoz this was an exam question..so I found many proofs for this question..they were using Binomial distribution. So my question is ...is it right to use Binomial distribution here..? Coz those solutions consider N clauses as N independent trials...and each clause may evaluate as True/False so satisfied the conditions, and then they claim No. Of success's = $n*p=n*1/2$ Buy how legitimate is that to consider these as n independent trials..coz I don't see whether any clause is independent ..coz we had already fixed the value of literals so they are dependent isn't it? $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 11:18
  • $\begingroup$ Do you have a link or reference to any of these other solutions? $\endgroup$
    – quasi
    Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 11:21
  • $\begingroup$ Link 1: www-geeksforgeeks-org.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/… $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 11:27
  • $\begingroup$ And the $n*1/2$ logic was told by my teacher to me.. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 11:28

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