
Consider the ordinary generating function $e(x)=\sum_{n\geq0}e(n)x^n$ for the number $e(n)$ of partitions of the integer $n$ into even parts. Express $e(x)$ as a product of simple generating functions.

So I know that the number of partitions of $n$ into even parts is given by $$\prod_{i\geq0}\frac{1}{1-x^{2i}}$$ but I'm unsure how to express this as a product of simple generating functions, any help would be appreciated.

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ Is that not already a product of simple generating functions? $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 4, 2019 at 16:49
  • $\begingroup$ Not if you start at $i=0$. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 6, 2019 at 2:45

1 Answer 1


I agree with Peter Taylor's comment that the generating function you gave is pretty simple already. If you have to do something, you could use difference of squares to write $$ \prod_{i \ge 1} \frac{1}{1-x^{2i}} = \prod_{i \ge 1} \left(\frac{1}{1-x^i}\right)\left(\frac{1}{1+x^i}\right).$$

The more interesting thing is that the number of partitions of $n$ into even parts is a partition number. More precisely: Write $p(n)$ for the number of partitions of $n$. A partition with just even parts necessarily sums to an even number. Then $e(2n) = p(n)$ just by taking half of each part.

(Edited to reflect @DarijGrinberg's comment that $i$ should start from 1 rather than 0.)


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