
Is there a way to prove that $1.05^{50} < 100$ without a calculator?

I have tried this...

$$1.05^{50}<10^2$$ $$(\frac{105}{100})^{50}<10^2$$ $$(\frac{21}{20})^{50}<10^2$$ $$\frac{21^{50}}{20^{50}}<10^2$$ $$\frac{21^{50}}{2^{50}*10^{50}}<10^2$$ $$\frac{21^{50}}{2^{50}}<10^{52}$$ $$10.5^{50}<10^{52}$$

...but I don't know where to go. Can someone assist me (alternate methods are fine)?

EDIT: Can anyone help me prove that $2^{1000}<10^{302}$ without a calculator?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ It's not particularly close to $100$...very crude estimates will suffice. Try starting with $1.05^4<\sqrt 2$, say. $\endgroup$
    – lulu
    Commented Nov 8, 2018 at 19:00
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Since $\log(1.05)\le\frac1{20}$ and $e\lt4$, we know that $(1.05)^{50}\le e^{50/20}\le4^{5/2}=32$. $\endgroup$
    – robjohn
    Commented Nov 9, 2018 at 7:10
  • $\begingroup$ Trancelocation solution is the most elementary. $\endgroup$
    – nonuser
    Commented Nov 9, 2018 at 13:07
  • $\begingroup$ @Anonymous I've added a solution to your second question in my accepted answer. $\endgroup$
    – Federico
    Commented Nov 9, 2018 at 15:53

8 Answers 8


$$ 1.05^{50} = \left(1+\frac{5}{100}\right)^{50} = \sqrt{\left(1+\frac{5}{100}\right)^{100}} < \sqrt{e^5} = \sqrt{e}^5 < 2^5 = 32 $$

Edit: for you second inequality, $2^{1000}<10^{302}$ is equivalent to $(2^{10})^{100}<10^2(10^3)^{100}$, which is equivalent to $$ \left(\frac{2^{10}}{10^3}\right)^{100} = \left(1+\frac{24}{1000}\right)^{100} < 100. $$ From $a\log(1+t)\leq at$ for $a>0$ we deduce $(1+t)^a\leq e^{at}$. Therefore $$ \left(1+\frac{24}{1000}\right)^{100} < e^{\frac{24}{1000}\cdot100} <e^{5/2} < 32 < 100. $$

Addendum. What is trickier, is proving that $2^{1000}>10^{301}$. Can you do that?

Here is how I go about it. Maybe someone else can find a simpler derivation.

Define $$ \exp_n(x) = \sum_{k=0}^n \frac{x^k}{k!} < \exp(x) . $$

We want $\left(\frac{2^{10}}{10^3}\right)^{100}>10$. From $(1-t)^a\leq e^{-at}$ you deduce $\left(\frac1{1-t}\right)^a\geq e^{at}$. So $$ \begin{split} \left(\frac{2^{10}}{10^3}\right)^{100} &= \left(\frac{1024}{1000}\right)^{100} = \left(\frac{1}{1-\frac{24}{1024}}\right)^{100} \geq e^{100\cdot\frac{24}{1024}} = e^{75/32} \\ &= e^{2+11/32} > e^{2+11/33} = \exp(2)\exp(1/3) > \exp_5(2)\exp_2(1/3) \\ &= \left(1+2+2+\frac43+\frac23+\frac4{15}\right)\left(1+\frac13+\frac1{18}\right) \\ &= \frac{109}{15} \cdot \frac{25}{18} = \frac{545}{54} > 10. \end{split} $$

  • $\begingroup$ How do you know the middle term is $<\sqrt{e^{5}}$? $\endgroup$
    – user613716
    Commented Nov 8, 2018 at 19:04
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ Definition of $e^x$. $\endgroup$
    – KM101
    Commented Nov 8, 2018 at 19:05
  • 6
    $\begingroup$ Because $(1+x/n)^n$ is increasing to $e^x$ $\endgroup$
    – Federico
    Commented Nov 8, 2018 at 19:05
  • $\begingroup$ Does anyone have a simpler method? $\endgroup$
    – user613716
    Commented Nov 8, 2018 at 19:12
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ @KM101 Yeah I don't know how things work in this case. I mean, it's a completely independent methd $\endgroup$
    – Federico
    Commented Nov 8, 2018 at 19:17

$\log(1.05^{50}) = 50\log(1.05) < 50·0.05 = 2.5 < 3$. Then $1.05^{50} < e^3 < 3^3 = 27$.

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ Just for clarity, this uses the fact that $\log(1+x)<x$ for all $x>0$ (this can be proven using relatively elementary methods [e.g., first-year calculus]). $\endgroup$
    – Clayton
    Commented Nov 8, 2018 at 19:21
  • $\begingroup$ Yeah of course. It was a common trick back then when we still used logarithm tables... $\endgroup$
    – Federico
    Commented Nov 8, 2018 at 19:23
  • $\begingroup$ @Clayton No worries, I was just joking! It was just to say that indeed it is a basic fact. And I'm not old enough to have used logarithm tables! :D $\endgroup$
    – Federico
    Commented Nov 8, 2018 at 19:27
  • $\begingroup$ I have edited the question with a follow-up. Please assist me. $\endgroup$
    – user613716
    Commented Nov 8, 2018 at 23:33

Here is an elementary way using GM-HM.

First note

  • $1.05^{50} < 100 \Leftrightarrow \boxed{1.05 < \sqrt[50]{100}}$

$$\color{blue}{\sqrt[50]{100}} = \sqrt[50]{2^2\cdot 5^2 \cdot 1^{46}} \color{blue}{\stackrel{\mbox{GM-HM}}{>}}\frac{50}{\frac{2}{2}+\frac{2}{5}+46}=\frac{250}{237}=1+\frac{13}{237}> \color{blue}{1.05}$$

  • $\begingroup$ This is most elementary solution! +1 $\endgroup$
    – nonuser
    Commented Nov 9, 2018 at 13:11

Use $$\left(1+\frac1n\right)^n<\left(1+\frac1n\right)^{n+1}\leq4,$$ because $\{\left(1+\frac1n\right)^{n+1}\}$ is a decreasing sequence, we have $$1.05^{50}=\left(\left(1+\frac1{20}\right)^{20}\right)^{\frac52} <4^{\frac52}=2^5=32<100.$$


$(1+x)^r\leq e^{rx}$. If $x=0.05$ and $r=50$, then $rx=50\times \frac{5}{100}=\frac{250}{100}=2.5$. Therefore $(1.05)^{50}\leq e^{2.5}$. Since $2\lt e\lt 3$, we have $2^{2.5}\lt e^{2.5}\lt 3^{2.5}$. We also have $3^{2.5}\lt 3^3$, and since $3^3=27$, we may say that $(1.05)^{50}\lt 27\lt 100$, proving the claim. No calculators required!


We have to prove $\left(\frac{21}{20}\right)^{50} < 100$, which simplifies to: $$ 3^{50}7^{50} < 2^{102}5^{52}. $$

We have $3^5 = 243 < 256 = 2^8$, and $7^2 = 49 < 50 = 2\cdot5^2$, therefore: $$ 3^{50}7^{50} = (3^5)^{10}(7^2)^{25} < (2^8)^{10}(2\cdot5^2)^{25} = 2^{105}5^{50} = 2^{102}\cdot8\cdot5^{50} < 2^{102}5^{52}. $$

(I didn't notice that a second, unrelated question had been tacked onto the end - naughty, that!)

From \begin{equation} \tag{$*$}\label{ineq:crux} 2^{10} = 1024 < 1025 = 5^2\cdot41, \end{equation} we get $$ \frac{2^{30}}{5^6} = \left(\frac{2^{10}}{5^2}\right)^3< 41^3 = 68921 < 69000 = 69\cdot2^3\cdot5^3, $$ and from this, together with \eqref{ineq:crux} again, we get $$ \frac{2^{37}}{5^{11}} = \left(\frac{2^{27}}{5^{9}}\right)\left(\frac{2^{10}}{5^{2}}\right) < 69\cdot41 = 2829 < 3125 = 5^5, $$ whence $$ 2^{37} < 5^{16}. $$ One more slog, and we're done: \begin{gather*} \left(2^{349}\right)^{16} = 2^{5584} < 2^{5587} = \left(2^{37}\right)^{151} < \left(5^{16}\right)^{151} = \left(5^{151}\right)^{16}, \\ \therefore\ 2^{1000} = 2^{302}\left(2^{349}\right)^2 < 2^{302}\left(5^{151}\right)^2 = 2^{302}5^{302} = 10^{302}. \end{gather*}


I'll use this CW answer to gather together some deductions from the power series expansion $$ \frac12\log\frac{1+x}{1-x} = x+\frac{x^3}3+\frac{x^5}5+\cdots. $$ This can be truncated to give lower bounds, and its remainder can be replaced by a geometric series with common ratio $x^2$ to give upper bounds.

Taking the first question first: \begin{multline*} 50\log\frac{21}{20} = 100\cdot\frac12\log\frac{1+\tfrac1{41}}{1-\tfrac1{41}} < 100\cdot\frac1{41}\left(1-\frac1{41^2}\right)^{-1} \\ = \frac{100\cdot41}{41^2-1} = \frac{100\cdot41}{40\cdot42} = \frac{205}{84} < \frac52, \end{multline*} whence $$ \left(\frac{21}{20}\right)^{50} < e^{5/2} < 3^{5/2} = \sqrt{243} < \sqrt{256} = 16 < 100. \quad \square $$

It doesn't take much more work to get a sharper upper bound: $$ \left(\frac{21}{20}\right)^{50} < 12. $$ Proof: $$ 50\log\frac{21}{20} < \frac{205}{84} < \frac{49}{20} < \log{12}. $$ The penultimate inequality follows from $$ 20\cdot205 = 4100 < 4116 = 4200 - 84 = 50\cdot84 - 84 = 49\cdot84. $$ The final inequality is proved as follows: \begin{gather*} \log3 = 2\cdot\frac12\log\frac{1+\tfrac12}{1-\tfrac12} > 2\left(\frac12 + \frac1{3\cdot2^3}\right) = \frac{13}{12}; \\ \log2 = 2\cdot\frac12\log\frac{1+\tfrac13}{1-\tfrac13} > 2\left(\frac13 + \frac1{3^4}\right) = \frac{56}{81}; \\ \log{12} = \log3 + 2\log2 > \frac{13}{12} + \frac{112}{81} = \frac{351+448}{324} = \frac{799}{324} > \frac{800}{325} = \frac{32}{13} > \frac{49}{20}, \end{gather*} because $20\cdot32 = 640 > 637 = 650-13 = 50\cdot13-13 = 49\cdot13. \quad \square$

An answer to the OP's second question can be deduced from the inequality in the first question. As @Federico notes in his answer, the second question reduces to $$ \left(\frac{2^{10}}{10^3}\right)^{100} < 100. $$ Therefore, it is enough to prove $$ \left(\frac{2^{10}}{10^3}\right)^2 = \left(1 + \frac3{125}\right)^2 < 1 + \frac1{20} = \frac{21}{20}; $$ and the central inequality does hold, because $$ \frac1{20} - \left(\frac6{125} + \frac9{125^2}\right) = \left(\frac6{120} - \frac6{125}\right) - \frac9{125^2} = \frac1{125}\left(\frac14 - \frac9{125}\right) > 0. \quad \square $$ (With hindsight, it would have been simpler just to write $1.024^2 = 1.048576 < 1.05$!)

Alternatively, we can answer the second question directly, using the same power series again: \begin{multline*} 100\log\frac{2^{10}}{10^3} = 100\log\left(1+\frac6{250}\right) = 200\cdot\frac12\log\frac{1+\tfrac3{253}}{1-\tfrac3{253}} \\ < \frac{600}{253}\left(1-\left(\frac3{253}\right)^2\right)^{-1}\!\! = \frac{600\cdot253}{253^2-3^2} = \frac{600\cdot253}{250\cdot256} = \frac{3\cdot253}{5\cdot64} = \frac{759}{320} < \frac52, \end{multline*} whence, exactly as with the first question, $$ \left(\frac{2^{10}}{10^3}\right)^{100} < e^{5/2} < 3^{5/2} = \sqrt{243} < \sqrt{256} = 16. \quad \square $$

Also in his answer, @Federico poses (and solves) the problem of proving $$ \left(\frac{2^{10}}{10^3}\right)^{100} > 10. $$ We can prove this by using the power series again. To begin with, $$ 100\log\frac{2^{10}}{10^3} = 100\log\left(1+\frac6{250}\right) = 200\cdot\frac12\log\frac{1+\tfrac3{253}}{1-\tfrac3{253}} > \frac{600}{253} > \frac73. $$

@Federico gives a short and clear proof that $e^{7/3} > 10$ by using the power series for $e^x,$ and this is probably to be preferred; but I'll give another proof, using the same power series I've been using throughout. (There are several other reasonable-looking ways to use the same power series to prove the result, and I make no claim that this is the neatest.) $$ \log3 = 2\cdot\frac12\log\frac{1+\tfrac12}{1-\tfrac12} < 2\left(\frac12 + \frac1{3\cdot2^3}\left( 1-\frac1{2^2}\right)^{-1}\right) = 2\left(\frac12+\frac1{18}\right) = \frac{10}9; $$ \begin{multline*} \log\frac{10}9 = 2\log\frac{1+\tfrac1{19}}{1-\tfrac1{19}} < 2\left(\frac1{19} + \frac1{3\cdot{19}^3}\left( 1-\frac1{{19}^2}\right)^{-1}\right) = \\ 2\left(\frac1{19} + \frac1{3\cdot19\cdot(19^2-1)}\right) = 2\left(\frac1{19} + \frac1{3\cdot18\cdot19\cdot20}\right) < 2\left(\frac1{19} + \frac1{18\cdot19}\right) = \frac19; \end{multline*} $$ \log{10} = 2\log3 + \log\frac{10}9 < \frac{20}9 + \frac19 = \frac73. \quad \square $$

That will have to be enough for today, but it would be fun to give similar proofs of the two middle inequalities here: $$ 10 < \left(\frac{2^{10}}{10^3}\right)^{100}\!\! < 11 < \left(\frac{21}{20}\right)^{50}\! < 12, $$ and as this is a CW answer, anyone should feel free to append such proofs.


By writing 1.05 as (1 + 0.05) and expanding by using binomial Theorem, you can clearly see that in all terms there is positive power in 0.05 ( except the first one) which is making it smaller. So it can never be greater than 100 or even leave 100 it can never be greater than 50.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Can you be more specific? You say that it does not go above 100, which is true, but by the same vague argument you could just say that it does not go above 10, which is false. I think you need to be quantitative with the estimates $\endgroup$
    – Federico
    Commented Nov 9, 2018 at 15:55

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