
I have a total of 50 balls numbered 1 to 50. I have 4 boxes:

  • Box 1 range 1 to 15
  • Box 2 range 16 to 30
  • Box 3 range 31 to 45
  • Box 4 range 46 to 50

I pick 10 balls at random from those numbered 1 to 50 each round. I place each ball in one of the 4 boxes according to range.


If I pick the number 13 ball, place it in Box 1 If I pick the number 30 ball, place it in Box 2

What is the probability that Box 1 or Box 2 or Box 3 contain a total of 6 or more balls?

Please explain briefly with the equation.


  • 3
    $\begingroup$ Is the picking done with or without replacement? $\endgroup$
    – Ovi
    Commented Jul 3, 2017 at 12:49
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Are you asking how many selections result in at least $6$ numbers being placed in one box? $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 3, 2017 at 13:14
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The principle of inclusion-exclusion should be a useful tool here. We have the convenience also of it being impossible for multiple boxes to each get 6 or more balls simultaneously so a great deal of the effort in using inclusion-exclusion is reduced. Now... ask yourself, what is the probability that box 1 contains $6$ or more balls? To answer that, what is the probability that box 1 contains exactly $6$ balls? exactly $7$ balls? etc... $\endgroup$
    – JMoravitz
    Commented Jul 3, 2017 at 13:52

1 Answer 1


The context shows, that the picking is without repetition, so:

  1. Notice, that if we pick 10 balls, there can be at last one box with 6 or more bals in it. Events where there are 6 or more balls in box n are disjoint, so $$P=P(6 \text{ or more in Box1 or Box2 or Box3}) = \\ P(6 \text{ or more in Box1})+P(6 \text{ or more in Box2})+P(6 \text{ or more in Box3})$$
  2. Events for box1, box2 and box3 are the same - 15 balls are in the range, 35 bals are outside the range. So $$P(6 \text{ or more in Box1})=P(6 \text{ or more in Box2})=P(6 \text{ or more in Box3}) = Q$$
  3. The space of all pickings have $$|\Omega|=\binom{50}{10}$$ elements
  4. For $k\geq 6$ event where there are exactly $k$ balls in box n can be described as: Pick $k$ balls of 15 that fits in box n and $10-k$ balls of 35 that fits in the other boxes. It can be done in $$a_k=\binom{15}{k}\binom{35}{10-k}$$ ways.
  5. Obviously the events, where there are exactly 6,7,8,9 and 10 elements in box n are disjoint, so $$Q=\frac{\sum_{k=6}^{10}a_k}{|\Omega|}$$
  6. Finally $$P=3Q = \frac{3\sum_{k=6}^{10}\binom{15}{k}\binom{35}{10-k}}{\binom{50}{10}}$$
  • $\begingroup$ Probability for that answer was 0.02551155602, i am right @Jaroslaw Matlak $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 5, 2017 at 12:22

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