
I'm trying to figure out probabilities of certain hands for a game I've been considering. An example is the probability of having a card that is an Ace or King and a card that is a Heart or a Diamond, but it can't be just a single Ace of Diamonds alone. There must be a card from each set. It can be an Ace of Diamonds and an Ace of Hearts, though. I.e. one fulfilling the rank and one fulfilling the suit.

I can figure the combinations that fulfill either set. Assuming a 7 card hand:

Ace, King: ${52 \choose 7} - {52-4*2 \choose 7}$

Heart or Diamond: ${52 \choose 7} - {52-13*2 \choose 7}$

My issue is figuring at least one from each set, excluding ones where there is only one match, total, common between both sets.

I tried finding the combinations of the exclusive sets, the union with two, the union and each exclusive, but the non-exclusiveness and overlapping I've not been able to figure out. I've gone through my probability and statistics books and tried searching the web, but the examples I could find were all for exclusive poker hands, etc. I'm frustrated because I'm convinced it is so simple and yet I can't see it.

I'm also trying to figure out the probabilities of this success in various different sized hands to see what a reasonable hand size is. I also have other success sets in mind, like the one above but also requiring say at least one Queen, etc., but I figure I can glean how to figure that if I knew how to think this one through the logic.

Thank you for considering this.

EDIT: re true blue anil, AH with AD would be a success. As long as there is at least one unique card fulfilling each set, it is a success.

EDIT: My current line of attack is dividing the space into unique groups of hands: no good cards, 1+ cards in Set A but none in B, 1+ cards in set B but none in A, 1+ cards in A-B and 1+ cards in B-A, 1 card in A intersecting B but none outside of it, etc. Then just add up the success hands. I don't know if that will work, but I'm at a loss.

EDIT: See the accepted answer below, but wanted to post what I had figured as well for posterity.

I broke the space into four sets.

A $[2, .., Q] \oplus [\heartsuit, \diamondsuit]^T$

B $[A, K] \oplus [\spadesuit, \clubsuit]^T$

C $[A, K] \oplus [\heartsuit, \diamondsuit]^T$

D $[2, ..., Q] \oplus [\spadesuit, \clubsuit]^T$

Good hands are:

1) two or more C

$${A + B + C + D \choose 7} - \left( {A + B + D \choose 7 } + {C \choose 1} \times {A + B + D \choose 6} \right) $$

I count the number of ways to get only hands with no card in C at all and hands with one of the C cards and 6 cards from anything but C. I subtract this from the total hands, and I have the hands with two or more C cards.

2) one C and any from A or B

$${C \choose 1} \times \left({A + B + D \choose 6} - {D \choose 6} \right)$$

Here, I count the number of hands having one of the C cards with the rest of the hand selected from and remaining cards not in C, but excluding hands that are only made of cards from D (leaving subsets with at least one A or B)

3) none from C and at least one from A and B each

$${A+B+D \choose 7} - \left( {A + D \choose 7} + {B + D \choose 7} \right) + {D \choose 7}$$

Here I create my sub set of hands from all hands that don't contain C. I then remove any hands that do not contain a B and any hands that do not contain an A. I have to add back the same number of hands that contain only cards from D because I subtracted those hands in removing the A and B exclusions twice.

The accepted answer is much more concise, but I wanted to also show my work in case it helped someone somehow on a search of this.

  • $\begingroup$ "...excluding ones where there is only one match, total, common between both sets.", Does this mean that if you get $AH$ alone it's not ok, but two such, e.g. $AH$ and $AD$ is ok ? $\endgroup$ Commented May 7, 2016 at 2:31
  • $\begingroup$ Yes, as long as there is a card for each set, it's ok. AH with AD is a success. $\endgroup$
    – CWMjr
    Commented May 7, 2016 at 11:21

1 Answer 1


Calling aces and kings "high" cards and others "low", divide the cards as follows:

$A_1: 4\;$ high cards from hearts or diamonds

$A_2: 4\;$ high cards from spades or clubs

$B_1: 22\;$ low cards from hearts or diamonds

$B_2: 22\;$ low cards from spades or clubs

We shall count hands that don't fulfill both criteria, and then find the complement:

All $7$ from $(B_1\cup B_2)\cup(A_2\cup B_2): \binom{44}7 +\binom{26}7 -\binom{22}7$

$1$ card from $A_1$ and $6$ from $B_2:\binom{4}1\binom{22}6$

Now take the complement, $$\text{thus number of good hands}\; =\binom{52}7 - \left[\binom{44}7 + \binom{26}7 - \binom{22}{7} + \binom41\binom{22}6\right]$$

  • $\begingroup$ I think this allows for both cards to only come from one of the two sets, while none came from the other. There must be a at least one unique card from set A and at least one unique card from set B. i.e. two Hearts and no Ace or King is a failing case. $\endgroup$
    – CWMjr
    Commented May 9, 2016 at 22:31
  • $\begingroup$ I have recast the answer. $\endgroup$ Commented May 10, 2016 at 7:43
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks. I figured out a less sophisticated way and this gives to same results so I feel like there's a solid solution here. $\endgroup$
    – CWMjr
    Commented May 11, 2016 at 20:45
  • $\begingroup$ Good for you :) $\endgroup$ Commented May 11, 2016 at 22:56

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