
The Szilassi polyhedron has seven hexagonal faces and 14 trihedral vertices. This is enough to make it a "regular toroid" in according to Szilassi.[1] However abstract polytopes are required to have a flag-transitive automorphism group, which is a more restrictive definition of regular.

So the question arises:

Is the Szilassi polyhedron abstractly regular?

Since the Szilassi polyhedron has 7 hexaongal faces it should have 84 flags, and thus, if it were regular, it would have an automorphism group of size 84. When I check the Atlas of Small Abstract Regular Polytopes there is no Abstract Regular polytope of Schläfli type {6,3} with a automorphism group of size 84.

The pages on the AoSARP are generated by a program exhaustively up to 1024 flags, so either there's a bug in that program or the Szilassi polyhedron is not abstractly regular, and I'm inclined to believe the latter over the former. (Or I have made a mistake in using the AoSARP, that is always a possibility)

But I'd like to prove it. I could construct the adjacency matrix and brute force check every pair of flags for symmetry, but this is time consuming and not very enlightening at the end.

I know a couple of easy checks that can show a polyhedron is not abstractly regular:

  1. Check every face has the same number of sides (Yes n=6)
  2. Check every vertex has the same number of faces (Yes n=3)
  3. Check every k-zigzag (here k=2) has the same number of edges (Yes n=14)
  4. Check the above for the dual. (Yes)

None of these are sufficient to be abstractly regular, but they are all necessary, and the Szilassi polyhedron seems (the last one is a bit tough to compute since the dual has such high degree vertices), to pass all of them.

Is there a nice proof that the Szilassi polyhedron is not abstractly regular?


2 Answers 2


Here's one construction of the (abstract) Szilassi polyhedron. Take a regular hexagon, and surround it with six more hexagons, to make a larger hexagonal patch with $18$ loose edges, or $6$ zigzags of $3$ edges each. Attach each zigzag to the one on the opposite side (by a translation, not a $180^\circ$ rotation), as in the image:

Szilassi polyhedron

For comparison, see Wolfram MathWorld's net. (It seems to be missing a label $n''$ on the lower right patch.)

For any flag $x$, there's exactly one other flag $x^v$ that has the same face and edge as $x$ but a different vertex. Likewise, there's one other flag $x^e$ that has only a different edge, and $x^f$ that has only a different face.

In the Szilassi polyhedron, there's a flag $x$ that makes a closed loop after a certain sequence of $16$ moves, but the adjacent flag $y=x^v$ doesn't make a closed loop after the same sequence of moves:

$$x^{vfe\,vfe\,vfe\,ve\,vfe\,ve}=x$$ $$y^{vfe\,vfe\,vfe\,ve\,vfe\,ve}\neq y$$ $$\,$$

Szilassi polyhedron flag sequence 1


Szilassi polyhedron flag sequence 2

Thus $x$ and $y$ are not equivalent, and the polyhedron is not regular.


Note that the faces of the Szilassi polytope are all hexagons. It therefore is easy to alternate the vertices on each single face. This however induces a valid vertex alternation rule, applicable to the full polyhedron. (E.g., within the labeling of this picture of your mentioned wiki page on the Szilassi polyhedron, those vertex subsets would be {A, C, E, G, I, K, M} and {B, D, F, H, J, L, N}.) But then, the existance of such a subdivision is exactly what makes the according abstract polytope to a chiral one.

Whereas the mentioned atlas clearly states that it lists the regular abstract polytopes.

The incidence matrix (by equivalence types - here: all elements of every type) of the Szilassi polyhedron clearly reads: $$\begin{array}{l|c|c|c}V & 14 & 3 & 3\\\hline E&2 & 21 & 2\\\hline F&6 & 6 & 7\end{array}$$

The atlas at least provides e.g. the polytope {6,3}*588, then having 98 vertices, 147 edges, 49 faces instead - i.e. a regular polytope where the Szilassi polytope seems to be a chiral modwrap (or quotient: division by 7) thereof.

But with respect to the afore mentioned chirality the incidence matrix could well be given instead likewise by: $$\begin{array}{l|cc|c|c}V&7&*&3&3\\ &*&7&3&3\\\hline E&1&1&21&2\\\hline F&3&3&6&7\end{array}$$

Aside note:
A similar effect also occurs for the cube. Here likewise the vertices can be alternated, then providing a pair of dual, vertex inscribed tetrahedra. However, the compounds of dual simplices (in any dimension) are known to be flag transitive, i.e. regular themselves. (Sure, a compound is not a polytope, but the cube, as the hull of that stella octangula, again is.) - A likewise "compound effect" in the Szilassi polyhedron case seems not to work out, at least is this exactly your observation.

--- rk

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I don't see how you can conclude that it's chiral... $\endgroup$
    – mr_e_man
    Commented Mar 17, 2023 at 1:18

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