
I saw in a book that differentiated the volume of a cylinder $V= \pi r^2 l$ like this.

\begin{align*} V &= \pi r^2 l\\ \implies \ln(V) &= \ln\left(\pi r^2 l\right)\\ &= \ln(\pi)+\ln\left(r^2\right)+\ln(l)\\ &= \ln(\pi)+2\ln(r)+\ln(l)\\ \implies \frac{dV}{V} &= 0+2\frac{dr}{r}+\frac{dl}{l} \end{align*}

Where $r$ is the radius of the cross-section of the cylinder's base, and $l$ is the height of the cylinder.

At first, they took the natural logarithm on both sides and then differentiated it (I don't know w.r.t. what), and then they got this result.

Can someone please explain how this is done?

  • 4
    $\begingroup$ This would be so much easier to read (and more likely to get a positive response) if you used Mathjax. $\endgroup$
    – DMcMor
    Commented Apr 2, 2021 at 21:26
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Welcome to MSE. Please type your questions instead of posting images. Images can't be browsed and are not accessible to those using screen readers. If you need help formatting math on this site, here's a tutorial $\endgroup$
    – saulspatz
    Commented Apr 2, 2021 at 21:27
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ As much as I want to help you MathJax it, it's, excuse my language, unreadable. Also somehow a $2x$ term pops up, which can't be correct. Mind telling us where you get this from? $\endgroup$
    – Tony Ip
    Commented Apr 2, 2021 at 21:38
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ This procedure is something that is done often and explained little: it's sort of simply "taking the differential of a variable", and isn't necessarily taken with respect to anything. It kind of says, well, whatever we would be differentiating with respect to, $d(f(u))$ had better equal $f'(u)du$. (It's clearer formally in differential geometry.) This is the gist; I'll leave it to someone answering to go into more detail! (But of course feel free to ask for clarification on what I've said!) $\endgroup$
    – thorimur
    Commented Apr 2, 2021 at 23:03
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ You can also differentiate it with respect to time $t$ to get the equation in differential form. Suppose $r=r(t),\ l=l(t)$, and $V=V(t)$ (changing with respect to time). Now, differentiate it with respect to time $t$ by using the chain rule and then eliminate $\mathrm dt$ to get that equation. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 1 at 6:48

2 Answers 2


It's a shortcut.

$V=\pi r^2l$

$dV=\frac{\partial V}{\partial r}dr + \frac{\partial V}{\partial l}dl$

$dV=2\pi r l dr + \pi r^2dl$



They're not differentiating with respect to anything; that is, they're not calculating the derivative with respect to anything. Instead, they're just differentiating; that is, they're calculating the differential. If you want to know about the derivative with respect to something (say time $ t $), then you divide by its differential (say, divide by $ \mathrm d t $), and now you've differentiated with respect to something. But until then, it's just the differential, which is absolute.

Formally, you can think of the differential as a derivative with respect to an unspecified variable; or treat $ V $, $ l $, and $ r $ as names for functions and interpret $ \mathrm d V $ as $ V ' $ etc. But in applied math, we usually don't worry about this formality. (As long as somebody has made it rigorous at some point, you know that you can just do it.)

Note that if you combine the Chain Rule with the fact that the derivative of the natural-logarithm function is the reciprocal function, you find that the derivative of $ \ln u $ (for any differentiable quantity $ u $) with respect to $ x $ (for any independent variable $ x $) is $ \frac { \mathrm d } { \mathrm d x } ( \ln u ) = \frac 1 u \, \frac { \mathrm d u } { \mathrm d x } $. Now to make this not refer to $ x $ at all, you multiply both sides by $ \mathrm d x $ to get the Natural-Logarithm Rule for differentials: $ \mathrm d ( \ln u ) = \frac 1 u \, \mathrm d u $. This is the rule that's being applied, in three separate places, in the last step. If you think of every special function as giving you a rule for differentials, rather than a derivative, then you almost never have to apply the Chain Rule explicitly (because it's been incorporated into all of the various rules for differentials.)


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