
In https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0as464WmfCo it is mentioned that the following is simplified via the "absorption" law: $$A + \widehat{A}B = A + B.$$

However https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWU1mGCT_34 at around 4:40 it states this is not an example of the absorption law.

So by what rule is the above simplified (assuming the first video had it correct)?


1 Answer 1


It is not the absorption law, it is the distributive law, followed by complementation:

$$\begin{align} A + \overline{A}B & = (A+\overline{A})(A+B) \\ & = 1(A+B)\\ & = A+B \end{align}$$


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