
I was reading through Enderton's "Mathematical Introduction to Logic" and came across 2 examples, one a formula, one a relationship:

  1. ∃x(Qx→∀x Qx)

  2. ∀y∃x Pxy $\nvDash$ ∃x∀yPxy

Enderton claims the first one is a validity. I fail to see how this is the case. How would I show this?

For the second one, I explicitly defined a predicate P: a 2 place predicate that says ($y*x = 1)$ so the statement would read as following: For all y, there exists such that ($y*x = 1)$ but the right side would read: there exists x such that for all y, ($y*x = 1)$. Now if you do it the converse way, ie ∃x∀yPxy $\vDash$ ∀y∃x Pxy then this relationship is actually true. My question is, is the example I provided enough to show the relationship holds for (2)?

edit: Not an exact duplicate, since there is a second part of the question that is not answered in the linked thread.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ ∃x(Q(x)→∀x Q(x)) is ∃x(~Q(x) or ∀x Qx). If the right hand side of the second expression is false, then ∃x(~Q(x)) is true. $\endgroup$
    – actinidia
    Commented Nov 6, 2017 at 6:25
  • $\begingroup$ With regard to your second question, are you insinuating that showing that the converse is true implies that the initial statement is false? Because that is not the case. (ex: P iff Q) $\endgroup$
    – actinidia
    Commented Nov 6, 2017 at 6:31
  • $\begingroup$ No, I am not saying that. I am asking if the example I've defined is enough to show ∀y∃x Pxy ⊭ ∃x∀yPxy. Can I explicitly define Pxy or does it have to be arbitrary? $\endgroup$
    – ange5561
    Commented Nov 6, 2017 at 14:41
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ For the first part of the question, see the post: why-is-this-true $\exists x (Px \rightarrow \forall y Py)$ ? $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 7, 2017 at 7:16

2 Answers 2


One way to think of (1) is that we can let $y$ be the "least $Q$ish" of all elements. If $y$ is actually $Q$ish, then all elements must be $Q$ish!

For instance if the least tall person, $y$, is actually tall, then all persons $x$ are tall. So $$Qy\to \forall xQ(x)$$ and hence $$\exists y(Qy\to \forall xQ(x)).$$


The second part is trivial.

In order to show that:

$∀y∃x Pxy \nvDash ∃x∀yPxy$,

consider the domain $\mathbb N$ and interpret $P$ with $\ge$ (i.e. $P^{\mathbb N} = \ge$).

Clearly: $∀m∃n \ (n \ge m)$ holds but $∃n∀m (n \ge m)$ does not (i.e. $\mathbb N \vDash ∀m∃n \ (n \ge m)$ and $\mathbb N \nvDash ∃n∀m (n \ge m)$).


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