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Questionenter image description here Question: In the figure, A 0 ​ A 1 ​ ,A 2 ​ A 3 ​ ,A 4 ​ A 5 ​

$A_0A_1,A_2A_3,A_4A_3...$ ,… areare all perpendicular to L 1 ​ ;A 1 ​ A 2 ​ ,A 3 ​ A 4 ​ ,A 5 ​ A$L_1$

6$A_1A_2,A_3A_4,A_5A_6...$ ,… are all perpendicular to L 2 ​ . If A 0 ​ A 1 ​ =1 and A 0 ​ A 1 ​ +A 1 ​ A 2 ​ +A 2 ​ A 3 ​ +…∞=2(2+ √3 ​ ), find θ.$L_2$

i​If $A_0A_1=1$

​And $A_0A_1+A_1A_2+A_2A_3+A_3A_4......\infty =2(2+ \sqrt3)$

Find $\theta$

I figured that all the triangles formed are similar and hence the cosθ$\cos θ$ is constant. now

Now for finding the sum AoA1=A1A2=... =cosθ, $A_0A_1=A_1A_2=... =\ cos θ$

S = cosθ+cosθ+cosθ+....(infinite times) = 2(2+ √3)$S = \cos θ+\cos θ+\cos θ+....\mathrm{(infinite\ times)} = 2(2+ √3)$

how can iI determine theta$\theta$?

Question and reference image

Question: In the figure, A 0 ​ A 1 ​ ,A 2 ​ A 3 ​ ,A 4 ​ A 5 ​ ,… are all perpendicular to L 1 ​ ;A 1 ​ A 2 ​ ,A 3 ​ A 4 ​ ,A 5 ​ A 6 ,… are all perpendicular to L 2 ​ . If A 0 ​ A 1 ​ =1 and A 0 ​ A 1 ​ +A 1 ​ A 2 ​ +A 2 ​ A 3 ​ +…∞=2(2+ √3 ​ ), find θ.

i figured that all the triangles formed are similar and hence the cosθ is constant. now for finding the sum AoA1=A1A2=... =cosθ

S = cosθ+cosθ+cosθ+....(infinite times) = 2(2+ √3)

how can i determine theta?

enter image description here Question: In the figure,

$A_0A_1,A_2A_3,A_4A_3...$ are all perpendicular to $L_1$

$A_1A_2,A_3A_4,A_5A_6...$ ​ are all perpendicular to $L_2$

​If $A_0A_1=1$

​And $A_0A_1+A_1A_2+A_2A_3+A_3A_4......\infty =2(2+ \sqrt3)$

Find $\theta$

I figured that all the triangles formed are similar and hence the $\cos θ$ is constant.

Now for finding the sum, $A_0A_1=A_1A_2=... =\ cos θ$

$S = \cos θ+\cos θ+\cos θ+....\mathrm{(infinite\ times)} = 2(2+ √3)$

how can I determine $\theta$?

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Summation of infinite cos series and determining theta

Question and reference image

Question: In the figure, A 0 ​ A 1 ​ ,A 2 ​ A 3 ​ ,A 4 ​ A 5 ​ ,… are all perpendicular to L 1 ​ ;A 1 ​ A 2 ​ ,A 3 ​ A 4 ​ ,A 5 ​ A 6 ​ ,… are all perpendicular to L 2 ​ . If A 0 ​ A 1 ​ =1 and A 0 ​ A 1 ​ +A 1 ​ A 2 ​ +A 2 ​ A 3 ​ +…∞=2(2+ √3 ​ ), find θ.

i figured that all the triangles formed are similar and hence the cosθ is constant. now for finding the sum AoA1=A1A2=... =cosθ

S = cosθ+cosθ+cosθ+....(infinite times) = 2(2+ √3)

how can i determine theta?