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Marvel Database

Quote1 Our family doesn't run from things, Miles. Quote2
—Rio Morales[src]


A nurse from Puerto Rico, Rio Morales moved to New York City. She would meet Jefferson Davis and have a child with him who she would name Miles. During this time of her life, Rio would be in a line of work which she would later be ashamed of. The two would get married after having Miles and Rio would become a nurse. The two had a teenage son named Miles who won a lottery to attend the prestige Brooklyn Visions Academy, where would spend most of the week, only coming home during weekends.[1]

Rio Morales (Earth-1610B) and Miles Morales (Earth-1610B) from Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse 001

One day as Miles was late getting ready for school, Rio rushed him to make time, but still gave gim a kiss before he left. Two days later, Miles showed up at home for the night, something he was not supposed to do. Jeff tried to remind Miles of his commitment to the school, but Rio caught that Miles was disturbed and allowed him to stay in. Miles asked whether she ever thought of moving away from Brooklyn, and Rio replied that their family did not run way from things. Later that night, Jeff and Rio learned from the news that the Spider-Man had been found dead.[1]

Within the next few days, Miles hadn't shown up at school and would not respond to calls, prompting Jeff and Rio to call up any of the places he could be at. That night Brooklyn was hit by another earthquake while Rio was at her shift at the hospital.[1]

One year and four months later, Jeff and Rio attended a meeting at Miles' school for which he was late. When he eventually showed up, they learned of his missing classes and bad grade in Spanish. Before long, Miles rushed out again, while Jeff likewise had to rush for work, leaving Rio on her own at the school office. In the evening, the Moraleses had a rooftop party to celebrate Jeff's promotion, for which Miles was again late. Rio was encouraged to give a speech, which went very badly, prompting Jeff to take the mic from her and do a speech of his own.

Jefferson Morales (Earth-1610B) and Rio Morales (Earth-1610B) from Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse 001

When Miles finally showed up, Jeff and Rio questioned him about his suspicious behavior and after getting no explanation grounded him for two months, soon expanded to three after finding a girl's sweater in his room. Seeing Miles with that girl back at the party, Jeff and Rio were extremely disapproving of her. As soon as they approached her and Miles to talk, she had ran away, prompting Rio to send Jeff away and have a personal talk with Miles. Rio told her son to stand up for himself in the big fancy places he was going to and encourage him to follow that girl.[2]

Miles had not returned home that night, and Rio explained to Jeff that she had un-grounded him, prompting him to doubt his capability at parenting. Right then, the girl showed up at Miles' room, and both Jeff and Rio demanded her to tell them where their son was. The girl explained that him becoming missing was her fault and that she was going to find him. After telling Miles' parents that he loved them more than they could imagine, the girl departed.[2]


See Also

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