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Marvel Database

Quote1 Look sometimes, people drift apart, Miles. And I don’t want that to happen to us, ok? Look, I know I don’t always do what you need me to do or say what you need me to say, but I’m... I see this...this spark in you. It’s amazing, it’s why I push you. But it’s yours and whatever you choose to do with it, you’ll be great. Quote2
—Officer Jefferson Morales[src]


Early life[]

Aaron Davis and Jefferson Davis (Earth-1610B) from Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse 001

Young Jeff with Aaron

Jefferson Davis was born and raised in Brooklyn alongside his brother Aaron. At a young age the two brothers started a business together,[1]. Jeff would meet Rio and the two would have a child which they would name Miles. After having Miles, the two would get married and Jeff's path would diverge from that of his brother as he became a PDNY officer. Miles would win a lottery to attend the prestige Brooklyn Visions Academy. By this time Jeff had a difficult relationship with his brother and disapproved of Miles spending a lot of time with his uncle.[2]

Loss of Aaron[]

Jefferson Davis (Earth-1610B) from Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse 003

One day as Miles was getting ready for school, Jeff offered to drive him, but Miles refused. Getting to work himself, Jeff caught up with his son and caught him putting stickers on city property. Taking him to the Brooklyn Visions, Jeff expressed his dislike of the vigilante Spider-Man. Two days later, Miles showed up at home for the night, which he was not supposed to do until the weekend. Jeff tried to remind Miles of his commitment to the school, but Rio caught him and allowed Miles to stay in. Later that night, Jeff and Rio learned from the news that the Spider-Man had been found dead.[2]

Jefferson Davis (Earth-1610B) from Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse 002

Within the next few days, Miles hadn't shown up at school and could not be found anywhere, prompting Jeff to call Aaron and ask him to reply if Miles was spending time with him. The next day, Jeff responded to a disturbance call involving multiple Spider-People in Queens and found his brother Aaron dead on the scene. Jeff went to Miles' dorm room at Brooklyn Visions to try and tell him about it, but Miles apparently did not want to talk, and Jeff departed and saying him some kind words through the door. Later that night Brooklyn was hit by another earthquake and Jeff helped evacuate civilians at Fisk Tower. While there, he found his way downstairs to the supercollider room and witnessed the new Spider-Man fighting Kingpin. Despite suspecting him of being related to Aaron's death earlier, Jeff urged the new Spider-Man to get up and saw him eventually prevail. The collider room exploded and Jeff participated in handling the aftermath, arresting Tombstone. He then finally received a call from Miles and was able to talk to him about Uncle Aaron's death. After Miles hung up, Jefferson was approached by the new Spider-Man, who expressed his enthusiasm for their future partnership before handling Kingpin over to them.[2]


At some point within the next one year and four months, Jefferson changed his last name to match that of his wife and son. One week before being sworn in as a Captain, he and Rio attended a meeting at Miles' school for which he was late. When he eventually showed up, they learned of his missing classes and bad grade in Spanish. Before long, Miles rushed out again, while Jeff likewise had to respond to a supervillain disturbance call. Outside Visions Academy his car was ruined by a holes guy who was fighting Spider-Man. Jefferson was caught in their fight, which took them to former Fisk Tower where construction work was done at the supercollider wreckage; Jeff nearly fell to his death but was saved by Spider-Man just in time. After the holes guy disappeared, Jeff had a personal talk with Spider-Man, whom he became well-acquitant with over their mutual work.[1]

In the evening, the Moraleses had a rooftop party to celebrate Jeff's promotion, for which Miles was again late. When he finally showed up, Jeff and Rio questioned him and after getting no explanation grounded him for two months, soon expanded to three after finding a girl's sweater in his room. Seeing Miles with that girl back at the party, Jeff and Rio were extremely disapproving of her. As soon as they approched her and Miles to talk, she had ran away, prompting Rio to send Jeff away and have a personal talk with Miles and encourage him to follow her.[1]

Miles had not returned home that night, and Rio explained to Jeff that she had un-grounded him, prompting him to doubt his capability at parenting. Right then, the girl showed up at Miles' room, causing both Jeff and Rio to demand from her where their son was. The girl explained that his becoming missing was her fault and that she was going to find him. After telling Miles' parents that he loved them more than they could imagine, she departed.[1]



Jefferson Davis (Earth-1610B) from Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse 004
Seemingly those of the Jefferson Davis of Earth-1610.


See Also

Links and References

