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Does the police lying and causing a loss constitute fraud?

There is a Guardian Consumer story about someone given incorrect information by the police that resulted in a loss: In March, they called me because a 90-year-old man I try to help was not answering ...
User65535's user avatar
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What is the legal justification for education staff and/or accompanying police forcing entry to dwellings in the case of truancy?

There is a news article about the crackdown on non-attendance at school. It includes the statement: Parents have told us about very strict schools actually forcing entry to their homes. Schools are ...
User65535's user avatar
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When may handcuffs not be used when arresting someone?

This is a trope that occasionally comes up in various fora that handcuffs (and indeed any degree of force) when arresting someone should only be used if there is clear reason to think that it’s ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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What is the threshold for "key national infrastructure"?

On Monday 30th October for the first time police used section 7 of the Public Order Act 2023, which bans any act “which interferes with the use or operation of any key national infrastructure in ...
User65535's user avatar
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Is hiding your face enough evidence for police to suspect a crime and require you to expose it?

Apparently in the UK it is an offence to refuse to remove a face covering if asked by police who believe a crime may be committed. What is the threshold for this belief, and how does the crime have ...
User65535's user avatar
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In crimes prosecuted by local authorities, do they take the place off the police or the CPS?

For example, illegal eviction may be prosecuted by local authorities. In this case, does that mean that they refer the cases after charging to the CPS rather than the relevant police forces? Or that ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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Is it legal for the police to take you away from home and abandon you without means of getting to safety?

It is reported that police arrested a man at his home in the middle of the night, drove him three miles away and "dearrested" him nine minutes later. He was left with no money, phone and ...
User65535's user avatar
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Why do Pride flags fly over British police stations, prisons and other government buildings?

Insofar as this question may have a legal answer, by what provisions or instruments are they flown or allowed to be flown? Who would have the power to decide what flags are flown over such ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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Under which law is the police allowed to hold one's passport and phone after being in detention for 21 hrs?

Is the UK police allowed to hold one's passport and phone for further "investigation" after he had been in detention for 21 hours? Further the police told him that he is not allowed to leave ...
Dan's user avatar
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Still be questioned without a solicitor?

In the United Kingdom, England and Wales jurisdiction, when someone is arrested they are read a caution. If at that moment, the person declines to give a statement, and then asks for a solicitor, can ...
user5623335's user avatar
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If the police tell you not to drink does that have any legal force?

It is reported in the news that during an arrest of suspected protestors a police officer instructed one person that they could not drink their coffee with a reason that it may be poisoned. This ...
User65535's user avatar
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Under what law were the Republic protestors initially detained?

The detention of the Republic protestors at the coronation is reported so: At around 6am on the morning of the coronation, Smith and his colleagues brought down the amplifiers and megaphones from ...
User65535's user avatar
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Is an arrest legal if no reason is given?

From the UK Government website: The police arrest procedure If you’re arrested the police must: identify themselves as the police tell you that you’re being arrested tell you what crime they think ...
User65535's user avatar
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Can it be illegal to not speak to the police until you have spoken to a lawyer?

It is reported that Ernest Moret was arrested for failing to answer police questions. The incident was described as: When the officers began questioning Moret, [his colleague Stella] Magliani-...
User65535's user avatar
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Restricting processing of data provided to police

Suppose that a person A would like to report a crime of which they’ve become a victim, to the police. For this purpose the police typically require the victim’s date of birth in order to create a ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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When can one's phone be seized to retrieve video evidence taken on its camera?

Meet Bob. Bob was at a pub when a brawl broke out and when police attended he was still filming it including the arrests on his phone. Meet Alice. Alice was at a protest when someone started accosting ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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At what point are you legally required to engage with the police?

Say one was running along the road, and a police officer shouts "Oi". As I understand it you have no legal requirement to engage with them, and can continue your run. This seems to be ...
User65535's user avatar
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What is the reason for the procedure of stop-and-account to be defined and named? [closed]

What is the reason for the procedure of stop-and-account to be defined and named if it does not carry any powers to compel a subject to comply with it?
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
2 votes
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Is it required to provide one's name and date of birth when reporting a crime to the police?

Naturally when the police speak with one they like to ask for one's name and date of birth. And one would probably expect the police reporting procedures as a matter of course to require date of birth ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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Is antisocial behaviour a "crime"?

It seems almost to be its own entity, almost like contempt of court in being neither criminal nor civil, as well as analogous to the process of being bound over for a breach of the peace. For example ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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How can one arrest a police officer/constable?

According to this video at about 10:15 you can only arrest a cop for an indictable offence. It claims that under the criminal justice and courts act 2015, a police officer commits an offence if he or ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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What in essence are PCSOs? (Organizationally and career trajectory wise) [closed]

And where do they fit into the system of police? Are they aspiring police constables in training who will hopefully one day progress into full policedom? Do they report under the met?
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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Can the police make it a crime to put your hands in your pockets?

It is in the news that the police handcuffed a woman claiming she "reached" towards her pockets after being told not to. Looking at the government and Metropolitan Police web pages there is ...
User65535's user avatar
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Is it generally legally allowed for UK police to lie to people in the regular course of discharging their policing duties?

Generally speaking can one count on the words coming out of a British police officer in uniforms mouth as truthful? Under what circumstances is it permitted not to be? Is there any special ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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What are good tips and tricks to keep in mind when performing a subject access request for a comprehensive record of self-pertinent data from the met? [closed]

Bob would like to obtain as comprehensive as possible am archive of all data held on him by the metropolitan police, as well as any other police networks that they may be part of and share data with/...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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When is one required to provide one's name and DOB to the police if one wishes to avoid arrest?

Meet Bob. Bob was exercising his guaranteed right of freedom of expression by shouting to a high profile politician remarks which implied in no soft terms that they are a corrupt tyrant. Police ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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What is your legal situation and rights if restrained by the police but a legal arrest is not made?

From If you’re arrested the police must: identify themselves as the police tell you that you’re being arrested tell you what crime they think you’ve committed explain why it’s necessary to ...
User65535's user avatar
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What are the legal restrictions on police Taser use?

Looking online it is hard to find the specific rules for Taser use by the police. I have found this from the National Police Chiefs' Concil: Why use [Conducted Energy Devices (CED)] at all? CEDs ...
User65535's user avatar
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If someone is busking on a corner and a drug crazed preacher comes along ranting about gospel in slurred speech is there any offence?

Suppose the preacher cones along and asks the busker how long they'll be there for to which he replies 6pm, when the preacher then says that he'll also leave at six but then goes up to the next ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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Are you required to open the window if the police stop your car?

It is in the news that a fake police car stopped someone while driving, and when they opened their window they were assaulted as part of an attempted car jacking. I have been stopped by the police, ...
User65535's user avatar
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How to legally deal with British police officers?

How can I legally deal with British police officers if they suspect the following: I am carrying a weapon I match the profile of someone they're looking for. I understand that if I'm not carrying a ...
dollar bill's user avatar
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What provisions are there to broaden the usage of the “vulnerable adult” concept as in the PACE Act 1984 to other legal contexts?

The concept of a vulnerable adult as someone meriting equivalent treatment as children/minors seems to have pervaded British policy and legal parlance. For example, most of the clarifying materials to ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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If one requests bodycam footage of a police encounter involving another person, would they be notified of the request?

If party A calls the police on party B and they attend, then party B is entitled to request the bodycam footage of the encounter under the GDPR. If party B performs such a request, and party A appears ...
Ohan's user avatar
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How can one reliably find out if there is an open UK arrest warrant or inquiry about them, without visiting a police station? Can police lie about it?

101 is the united-kingdom's non-emergency police phone number. Would they ever lead you to believe when asking outright on the phone whether you have any warrants or circulations that all is well when ...
Ohan's user avatar
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What is the difference, if any at all, between having a warrant for your arrest and being circulated as wanted in the UK?

What does it mean to have a warrant out for one's arrest? How must a warrant be issued? What institutions within society are able to issue a warrant? What does it mean to be circulated to police ...
Ohan's user avatar
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Does Policing By Consent Have Force of Law

The UK has the principle of "policing by consent". This has become particularly relevant recently as The Metropolitan Police have become embroiled in multiple corruption scandals. So my ...
ScottishTapWater's user avatar
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In the UK, does a person have the right to refuse a police "Stop and Search"

UK Police's stop and search powers have been talked about a lot in the news in recent months. I would like to know if an individual has the right to refuse a stop and search by police in the UK.
TidyDev's user avatar
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Can the police enter a property?

Suppose that Police officers came to the home address of a person A, looking for a person B who does not reside at our address. Suppose B is the adult child of A. Can they still enter the premises to ...
Auj's user avatar
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What rights and responsibilities exist with respect to mobile phone use and arrest?

It is in the news today that Wayne Couzens made an unlawful arrest of Sarah Everard in the process of her murder. If one found oneself in a situation where this was a possibility an obvious solution ...
Dave's user avatar
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Is asking police to justify their orders illegal?

From the BBC, WRT instructions by the police for people on the streets to move on: the legal niceties don't always matter: "The police will often just insist on people 'moving on' because they ...
Dave's user avatar
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Can you arrest a person without police? [duplicate]

Is it possible to make the decision of arresting a person that is not judged by the police. For example by someone trained in law, like a lawyer. It is not uncommon to get some form of police ...
abdellahabib's user avatar
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What is a legal response if police illegally try to enter your home?

Say the police turn up at your house with a search warrant. They show it to you, and it is more than 3 months old and so invalid, and therefore does not give them the right to enter your house. You ...
sIMON's user avatar
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Follow-up question about summary only offence

I am following on from a question that I posted here. Person A: Reported suspect for one indictable offence. Person B: Reported suspect for several summary only offences. I understand based on the ...
questioner's user avatar
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Can the police seize your phone without a warrant UK?

This question relates to the seizure of a mobile phone (cell phone) in the United Kingdom, focusing on England and Wales which has a different system to Scotland. If the police arrest someone over a ...
questioner's user avatar
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Can I avoid telling the police my password by regenerating my key each time?

Under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 Part III Section 49 the police can, with a certain procedure, require one to provide a key with threat of custodial sentence up to 2.5 years if ...
Rod's user avatar
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Law enforcement requesting passwords from companies?

Could UK law enforcement enforce s.49 of RIPA 2000 on a company outside the UK, say Snapchat, Facebook, or Google, in order to retrieve a user's hashed password from their database to log into that ...
Am75's user avatar
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Is mere accusation without evidence other than testimony of the accuser, grounds for arrest in the UK?

Several years ago I was stopped in public by the police. Someone had 'identified' me as abusing them in terms of their gender two years before that. Had that happened, I suppose it would have been ...
chasly - supports Monica's user avatar
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UK: What information are the police legally required to collect when going door-to-door, and why?

A few days ago, a police officer knocked on my door in the evening and asked whether I had noticed any disturbances in my street earlier in the day - he said it was in relation to reports that they'd ...
Noble-Surfer's user avatar
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Under what circumstances are you required to stop and/or answer questions by the police?

After this case of suspected harassment by the police in England in response to refusal to provide a name while walking to catch a train I wondered when you are required to stop, and when you are ...
Dan's user avatar
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Is it illegal for a police officer to buy lottery tickets?

I work retail and one of my jobs includes upselling lottery tickets. I was told by a police officer (clearly on duty & uniformed) that it was illegal for them to buy one while on duty as it is ...
Comic Sans Seraphim's user avatar

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