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Questions tagged [identification]

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-2 votes
1 answer

Doctors retaining images of ID cards?

There's another question about whether you can be compelled to show identification to a medical provider. But it's not just showing your drivers license or state identification card—nowadays they ...
Adrian McCarthy's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Does the term "need" carry any legal weight in the context of a police officer claiming they "need" to see your ID?

Consider that in most states you are not required to furnish identity documents on demand, (unless you are being arrested, or pulled over in a traffic stop) what is the status or required level of ...
Michael Hall's user avatar
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What does "reasonable and proportionate" mean wrt GDPR SAR ID requirements?

When one makes a GDPR Subject Access Request (SAR) the data controller should confirm that the request is really coming from the data subject. From here Recital 64 of GDPR states; “The controller ...
User65535's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Is producing a lookalike a sufficient defense against eye-witness identification?

In Charles Dickens' "A Tale of Two Cities" Book 2 Chapter 3 'A Disappointment', a man is on trial. He has been identified by an eyewitness who testifies under oath that he saw the defendant ...
Triplefault's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Is it legal to request an ID when applying for residential housing?

Is it legal according to Swiss law to request a full copy of an ID when applying to view residential housing? Swiss agencies often organize viewings for candidate tenants of residential homes. In ...
JJM Driessen's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is hiding your face enough evidence for police to suspect a crime and require you to expose it?

Apparently in the UK it is an offence to refuse to remove a face covering if asked by police who believe a crime may be committed. What is the threshold for this belief, and how does the crime have ...
User65535's user avatar
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6 votes
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When must someone identify themself after damaging someone else's property?

After a car collision the law (in the UK at least) requires the drivers to give their name and address to each other. Does this apply to car accidents on private property, such as carparks? Are there ...
Tom V's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Does the UK have non-driver license photo ID cards?

Alice doesn’t drive and doesn’t desire to obtain a passport, however she would like to have a photo ID with which to (for example) buy alcohol. Can she obtain from DVLA (or any other body) an official ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Does a person on probation have to legally identify themselves to police officers without reasonable articulable suspicion of a criminal offense

Is there a New Hampshire RSA regarding persons on probation having to by law identify themselves as being on probation and provide their name and identification to an officer, when stopped even if it’...
Shawn Bedard's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What identification must police officers provide to compel someone to follow their orders?

As I understand it, in the USA it is the law that if a police office gives one a lawful order it is a crime to not comply with that order. What does the police officer need to do to identify them as ...
User65535's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Which case is "Sheperd" and is it still relevant?

While doing some handiwork and idly listening to a reading of a memorandum of law in a case called Khoberger from Idaho, the court repeatedly argues a SCOTUS case only named as "Sheperd" or ...
Trish's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Which security is the social security number about?

Everywhere online this seems to be a given, no source even attempts to explain it: If the social security number is about identifying an individual/citizen/taxpayer, why is it not called social ...
csstudent1418's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

Is it legally required to present ID when entering a hostel?

Is there any specific law that it is necessary to present identification when checking into a hostel, because since you are living amongst others, there might be a variety of interpersonal issues, and ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

A had sexual intercourse with B because A misidentified B as her boyfriend. Did B committed sexual assault?

B has similar facial characteristics with A's boyfriend, C. A had sex with B with both sides' consent. B did not lie about his identity. Later A find out that B is actually not her boyfriend. Does A ...
dodo's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

In-court identification of defendants

(Inspired by Can a lawyer subject the court to a (temporary) ruse for a legitimate purpose?) Under which circumstances are witnesses asked to identify people present (in particular defendants) in the ...
KFK's user avatar
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