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Questions tagged [employment]

For questions that are about, or that arise as a result of, workplaces or the performance of work-related duties.

2 votes
1 answer

statute of limitations on injuries in the workplace in israel?

A year ago I got hit by a metal bar on my leg. I didn't tell anyone because I have a speech problem and heavy shyness. It hurt me the first day and later the doctor told me it was not broken and gave ...
JustLookingforadvice's user avatar
-2 votes
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Colorado Injury Attorneys [closed]

Why we need to hire a personal injury attorneys to cover a personal injury losses? How they are beneficial to cover injury losses?
Franklin Georage's user avatar
0 votes
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How many days of vacations am I entitled to?

I started on August 19 2020 and vacations are added on May, so between August 19 2020 and May 1 2021, I had around 9 days of vacation, but then HR tells me between May 1 2021 and May 2022, I can only ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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Possible legal repercussions for ignoring reasonable accommodation requests

A candidate requests certain accommodations for the job interview, for instance to perform interaction with the interviewer in written. (Speaking is not an essential requirement for the job in ...
Asterea's user avatar
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What intellectual property rights are being surrendered with this contract?

Alice has worked for an quango/academic organisation “The Establishment”, which is part of a larger “Wider Establishment” for some years. She was recently made redundant on pretty good terms and ...
User65535's user avatar
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Union fees were deducted but was never told there was a union

I ask this question just out of curiosity. Please advise if it's a better fit for workplace or some other site. I was hired to work at a store. I quit after having worked 2 hours. Part of the reason I ...
bipbop1's user avatar
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Medical marijuana patient protection from drug test: actual effectiveness of the law?

I'm under the impression that in Pennsylvania, medical marijuana users are protected from employer discrimination: No employer may discharge, threaten, refuse to hire or otherwise discriminate or ...
electronpusher's user avatar
2 votes
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Should I work more than the mentioned working days in my job contract?

I am working in German company and my job contract states following: Der Arbeitnehmer erhält für die unter vorstehend Ziff. II. näher bezeichnete Tätigkeit ein Bruttogehalt in Höhe von X Euro bei 21 ...
Rishik Mani's user avatar
1 vote
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How enforceable (and which parties) does my No Compete Cover?

I have a question about the validity of a no-compete with the company that I work for. Basically, COMPANY B is a US-based company with an office in the UK, where I am based (although the role is ...
ArrakeenDragon's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

I was offered a job, but the contract concerns me

I have been offered a job, but while looking over the contract I found a paragraph that concerns me. I don't want to lose the right to any software that I write or develop outside of the company that ...
TheCodeGeek's user avatar
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Redundancy and replacement with agency workers

My understanding of redundancy is that it should occur only if the role is no longer required. You cannot make someone redundant and employ someone else to do the exact same role. This seems to be ...
User65535's user avatar
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What legislation applies to paid focus groups? Do labour laws?

There is a group on Facebook that connects people with local paid focus groups. Usually there are screening questions that are asked over Facebook messenger. Some examples of such screening questions ...
pocketmoor's user avatar
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Can employers in Canada provide different Health benefits based on family or marital status?

My employer offers a health benefits plan where the amount that can be claimed towards the benefits plan is higher for employees who have a spouse, and even higher for employees with children. I am ...
cc70531's user avatar
23 votes
10 answers

If an employer owns any work you produce whilst employed, do you have to be un-employed before you can begin a startup?

I've always liked the idea of owning a start-up company, during my employment history I've encountered problems and developed solutions I think could be developed into an actual product. I'm concerned ...
Chucky-Egg's user avatar
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Is Ikea required by Russian law to pay employees for the next 3 months, despite suspending all operations (sales, production) in Russia?

Ikea announced they'll still be paying their 15,000 Russian employees their salaries for the next 3 months, even though they've suspended all operations in Russia, sales and production (17 stores and ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
2 votes
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What's to stop me from declaring my work place a church to justify discriminatory hireing practices?

There are exemptions for religious institutions when it comes to hiring. They are allowed to refuse to hire someone due to their religion, sex, and presumably most other categories of people usually ...
dsollen's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

Can a racist business owner legally get away with saying he only wants to hire people that 'look white'?

This is a belated follow up to an earlier question where I asked how one can get away with hiring actors of an appropriate race when BFOQ (Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications) exceptions do not ...
dsollen's user avatar
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Do all the statements an employer makes about a workplace have no effect when signing a contract with an integration clause?

Take the following term in an employment agreement for example: This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement of the parties with respect to its subject matter and supersedes all other Agreements ...
user17600's user avatar
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Can employer ask about medical information such as vaccines (not specifically COVID19)?

Regarding employers asking for proof of COVID19 vaccination, my friend argued this is illegal because they aren't allowed to ask for other medical information (such as vaccination against Hepatitis C) ...
JoyStaceyNaybor's user avatar
0 votes
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Is there any legal action I can take after my company discouraged me from calling 911 after a workplace injury? [closed]

I fell at work causing me to have 6 compound femur fractures. I begged my boss to call 911 because my leg was broken . They laughed at me saying there's no way it was broken and that I was ...
Nick Wooten's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is consideration for services different than compensation?

The Company shall pay [X] Japanese yen per month (excluding applicable taxes) to the Service Provider as consideration for the performance of the Services (hereinafter referred to as the "...
Iceberry's user avatar
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Is an individual liable for administrative costs when backing out of an employment contract accepted via email?

A non-EU citizen accepted an offer of employment in writing via email for a company based in the Netherlands. They sent their passport and other documentation to the company to begin the process of ...
Anil's user avatar
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(UK) Employment law - reduction in hours, no change of contract, claiming back earnings

A 17 year old employee in full-time education is contracted to 20 hours per week of shifts at a large UK company. However, after only 2 months, their team leader tells them informally that they can ...
user2470281's user avatar
3 votes
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Are projects produced as pre-conditions for employment interviews sole work or work-for-hire?

It is a somewhat common practice to ask prospective software development employees to produce small-size projects which perform according to certain specifications. If the spec is not a run-of-the-...
grovkin's user avatar
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Is a non-poaching clause enforceable if the employee resigns first?

I worked for a company called Widgets Inc. There, I hired Bob, who turned out to be a great employee. Since I have left, Bob has become unhappy at Widgets Inc and is going to resign, he asked me if I ...
Harry's user avatar
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10 votes
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Intellectual property with hiring minor as software engineer

I'm currently running a startup in California, and I'm looking to hire a few minors as paid software engineering interns. Since minors are unable to sign contracts, will I run into any issues with ...
pxlegal's user avatar
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US tax law for working remotely abroad

I'm working in an American tech company in Illinois. Recently I traveled abroad and am working remotely for 3 months (I'm a green card holder). Are there any tax laws in this case? Shall I report it?
Mary's user avatar
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What can a person legally publicly share about his previous employer?

I am writing a blog and often use some examples from my past (previous companies where I was working). All of the examples are trivial (no financial info, no customer info, no know-how, and so on). ...
Victor Ronin's user avatar
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"This policy" words (in Mozilla Community Participation Guidelines) with no specific policy mentioned right before. What does it refer to?

Mozilla Community Participation Guidelines: Version 3.1 – Updated January 16, 2020 Modifications to these Guidelines Mozilla may amend the guidelines from time to time and may also vary the ...
Martian2020's user avatar
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I'm changing jobs and my new employer does not offer health insurance until 60 days. Can I avoid paying for COBRA insurance? [closed]

I am planning to quit my job and move to another company. This new company does not offer health insurance for the first 60 days of employment. As I understand it, federal law requires employers with ...
TechnoSam's user avatar
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Salary cut-off date

I started a new job on 6 Dec. The employment contract says: "payable monthly in arrears, in equal instalments by direct bank transfer on or around the last day of each month, minus any statutory ...
LeelaSella's user avatar
1 vote
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Legal status of employment benefits that are not specifically mentioned in an employment contract

What is the status of employment benefits, where the details of these benefits are given via a "benefits guide" (and "offer letter") prior to signing the contract, but where these ...
Robert Long's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

How can start working with lawyers in need? NOT ADVERTISEMENT

I'm genuinely trying to understand where I could help the most and what problems my skills could be applied to that lawyers are fighting with on the daily. This is my first question on here and if it'...
user339821's user avatar
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Is it legal for a professional ethics group to demand that I "respect" other agents' exclusive relationships with their clients?

I previously asked this question on the legality of anti-poaching agreements. If it's not illegal for two companies to enter into an agreement not to poach each others' talent, why is it legal for a ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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Does Biden OSHA vaccine mandate apply to remote workers?

Does Biden vaccine mandate apply to remote workers? I am programmer full-time employee working from home. Our company was fully remote before the pandemic in 2019.
mattsmith5's user avatar
0 votes
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If Party X tells Party Y something untrue about Party Z, if Party Y repeats it is this defamation (if it's obviously false)?

I had a short term job that I was fired from. I was told that someone tripped and was injured on something I left laying around, which in fact I didn't do. As "proof" my manager showed me ...
pocketmoor's user avatar
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Can a business allow employees to use their own developed software for work as a way to protect its proprietary software?

Can a business allow employees to use their own software for work as a way to make sure that if the company has to declare bankruptcy and sell all its assets, then it can hide its proprietary software ...
user11937382's user avatar
2 votes
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Can a worker who is not an employee be wrongfully dismissed? (England & Wales)

Does wrongful dismissal (NB. I don't mean unfair) apply to workers who are not employees in England & Wales? My understanding from my lecturer is that it does apply (it came up on a test question ...
wizardMeTimbers's user avatar
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Can a 17 year-old legally sign an International Employment Contract?

I would like to know if a 17 year old is allowed to sign an International Employment Contract. Details: Employee is in the Philippines where it is legal for a 17 year old to work a full time job. ...
Ethos's user avatar
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Plumber employment

Is there any legal issue with a property management company employing a journeyman plumber to do plumbing jobs in house? The management company only manages related party owned properties, ...
Kyle's user avatar
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8 votes
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Is it legal to dismiss an employee for resigning?

Let's say I work as an employee at a company, and have a contract that states I must give a minimum of 1 month's notice in writing to resign. In trying to be fair to my employer, and to give them ...
Mark's user avatar
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4 votes
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In the UK can someone be fired for job hunting

In the UK: Assuming that no job hunting or application has been done during work hours, can I be fired for openly job hunting out of hours? What if I advertise my availability on a site like LinkedIn?
gingerbreadboy's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is the difference between separation, quitting and layoffs?

Is separation considered to be a measure of layoffs and quitting from firm's perspective?
user avatar
1 vote
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Is there anything in UK law that affects how leave can be given to staff with different contracts?

This concerns UK Employment Law, specifically England. I work in a field that has shifts on Christmas and New Years' day, albeit very few positions so a significant number of the workforce is forced ...
Jamie's user avatar
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5 votes
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Can a church-run university terminate employees because of their religion?

There are a number of churches in the United States that operate universities, and I understand that these universities are legally permitted to give preference to members of the church when hiring ...
Psychonaut's user avatar
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Is the date that you give notice the same as the date you are resigning from a job?

I am looking to give as much notice as possible to my current job that I have taken a role at a new company. However, my current contract states: If you resign from your position or you are terminated ...
Jane Doe's user avatar
2 votes
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What Privacy Protections Does an Employee Reporting Sexual Harassment Have in Oregon?

Several discussions I’ve had recently about a series of events have made me wonder about some of the legal issues they raise. I was fortunate not to be personally involved, and don’t need advice on ...
Davislor's user avatar
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Can a lawyer charge me before providing advice

Context: I am employed in the UK. Back in mid-July, I was prospecting for a lawyer to advise me on a new contract my employer wanted me to sign. One of the solicitors who replied to my email asked ...
Toto's user avatar
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11 votes
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In British Columbia can an employer punish employees for sharing wage/salary information with colleagues?

While sharing salary information is often discouraged by employers, in the province of British Columbia, Canada, are employers legally allowed to punish (e.g. fire, reprimand, etc.) an employee who ...
CuriousBCer's user avatar
3 votes
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Does Age Discrimination Apply to those over the age of retirement (US)?

I know that it is illegal to discriminate solely on the basis of age in the hiring process. I know that it is intended to help those that are over 40. But does it still apply to those over the age ...
brian pleshek's user avatar

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