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Questions tagged [advice]

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2 votes
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Obtaining certified copy of old UK adoption ruling

I am trying to obtain a certified copy of an adoption/custody ruling that was made in a UK county court in 1971. The ruling concerns my sibling and it is on their behalf that I am trying to obtain it ...
John Topley's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

broker cancelled life insurance policy without authorization [closed]

Back in 2018 we had a life insurance policy that was set up in 2007, we were selling our house and buying another, our broker wanted to make sure we were covered as we were taking on a bigger debt. ...
Cheryl's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How do you get legal advice on a question from a lawyer?

It's common to respond to requests for specific legal advice on this site with something along the lines of "you need to hire a lawyer." I've said it myself. However, I'm not exactly sure ...
Someone's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Possible change of state of residency, questions?

My partner recently got a job in a neighboring state and will be moving there and asked me to move with her. She leased an apartment in her name and added me in as an occupant but she's the "...
Technicalities's user avatar
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1 answer

Recourse to public funds as a legal aid eligibility criteria?

For example, What is the overlap or general relationship between "no recourse to public funds" and eligibility for legal aid? Is legal aid encompassed by NRPF? It surely can't be in an ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
0 votes
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Liability as a project manager [closed]

I am offering project management services to a group of people wanting to buy some property.I would like to say something like this: "Any advice I will give to the client will either be based on ...
Willy Watson's user avatar
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What are the (legal) aspects to consider before accepting a technical advisor position? [closed]

Recently, I was offered a position at a startup company as a Technical Advisor, given some equity. The position seems very appealing with a great potential, but this will be my first time taking such ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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-1 votes
4 answers

How do you define legal advice (for the purposes of prohibition of unqualified practice)?

In many (perhaps most) jurisdictions there are prohibitions on unqualified persons providing legal services. The exact scope of the prohibitions many vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Some ...
Nemo's user avatar
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Is it legal to sell stock market predictions online?

Suppose that a developer has built an AI which predicts the day's closing price given the stock's history and current open price, and has also built a website around it, on which such predictions are ...
Mason Choi's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

IRS Auditor neighbor continually asking for favors (including monetary and legal) - is this legal?

To explain briefly - we moved to a new home a little over 3 years ago - our next door neighbors are government auditors. He is an auditor for the IRS, and she does something internal. On our first ...
Jasper Godlan's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How do I get legal advice in the UK?

I have an idea for a website where users make financial commitments and want to discuss the enforceability of those commitments, as well as regulations on holding committed money - what kind of ...
blib's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Fair Use and DMCA [closed]

My project (EditVideoBot) is an automated 'Twitter bot' program that allows users to edit videos within Twitter (they can add music to the video, or their own text, etc). My first account I ran this ...
pigeonburger's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is the emancipation process?

I am looking into emancipation and was wondering what the process looks like. I live in PA. Any information will help.
Sarah Smith's user avatar
1 vote
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How long can my university ask for Erasmus+ money back?

I just got an email from my university claiming that they paid too much Erasmus+ money for my study-abroad period and asking me to pay back the amount within the next two weeks. Since I received my ...
curiousStudent's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Why do lawyers tend to be very conservative in making suggestive predictions?

Lawyers tend to be very conservative. For instance, clients often ask them for an assessment of "the chance of X going through". While clients can make it clear (in writing) that lawyers ...
J Li's user avatar
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