
I'm working on a software toy that would be able to encode and decode video in a format inspired by analogue TV signals. This would be done reading and writing to WAV files rather than broadcasted signals.

Are there any still-active patents regarding analogue video signals and/or the software processing of analogue video signals that I should be aware of if I wanted to include this toy in a commercial product?

  • 3
    Law.SE can't do a patent search for you. There are paid, professional services that will do that.
    – ohwilleke
    Commented Jul 2 at 18:38
  • We have a sister site Ask Patents and AFAIK they had been successful at finding prior arts, though I'm not sure if your question as-is is on-topic or not. Consult their help center first to be sure.
    – Andrew T.
    Commented Jul 4 at 5:56


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