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19 votes

Is it now site policy that questions differing only by jurisdiction are duplicates?

Questions about different jurisdictions should not be considered duplicates Just like questions about different programming languages on Stack Overflow, different operating systems on Super User, ...
Ryan M's user avatar
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8 votes

Jurisdictions in answers

I think the procedure followed by Jen in the thread under discussion is exactly correct. People should be encouraged to post answers for any jurisdiction, even if a different one was clearly specified ...
David Siegel's user avatar
8 votes

When would a legal question need not include jurisdiction?

We really need to get a Jurisdiction Policy in place and put it into some of the help pages ... but based on my review of jurisdiction Q&A to date: A question need not specify a jurisdiction ...
feetwet's user avatar
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7 votes

Asking a question for a different jurisdiction

A question about the law in England and Wales in a certain situation, and the question about the law in Scotland in the same situation are two different questions and are likely to have different ...
Martin Bonner supports Monica's user avatar
5 votes

Should multiple answers by one user for different jurisdictions be combined?

A single answer covering multiple jurisdictions Coherence and reading The best read is a single coherent answer covering multiple jurisdictions. It's best even to point to the differences in ...
Trish's user avatar
  • 41.5k
5 votes

Should multiple answers by one user for different jurisdictions be combined?

When I address the situation in multiple jurisdictions, I write a single answer (example), using the applicable jurisdiction tags before each section. Keeping these together in one answer allows me to ...
Jen's user avatar
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5 votes

Updating "How To Ask" box for Law Stack Exchange

IMO there is a specific class of questions where jurisdiction info if most necessary, in particular where each state has its peculiar quirks about the law. Assembling examples would be useful: a ...
user6726's user avatar
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4 votes

Updating "How To Ask" box for Law Stack Exchange

I can't find a clear consensus on "the jurisdiction problem." (A digest of previous meta discussion on this would be helpful here.) Before this suggestion gets too far along I want to provide some ...
feetwet's user avatar
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4 votes

Answering in regard to a different jurisdiction than specified in the question

Is it ok to close questions of the sort described above? If you like - it's your vote, use it how you want. Can we update the Help center page about what is on-topic so that this is clearly covered, ...
Dale M's user avatar
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3 votes

Updating "How To Ask" box for Law Stack Exchange

Separate from the question of whether we should add encouragement to the How To Ask box, and if/how we can modify it, is the question of what it should say. As an answer to the last question, we ...
feetwet's user avatar
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3 votes

Policy/consensus on how to indicate country/jurisdiction (in text, title or tags)?

It seems to me that the ideal question would specify jurisdiction both in the question itself, and in a tag. Moreover, when it is specified only in the question, it seems helpful to add it to the body ...
David Siegel's user avatar
3 votes

Jurisdiction Relevance to Questions

Although specifying a jurisdiction will certainly generate better answers, I think a reasonable alternative is for an answer to explicitly pick one or more jurisdictions. A good answer would give some ...
user6726's user avatar
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3 votes

How can we require jurisdiction to be declared?

Tackling your questions in reverse order: Ought such failure be a close reason? Sometimes A lot of law is based on universal principles. Even more is based on principles common to the legal ...
Dale M's user avatar
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3 votes

Allowing jurisdiction tags on answers

This is allowed now, altogether not with the same interface One can include a "Tag:xyz" in square brackets in an answer. I usually put it at the top, and it displays and i think functions as i tag. I ...
David Siegel's user avatar
3 votes

Should Law.Se have separate tags for jurisdiction and subject matter?

As an option I think that could be helpful. However, I am not a fan of unnecessary nagging for jurisdictions. That has been discussed extensively under jurisdiction. (My preference: In the absence ...
feetwet's user avatar
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3 votes

Context: Location of Applicable Law

This has been a perennial problem, because too many people don't know that "the law" is not uniform throughout the world. Virtually all questions require some specification about jurisdiction (which ...
user6726's user avatar
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2 votes

General title, body suggests jurisdiction, tag requires jurisdiction, terms imply jurisdiction but don't unambiguously say so

It's the OP's question - they can phrase it how they like If you believe it's a poorly phrased question, vote it down. If you want to edit, do it within the guidelines In particular (my emphasis): to ...
Dale M's user avatar
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2 votes

General title, body suggests jurisdiction, tag requires jurisdiction, terms imply jurisdiction but don't unambiguously say so

I disagree with your suggestion, because ad hoc solutions are not desirable and the problem that you mention is much more general. The proposal is ad hoc because it only addresses a marginal issue ...
user6726's user avatar
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2 votes

Updating "How To Ask" box for Law Stack Exchange

I think we should be very clear - many people do not know what "jurisdiction" means. Something like: Different nations and provinces/states withing nations have different legal systems called "...
Dale M's user avatar
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2 votes

Allowing jurisdiction tags on answers

You have to bring this up at the main Meta. I don't believe it's up to Law on whether or not something like this is implemented. If you think this is important, you may want to file this issue at ...
cnst's user avatar
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Allowing jurisdiction tags on answers

This is unlikely to happen The way tags operate is not site specific. This change would require allowing tags on all stack exchange sites and, I would hazard a guess, significant programming time. ...
Dale M's user avatar
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2 votes

Should Law.Se have separate tags for jurisdiction and subject matter?

Although I get the impression that the technical barriers may be insurmountable, I would strongly support this change. A question may be interesting enough that I'll solicit the OP for a jurisdiction,...
bdb484's user avatar
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2 votes

Jurisdiction Relevance to Questions

As a practical matter a feature like this (mandatory tag with custom list) would require special development. You could ply the idea on the Meta, but I can all but guarantee it will be declined ...
feetwet's user avatar
  • 21.9k
1 vote

Should multiple answers by one user for different jurisdictions be combined?

As always in law, the answer is "it depends" :) Personally, my gold standard for an answer is a quote from the law, backed by an explanation and a link to a court ruling (either direct or ...
nvoigt's user avatar
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1 vote

Jurisdictions in answers

For context & personal curiosity, I gathered some stats from Stack Exchange Data Explorer. A query already exists for getting number of Questions & Answers and their average scores by tag, so ...
DPenner1's user avatar
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1 vote

Answering in regard to a different jurisdiction than specified in the question

I am compelled to point out that Rock Ape's answer and the quote from feetwet therein casts doubt on the well-known jurisdiction "problem" (that people don't always specify a jurisdiction). ...
user6726's user avatar
  • 215k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible