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Questions tagged [jurisdiction]

The tag has no usage guidance.

4 votes
3 answers

Should multiple answers by one user for different jurisdictions be combined?

If I am answering one question for multiple jurisdictions (for example, I am answering both for the United States and Canada), should I post one long answer or multiple shorter ones?
Someone's user avatar
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Jurisdictions in answers

I have been told: ensure that when you answer a question tagged with a specific jurisdiction, your answer is for that jurisdiction And that: Nobody uses tag in their answers. This seems to be ...
Jen's user avatar
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15 votes
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Is it now site policy that questions differing only by jurisdiction are duplicates?

Prompted by the recent closure of this question as a duplicate. Yes, the jurisdiction topic again. I don't visit meta too often, though I have been aware that answers from jurisdictions not matching ...
DPenner1's user avatar
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Answering in regard to a different jurisdiction than specified in the question

This is about this answer by me to Does the Right to be Informed of Charges apply out of the legal system? and the comment saying Since when has the Canadian CRF applied to the USA? The question ...
David Siegel's user avatar
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General title, body suggests jurisdiction, tag requires jurisdiction, terms imply jurisdiction but don't unambiguously say so

Multiple issues brought up by What's the statute of limitation on fragging? The title doesn't mention jurisdiction; the body gives a scenario of the US military and Vietnam but doesn't explicitly ...
smci's user avatar
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When would a legal question need not include jurisdiction?

I suppose when the question is meant to understand legal theories, our when I want to compare approaches between different jurisdictions, then including jurisdiction isn't needed. However, many of my ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Should all questions be required to have a location tag? [duplicate]

So, it seems like half the time when I visit this SE site, when I look at questions here, I wind up leaving a comment to the effect of "What location are you in? Different places have different ...
nick012000's user avatar
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New ask page: How do we want to use it to help new users?

The stack exchange network recently got a new question page). With it comes an expansion of customization for the individual site (which needs to be implemented by a Community Manager, who will do ...
Dale M's user avatar
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How can we require jurisdiction to be declared?

Many questions like Can an unacceptable / illegal condition in a contract be ignored without voiding the whole contract? fail to declare the jurisdiction. Ought such failure be a close reason?
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5 votes
3 answers

Allowing jurisdiction tags on answers

Law is one of those areas (perhaps even more than travel) where I feel there is a potential for a dramatically different exchange format. The distinction: The same legal question has different ...
Josiah Yoder's user avatar
5 votes
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Should Law.Se have separate tags for jurisdiction and subject matter?

The tag field for Stack Exchange currently does not discriminate between the types of tags. This feature works fine for most Stack Exchange sites as the subject matter is universal. However there are ...
A. K.'s user avatar
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Context: Location of Applicable Law

Law varies from country to country and can vary from state to state (e.g. CA vs NY). Is the generally accepted practice that if the OP does not provide the context for the community to provide the ...
gatorback's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

Updating "How To Ask" box for Law Stack Exchange

It is almost always necessary or at least helpful at Law.SE to include the jurisdiction (i.e. state or country) whose law the person asking the question wants to know about, and often otherwise good ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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Jurisdiction Relevance to Questions

The answer to questions relating to the law depend upon the jurisdiction of the issue. With this in mind would it be possible to configure the (law) site so that no question is asked without the ...
DarrenRhodes's user avatar
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Asking a question for a different jurisdiction

Several questions on the Law.SE specify jurisdiction, or do not provide any jurisdiction for their question. If a question has already been asked for a specific jurisdiction, may one ask the same ...
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