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Managing Contacts

This category contains contact related information and command examples

Prior to the registration of a domain name, you have to create contacts for the different types of domain related contacts depending on the individual requirements of the TLD. Generally, a so called P-Handle will be created and we strongly suggest to create this kind of contact instead of an O-Handle. The latter will be generated by our automated system, if no data of a natural person is given (e.g. Firstname, Middlename, Lastname).

Assuming that a person's name is provided and the address data along with a company name, a P-Handle will be generated in the form P-WWW#### where W indicates an alphabetic upper case character (A-Z) and # indicates a numeric character (0-9). This handle can now be used as Owner, Admin, Tech and Billing contact of a domain registration, if no zone specific requirements apply. If you want to use different contact handles for the individual contact types(Owner, Admin, Tech and Billing), you have to perform an AddContact for each new contact that you want to create or use later on.

Even if the usage of so called role contacts (e.g. Domain Administrator, Hostmaster etc.) might be tempting, please make yourself familiar with the requirements and policies of a TLD prior to the creation of such a contact. We do NOT suggest the usage of role contacts due to the obstacles that might occur in a later domain life cycle, except this kind of contact is required or accepted by the registry. For example, while trying to update the owner of a domain from a role contact to a legal contat of a company through a trade. Changing the owner contact through a trade can sometimes involve a fee and/or identitiy documents, which are hardly available for fictional characters like the aformentioned role contacts.

Please be aware that if you are creating a contact handle for a private person, the organization field has to remain empty. Should you enter any kind of information (like "private" or "none"), not even is this bogus information but some TLDs might use this information instead of the registrants name to process the domain registration. This can in turn lead to personal information be visible in the WHOIS of that TLD and in the worst case scenario the domain could be suspended/deleted by the corresponding registry because of invalid data.

If you have questions that are not solved through our knowledge base, please contact our support team, which will be happy to assist you.

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