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CAA records

As of now KeyDNS is capable of managing CAA records via API and in our CentralNic control panel.

The purpose of the CAA (Certification Authority Authorization) record is to allow domain owners to specify which certificate authorities are allowed to issue a SSL certificate for a domain. If no CAA record is present, any CA is allowed to issue a certificate for the domain. If a CAA record is present, only the CAs listed in the record(s) are allowed to issue certificates for that host name. Thus a CAA record is optional for customers to set, but mandatory for certificate authorities to check.

For reference: RFC 6844 for CAA records

API Command Examples

Allow the Certificate Authority DigiCert to issue SSL certificates for example.com:


command = adddnszone
dnszone = example.com
rr0 = @ IN CAA 0 issue digicert.com

Allow the Certificate Authority DigiCert to issue SSL wildcard certificates for example.com:


command = modifydnszone
dnszone = example.com
rr0 = @ IN CAA 0 issuewild digicert.com

Allow the Certificate Authority DigiCert to issue SSL wildcard certificates for example.com, but disallow single domain SSL certificates:


command = modifydnszone
dnszone = example.com
rr0 = @ IN CAA 0 issue ";"
rr1 = @ IN CAA 0 issuewild digicert.com

Define email address to send incident reports to:


command = modifydnszone
dnszone = example.com
rr0 = @ IN CAA 0 iodef mailto:[email protected]

Define URL to send incident reports to:


command = modifydnszone
dnszone = example.com
rr0 = @ IN CAA 0 iodef http://www.example.com/script.php

There's currently no standard format for receiving incident reports. And it might not be supported by all Certificate Authorities.

Certificate Authorities offered at CentralNic Reseller

Certificate Authority used by our CentralNic Reseller hosting (HOMER)

We domains