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Will the Torah you did learn save you from the Torah you didn't?

On the one hand: Torah study protects forever, in this life, in death, and in the resurrection of the dead. (Sotah 5b, paraphrased) Rabbi Shimon Ben Lakish said: Troubles are removed from all those ...
ThinkingJew's user avatar
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Is there a mention of the 7 Mitzvot deRabanan in the Talmud or Midrash?

Is there a mention of the 7 Mitzvot deRabanan in the Talmud or Midrash? Or does this come from other, later sources?
Dankl-Franl bar Uri-Hirschl's user avatar
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Can one make a שבועה to be מקיים a מצוה?

The Mishnah in Shvuos 27a says: If one takes an oath to refrain from performing a mitzva and he does not refrain, he is exempt from bringing an offering for an oath on an utterance. If he takes an ...
Dovid's user avatar
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Source for: Abstaining from sin being considered a mitzvah in Talmud Bavli

I remember seeing a passage in Talmud Bavli saying something along the lines of: "every moment that a person sits and does not engage in sin, he is considered to be doing a mitzvah." I'm not able to ...
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Why doesn't the Talmud provide a list of the 613 commandments?

The Talmud says that there are 613 commandments in the Torah: Rabbi Simlai, when preaching, said: 613 precepts were communicated to Moses: 365 negative precepts, corresponding to the number of ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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In the Talmud is there a way to distinguish when a verse is brought as מקור or אסמכתא?

The Talmud is full of the standard procedure of the Sages interpreting Tanakh verses to learn various laws and behaviors. Is there a way to tell when a Rabbi cites a Pasuk as a traditionally known ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Missing father's obligations on sons (Kiddushin 29)

According to the Mishna in Kiddushin 29, backed by the Braitah (in place), father's Mitzvos (definition not clear) upon his son(s) are only the follows: Circumcise Redeem the firstborn Teach ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Is it mention anywhere in the Midrash or other Rabbinic literature that when moshiach comes people will no longer be able to have children

Is it mention anywhere in the Midrash or the Mishna or the Talmud or the Gemara or other Rabbinic literature that when moshiach comes people will no longer be able to have children?
Mark Shanosky's user avatar
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This is regarding a Talmudic debate

Was there a debate in the Talmud regarding weather Klal Yisroel was still mechuyav Mitzvoth in Galus after the Churbun?
Chaviva's user avatar
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Would a non-Israeli Jewish king need to write a sefer Torah?

In Deuteronomy/Devorim 17:14, and 17:18-20 we see that a king of Israel is required to write a copy of the Torah to read and keep with him always. Would a convert to Judaism, who is a king of another ...
Bronwyn Johnson's user avatar
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Talmud's statement concerning people who believe G-d did not command all 613 mitzvos

I recall learning in the Talmud (Kesuvos, I think), that if someone believes that G-d gave all of the commandments in the Torah except one, and that one he thinks is nonsense, that shows that the ...
Bruce James's user avatar
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5 answers

Is there a list of Mitzvot and their corresponding body parts?

The Talmud (Makkot 23B)and the Zohar (1:170B - unverified English translation here) say that the 248 positive commandments correspond to the 248 limbs of the human body. (The Mishna (Ohalot 1:8) lists ...
Menachem's user avatar
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