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Temurah and Mitzvah HaBah B'Averirah

Masechet Temurah discusses what happens if one makes a temurah -- attempting to designate a replacement for a dedicated offering. Though this is not allowed, the kedushah of the original does (in many ...
rosends's user avatar
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Reducing aveiros vs increasing mitzvos

Is it more important to focus on reducing our aveiros than increasing our mitzvos? Does that depend on anything?
Moses Supposes's user avatar
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Mitzvah habaah beaveirah with a rabbinic prohibition

Is fulfilling a biblical mitzvah by transgressing a rabbinic prohibition considered "mitzvah habaah beaveirah", where they lose their credit for the mitzvah (see Sukkah 30a)? For instance ...
Noam Yo Tom's user avatar
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What’s the mitzvah or deed you can do that could absolve you of a sin you did 70 years ago?

If I’m not mistaken, I read about such a mitzvah in Mesechet Taanit, but then I couldn’t find it and now it’s annoying me. Though, I could have also simply seen it somewhere else. So does anyone know ...
Curious Yid's user avatar
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If Jews don't believe in heaven, what reason do they have to follow a moral code? [closed]

In Christianity for example, some people argue that you should be good on this Earth in order to get your reward in heaven. In Judaism as there is no heaven, what is the reason given to follow the ...
zooby's user avatar
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Source for: Abstaining from sin being considered a mitzvah in Talmud Bavli

I remember seeing a passage in Talmud Bavli saying something along the lines of: "every moment that a person sits and does not engage in sin, he is considered to be doing a mitzvah." I'm not able to ...
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Should you tell Jews they are breaking a commandment?

The Talmud says: It is better to transgress unintentionally than intentionally. Betzah 30a The Midrash adds: Rabbi Shim'on ben Halafta said: One who studies the commandments of the Torah, but ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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What are the practical parameters of Mitzvah Haba'ah B'Aveirah?

There are a few questions which ask about whether the concern of a mitzvah which is (or whose practice is) contingent upon the existence of a sin applies in specific cases. But are there any clear cut ...
rosends's user avatar
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Can a mere thought break a commandment? [closed]

Can a mere thought break a commandment? If so, and given that we can't help our thoughts, the Sages would have given us advice on how to fight them. I could not find any such advice. Here is what I ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Murder in Eretz Yisrael

The Gemara in Yoma (85a) argues that murder is more chamur than chilul Shabbos because it "contaminates the land and drives away the Shechina" ושפיכות דמים מטמא את הארץ וגורם לשכינה שתסתלק ...
Adam Simon's user avatar
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Does חֵטְא וְעָוֹן include violating positive commandments

Do the words commonly mentioned in scripture E.g exedos 34,6 ֶפֶַשע חֵטְא וְעָוֹן specifically refer to negative commandments that one transgresses or do they include not performing positive ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Rabbinically speaking, does honoring a Mitzvah in year 5777 matter more than honoring a Mitzvah during year 1?

"A person who honors a Mitzvah now, they will receive a greater grace and reward in the world to come than if they were honoring the same Mitzvah during the time of revelation. The above statement ...
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Is it greater to refrain from doing an aveirah than to perform a mitzvah?

Given the opportunity to do a mitzvah or to refrain from doing an aveirah - which would place you in a better situation on the scale of heaven with regards to a person's level of righteousness?
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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In regards to Torah and Rabbinical writings, how does "honor your father and mother" work when you've been raised in an abusive household?

This is a question I have always had a hard time getting an answer for and I was hoping somebody would be able to explain it. Honoring your parents is one of the most basic mitzvah in all of Judaism....
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Reward and punishment for indirect mitzvot and averot

If I create something with a certain purpose, and it's used for another purpose (good or bad), do I have a share in the mitzvot or averot people made with my creation? I'll give three examples to make ...
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