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Questions tagged [mishloach-manot]

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Send Mishloach Manot to someone in a different time zone

There are many different scenarios in this questions. Here are a few On Purim day someone living in Melbourne, Australia ask someone to deliver MM to someone in Los Angeles, USA on Purim. When it is ...
sam freed's user avatar
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Source that Mishlo'ach Manot were instituted to encourage Jews in ne'emanut - to trust each-others' kashrut

A long time ago I heard a number of vertlach that the reason why the destruction of Purim was decreed on the Jews was because they were refusing to eat in each others' houses because they didn't trust ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Kinyan agav for mishloach manos

I know it's not timely, but this is a question I had thought about this past Purim. I already have some developed ideas, but I'm interested in hearing the oilam's thoughts. And the same question could ...
Shmuel Koppel's user avatar
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Ikar v'tafel in Mishloach Manot?

Mishloach manot must be two foods. Is it acceptable to be one food which is often served as a condiment to the other? For example, sending a roll and chummus.
user67771's user avatar
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Mushrooms for Mishloach Manos

Can one give Mushrooms for Mishloach Manos? Since you have to give real food and with mushrooms: 1 - You can't make an Erev Tnachmin with it. 2 - You buy it with money of Ma'aser Sheini. 3 - You ...
Efraym's user avatar
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Mishloach Manos from quarantine [duplicate]

The Jerusalem Post quotes Rabbi Eliahu Birnbaum, director of the Straus-Amiel Institute of Ohr Torah Stone, as saying that if someone is quarantined due to the coronavirus they should send someone a ...
Eliyahu's user avatar
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Mishloach Manot - Does the emissary have to be Jewish?

I have a very good friend that lives far away from me and I'd very much like to send Mishloach Manot to him. Is there any rule/halacha/minhag that states that the emissary/third-party (shaliach) of ...
Jacob Salzberg's user avatar
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Do relatives count as Rey'eyhu?

Follow up to this. The obligation on Purim is "mishlo'ach manot, ish l'rey'eyhu", the sending of food, a man to his neighbor. Do relatives counts towards the concept of "neighbor"? Can a man hand ...
rosends's user avatar
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Mishloach Manot - why the word Mishloach is used specifically

It appears that the Halacha does not emphasize the importance of actually "sending" the Manos, they can be handed or eaten in place. Moreover, the word לשלח is used in the Torah as "to expel", e.g. ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Mishloach Manot - why the word Manot is used specifically

What is so special about this word "Manot / Manah" that it is used for the Mitzvah of sending food to one's fellow? What are the Halachic applications that "Manot" is used and not, say, food (besides ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Mishloach Manot food to decor ratio

In the last years more and more money and effort are put on the decor of the M"M relatively to the actual food. I was wondering if any sources mention a sort of the "final ratio" of food to decor, ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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According to the The Yalkut Yosef, should one Mishloach Manot be large to serve as a meal?

Chazon Ovadyah (pp 129-31) learns from Megillah 7b that one should send enough food that could serve as a meal. What is the opinion of The Yalkut Yosef - Is it obligatory to send food large enough to ...
Rh Haokip's user avatar
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Are two different color apples valid Mishloach Manos?

Are two different color apples considered to be different minim for the purposes of Mishloach Manos? They do taste different from each other.
dmr's user avatar
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Does one fulfill Mishloach Manos by giving food to someone that the sender can eat but the recipient can’t, or vice versa? [duplicate]

Consider the following cases: Reuven is deathly ill. He is instructed by doctors to eat pork in order to save his life, so, obviously, he does. But Shimon is a healthy individual and therefore cannot ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Can a shaliach buy food to give as mishloach manot?

I understand that Mishloach Manot needs to be ready-to-eat food (according to most opinions. There are some that say that raw meat is fine.) Mishnah Berurah (695:18), who quotes the Binyan Tziyon as ...
DanF's user avatar
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